Lady Henevere
Lovin' The Homestead
I tried wedging some Romaine through the bars of the run to see if they liked it that way, and they seemed to peck at it more and they tore it to bits (although they didn't eat it all). So I guess I just need to get creative with the way I feed greens. Thanks!reinbeau said:Lady Henevere,
I know what you mean about eating out of the garden vs. from the ground. I think it's the fact that they want to bite little pieces, if the plants are rooted, they can get a better bite, if it's loose on the ground, they have no resistance to the bite. I've always found if I hold the bunch of greens they go wild for them, so if you can figure a way to hold the greens, maybe hang them in bunches so the hens can nibble.....just a thought.