On the Sidelines in the Southern Gulf Coast


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 30, 2019
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The title covers most of it, while I love self-sufficiency, and I would love my own homestead with my family, it is not currently a realistic nor attainable dream; however, that doesn't keep me from wanting to learn about and explore smaller/limited projects...Urban Self-Sufficiency I suppose..*smiles*...I look forward to reading about everyone's stories and experiences. I can't say that I'll visit often, but I can say that I plan to thoroughly enjoy the read when I do visit and Thanks for sharing a piece of Your lives with the World and myself..*smiles*

1. What state/province/country are you in and what is your climate like? Louisiana = Sunny, Hot, Humid, Pouring down Raining for Days, Hurricane Season End of Aug/beginning of September, Laughable Cold to Everyone Else, but Freezing Cold to Us (30-50 degrees Fahrenheit)
2. Who or what inspired you to become more self sufficient? My uncle's garden growing up and helping him plant, weed, harvesting and the joy of watching things grow. Also, my Mum, because of her green thumb and ability to plant and make anything grow in a pot, along with her fierce independence, making homemade candies, macrame, floral arrangements to make extra cash besides working to support herself and her 2 daughters, and also find time to go fishing, take weekend trips to historical locations like Williamsburg Va, Laurel Caverns, the Natural Bridge, and fun places like Water Country USA, Bush Gardens, Kings Dominion, etc...*chuckles*..if You can't tell already, My Mum is my Hero!
3. In what ways are you self sufficient now and in what ways would you like to learn more? Sadly, I'm not currently, but I really want to get into composting partially because of the amount of food waste we produce individually, and also, because I really want to grow my own veggies or at least the lettuce and/or sprouts that are the most common sources of listeria outbreaks annually.
4. Are you interested in stocking up for future needs? *laughs* I've been stocking up as my "norm" since childhood, it's just something my mum instilled in me. I was taught that it is rude to not have enough food to feed whoever might come to visit that is hungry, especially if you are actually eating a meal. I never realized the amount of food we had in our pantry was out of the norm compared to other kid's homes (in the 70-80's), We always joke that we could suddenly get snowed in and we'd still be eating 3 meals a day for a good month at least.
5. Do you make crafts or useful items? Would you want to teach others how to do these? Yes, I crochet and knit. I would love to teach others, but I don't believe I'm at that skill level
6. Can you legally keep livestock where you are at? Do you have any? What kinds? No, but I'd love to have just a chicken coop at least, others in my area have goats, pigs, and horses mostly..
7. Do you like to garden? If so, what do you enjoy growing? I love to grow things, I'm mostly into growing actual food, fruits & Veggies
8. Do you fish? Bait or explosives? I grew up fishing and Love to Fish...Definitely Bait! & Preferably the live kind Night Crawlers/Blood Worms, Minnows mostly, I'm not big on Shrimp or Crickets they just past my gross out it's wiggling too much factor..*chuckles*
9. How much space/land do you have or rent? City? Country? Just outside the City, and the size is equal to Zero! (unfortunately)
0. What is your self sufficient specialty? Or what one would you like to learn? I would love to have a small place to just do a veggie garden, have a chicken coop/chickens and some fruit trees and bushes and I'd be tickled pink & solar powered of course..*smiles*
11. Do you do wood work? Framing, finish, cabinet? Nope,I'm not that coordinated, but I've done some small plumbing jobs..I love doing plumbing, it's not like electricity, plumbing can't kill you..*chuckles*
12. Are you interested in herbal medicine? Yes, I believe in natural remedies and that our traditions of the old ways that worked
13. If you could live any place you chose, where would it be? I would love to live somewhere semi-tropical, with enough land to grow a big enough garden to sustain myself & family, have chickens, maybe a milk cow or goat, fruit trees and bushes, with a one-story home that has an Italian and/or Chinese style inside open air space in the middle with glass walls all the way around that can slide open and out of the way so it is all open access during beautiful weather...yeah, I haven't given that much thought at all...*laughs*
14. Do you use a wood stove for heating or cooking? No, but grew up around people who had them back in the day, in Virginia, and I love the wood smoke smell they give a home, it instantly makes me feel cozy..
15. Do you like to cook? Are you interested in whole foods and natural foods? Raw milk? Farm fresh eggs? Love to cook, and I'm a big believer in organics and homegrown foods
16. Do you forage or hunt for part of your food needs?

