We use old cooking oil to grease the squeaks on our crappy vehicles. You can also save it to light your brush fire or whatnot. Or you can pour it down fencelines to kill off weeds.
I like Mrs.puff's ideas best, least harmful to people and pets.
pdsavage, in what we would view as "spoiled" meat, our dogs view as "ripened properly!" Not the same as rancid commercially processed veg oil, which is harmful if consumed. Naturally occuring enzymes will break down raw meat and skin and bone in a way that makes it more digestable as a natural diet for many omnivores, like dogs, wolves, coyotes, etc. and carrion-eating birds. That is why dogs will often bury bones in the yard or garden, then dig them up later. They are not just hiding them, they are getting them to a more digestable state. Ewwww.....but instinct.
Back in my riding days, I saw a dead racoon in a field next to a trail I took often. It was summer, and pretty hot. The turkey vultures circled high above that thing for a couple of days, then when it looked like it was going to explode from built up gasses from decay, they started to land and check it out more closely. That day I rode past it, and it was untouched. I came back by it again 20 minutes later, and it was just a spinal column! They were letting the enzymes go to work, getting the flavors just right!
Commercial veg oil is heated and packaged in a pretty sterile way, so there are no enzymes to do this, hence rancidity, which is very different and very harmful. Please don't feed it to animals, use it for starting that burn pile you've been meaning to get to! JMHO!