big brown horse
Hoof In Mouth
I don't shop as a hobby nor do I want things I do not need. I actually hate shopping with a purple passion and I hate clutter. I am a minimalist to the bone. When I need something, I refuse to buy it new unless I have to. I am also not that keen on driving 20 minutes to see what I can dig up at the local Goodwill shops either. Having the option to buy second hand items on-line is perfect for me, plus you can do a quick search to find out if they have what you are looking for. This is much better than going on a wild goose chase down at the Goodwill store and wasting time looking for what I want. I am thrilled that DianeB introduced me to Goodwill on-line. Thanks DianeB.
P.S. My mother thanks you too. She actually shops for a living and at 80 it is getting harder for her to drive.
P.S. My mother thanks you too. She actually shops for a living and at 80 it is getting harder for her to drive.