17. What skills do you have that help you be more self sufficient? Other than plain Stubborness & Independence, and not liking not knowing something so I'm willing to try to do things, not much
18. Do you have solar panels? Plans to use solar energy? No Solar, but would love to have full solar and creative construction, like walls with water cells so they help heat/cool the house, heated flooring, etc.
19. Have you ever lived completely off grid? Would you like to? No, I haven't, and I could not survive being that self-sufficient without modern medicine, but it's a wonderful dream/goal and I wish anyone who could ever success..I think doing so is an amazing way to live and quality of life
20. Do you make things yourself to save money? Yes, but not strictly with that in mind, but more of the philosophy that being independent is far better than being dependent on others including our current retail consumer structure, most people would starve if grocery stores stopped stocking food, and that's a true shame...
21. Has trying to be more self-sufficient changed your attitude or habits about money/spending? No, I've always been frugal, but my mum is amazing, she can rub 2 pennies and make them stretch into a dollar!
Hello and welcome to the forums! I'm really planning to fill this one up. I'm just trying to find some time. hahaha. I remember filling these when I was a kid. :D:D


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 30, 2019
Reaction score
welcome from the middle of Michigan. :)

worms are the best pets ever and you don't need a garden to keep them. i use worms and buckets to compost food wastes. when you get full up you can find a neighboring gardener and give them the results maybe work out an exchange. :)

also perhaps find a plot someplace that someone will let you garden and work out an exchange. hard in some places to find but if you can get there a few times a week that is usually enough to work. things to look for are water source if it gets too dry and fence to keep out critters and people.
Worms? Yeah, I guess they are great pets, they don't bark, they don't make any kind of noise, they are not high maintenance. they are not for me. :D


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 30, 2019
Reaction score
welcome from the middle of Michigan. :)

worms are the best pets ever and you don't need a garden to keep them. i use worms and buckets to compost food wastes. when you get full up you can find a neighboring gardener and give them the results maybe work out an exchange. :)

also perhaps find a plot someplace that someone will let you garden and work out an exchange. hard in some places to find but if you can get there a few times a week that is usually enough to work. things to look for are water source if it gets too dry and fence to keep out critters and people.
Hello and welcome to the forums. I am really surprised by the idea of farming worms. just the thought of it makes me cringe.


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 30, 2019
Reaction score
welcome from the middle of Michigan. :)

worms are the best pets ever and you don't need a garden to keep them. i use worms and buckets to compost food wastes. when you get full up you can find a neighboring gardener and give them the results maybe work out an exchange. :)

also perhaps find a plot someplace that someone will let you garden and work out an exchange. hard in some places to find but if you can get there a few times a week that is usually enough to work. things to look for are water source if it gets too dry and fence to keep out critters and people.
Hello and welcome to the forums! I hope I can gather the courage to at least pick one up, not being grossed up to death


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Hello and welcome to the forums! I hope I can gather the courage to at least pick one up, not being grossed up to death

hi @YourRabbitGirl i was saying hello and welcome to the new poster not to everybody else. when someone shows up on the TEG or SS forums they are asked to say hello to everyone and people say hello back, but after that we don't have to say hello or welcome them each time they post again, but i guess you could do that.

however, what it seems like is that you are welcoming people who have been here and posting for years. which is kinda funny. :) it is like walking into your own kitchen and seeing someone there and saying "Welcome to my kitchen!" each time you walk in. kinda throws me for a loop every time. haha!

when replying to someone just continue the conversation with the bits you'd like to respond to. as you've seen we may not stay on topic within a thread and that is ok. :)

as far as worms go. they breathe and pee through their skin! it doesn't hurt, just wash your hands when you are done. they won't bite and they can kinda tickle. haha. :)
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Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 30, 2019
Reaction score
hi @YourRabbitGirl i was saying hello and welcome to the new poster not to everybody else. when someone shows up on the TEG or SS forums they are asked to say hello to everyone and people say hello back, but after that we don't have to say hello or welcome them each time they post again, but i guess you could do that.

however, what it seems like is that you are welcoming people who have been here and posting for years. which is kinda funny. :) it is like walking inro your own kitchen and seeing someone there and saying "Welcome to my kitchen!" each time you walk in. kinda throws me for a loop every time. haha!

when replying to someone just continue the conversation with the bits you'd like to respond to. as you've seen we may not stay on topic within a thread and that is ok. :)

as far as worms go. they breathe and pee through their skin! it doesn't hurt, just wash your hands when you are done. they won't bite and they can kinda tickle. haha. :)
hahaha! so you noticed! Im just that friendly I guess! About the worms. You can say anything you want. but they still give me the chills. hahaha!


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 30, 2019
Reaction score
Welcome! My mom was born in Shreveport, I had great aunts in Tallulah. We are just north of Tyler Tx, retired and moved to our 8 acre dream farm 5 years ago. At our old house in Livingston, TX we lived on a small lot in town. I made a garden in my flower beds. LOL

Glad to have you here! There is a lot you can do to be more self sufficient.
Hello and welcome to the forums, Its good to hear that your gonna manage a farm again. I hope that you can share some good practices with us!