After 2 weeks I brought the Oktoberfest out of the cool 50 degrees basement, into the house for a week of diacetyl rest. At this stage, with extracts, I don't ever recall have a beer so clear, that I could see through it already.
After 2 weeks I brought the Oktoberfest out of the cool 50 degrees basement, into the house for a week of diacetyl rest. At this stage, with extracts, I don't ever recall have a beer so clear, that I could see through it, nice.
For my record. I racked this Oktoberfest into a clean and sterlize 5 gallon corny keg, for a long 7 month lagering phase @35 degrees. It's gravity was 1.014 which puts it at just a tad over 6.0% alochol by volume. It was very clear and tasted wonderful with no detection of DMS or Diacetyl. See you again in late September or early October.
My favorite daughter in law is funny. I gave her a wide mouth swing top 1/2 gallon growler of this Oktoberfest recipe. I was going to try for myself and I had primed it about a week, before I gave it to her. It takes about two weeks to naturally carbonate after primiming. She's not a big beer drinker, so I figured if she likes it, then most anyone will.
I gave her directions to leave it out on the counter for one week, don't open it. Then put it in the fridge and after it gets cold then you can open it and pour a glass.
My son informed me that my favorite daughter in law finished the Oktoberfest growler 2 days ago and she really enjoyed it. She wouldn't even let him get a glass. She told him: No, this my beer not yours! .
If my favorite daughter in law liked it, then I'm calling this one a success.
Well I guess it pays to be patient. I tapped this keg of Octoberfest a few days ago, it's absolutely delicious. Since it's naturally carbonated, it's good to pour a big head and let it settle back down into a creamy froth floating on top of the beer.
I will most definitely be brewing this regularly, from now on.
I wished I had a full 31 gallon keg of this, instead of a measly little 5 gallon ball lock keg. It's absolutely delicious, if your looking for a really good Oktoberfest recipe it's in the beginning of this thread. My studies have paid off, so good.