Mountain Sage
Yes! What she said! 

Yup. For cookies, use lard as the substitute unless you don't mind them being flatter.a straight substitution of butter for shortening in some recipes (specifically cookies) tends to yield a much different consistency in the finished product.
I was just reading about that here . This is a very helpful article, specifically for those of us who need to know where to start.Thingrizzly said:I suggest that when processing a hog, keep the leaf fat separate.
The lard from leaf fat is best for pie crusts and other uses where you want a flaky texture.
great link! now i know how to make my own lye! i didn't even know i could!Thingrizzly said:Here's a link , look under Cooking.
It does't tell how to use it, but says the fat from the kidneys and loins of beef and sheep were used.
This one is new to me.
wifezilla- If you want to get your way faster, be prepared to play dirty. Figure out his favorite cheese, yogurt, ice cream and find out how to make it yourself.Wifezilla said:I am not a goat milk fan so I have my heart set on Irish DextersI have been trying to talk my husband into a couple goats
(Those are full grown adult cows in that photo)
Step 1...get land...LOL
HH, if you mostly read and rarely write, how in the world will any of us get any smarter?This forum has WAY smart people I mostly READ, not worthy....
Thanks, and Ok then I will! I'm not usually at a loss for words... Becoming sufficient and walking lightly on mother earth feels good and makes sense. I'm loving this forum. The chicken forum is fun but I can only read so much about chickens! Holding myself back on some of the political stuff gets exhausting too... Not the feeling I'm really after....Beekissed said:HH, if you mostly read and rarely write, how in the world will any of us get any smarter?This forum has WAY smart people I mostly READ, not worthy....Please feel free to contribute....we really need a diversity of ideas and information to make this site a great place. Love your avatar, BTW!