ORChick's Not-a-Journal


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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I'll be getting photos as soon as they start coming out from under her more. One of them is most likely Buff Orpington - I got that egg from a friend, and she says her rooster is BO, and most of her hens also, but she isn't certain which laid the eggs she gave me. The other two have my Barnevelder x EE as daddy, and one mom is an EE, and the other is a Welsumer - so, in other words, mutts.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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I am just sick, and so upset with myself :hit

I spent yesterday afternoon putting an internal fence across the chicken run. I wanted to get Beatrix and the babies out of the small (approx. 2'x3') brooder box that she has been in for the last 3 1/2 weeks. So I fenced off part of the run; there is a covered area in the corner, a little weather protected nest. The other girls can get in and out of the coop easily, and still have plenty of room to themselves in the run. I put Mama and babies in their spot last night after dusk. This morning I found that one of the other girls had flown over the chicken wire fence, and there must have been a fight. Beatrix has several injuries to her head, and it looks like one or both eyes were hurt. I am so mad at myself now, and feel just awful. The chicks are fine, as is the other hen. But I am worried that Beatrix has been blinded, at least partially. Today I put up bird netting over the the area where she is, as well as a vertical strip - like a tennis net - all across the run, so they aren't tempted to fly up and land on the new "roof".

Yesterday I did get a few photos, though none of all three babies together. Here is the little BO peeking out from underneath:


And this little one looks like she is facing off against the camera, but she really just took a drink, and has stretched up to swallow:


Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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These things happen. And even if she is partially blind, she may still be OK. My rooster only has 1 eye but he's still able to do his job.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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After observing her for awhile I am reasonably sure that she is totally blind. You're right, DD, these things happen; but this one needn't have, if I hadn't been in such a hurry. Anyway, that is water under the bridge now. My question at the moment is, for anyone who has had a totally blind chicken, what sort of quality of life can she expect? I know a dog or cat depends more on scent that sight, but I really don't know about chickens. Is this the point where I fix up the brooder and heat lamp, put the chicks in there, and put her out of her misery? I've done it before, with a hen with a prolapse, so I know I can. I just wonder if it is necessary at this point. To set the discussion off on the right foot - my hens are basically egg layers; and for their work keeping my kitchen supplied they have a place here for as long as they are not in discomfort. They are not "pets", in that I don't carry them around, and they don't sit on my lap, but they are valued members of the community that I call my home. I can put them out of their misery, but I have no intention of taking the pragmatic view of "Oh, she isn't as productive anymore, so we can get rid of her". I know that there are some here who wouldn't have a problem with that view; I do, so please don't respond if you feel differently. I want to know if she has any hope of a decent chicken life if she is blind. Or if it is worthwhile letting her continue for the next 8 weeks or so to raise the chicks. Or if it is more humane to let her go now, and raise the chicks in the brooder. Another consideration is that her sisters spend part of most day free ranging on the property, which, I imagine, is now out of the question for her. I think I will put this question onto the "Livestock" forum as well.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Sorry to hear that she's been blinded, but definitely don't beat yourself up about it--things happen. I totally agree with your view on the place of livestock in your home "community", but have no specific advice regarding a blind chicken since I don't have poultry. :hugs Just wanted to offer some support, and I hope others chime in soon.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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She looks better today, and appears to have vision in one eye. I think it hurt yesterday, so she was keeping it closed. She seems to be scratching and pecking with intent, and not just blindly. I'll keep a close eye on her over the next days; if she doesn't do well, or appears to be in pain, I will put her down, and raise the chicks in the brooder - but I really hope that won't become necessary.