I write down all the categories I want my recipes to fit into. I lay them carefully all over my bed. Then I take a nap on them. When I wake up, magically, I remember them all perfectly, so I never have to bother with writing them down or whatnot.
Hmm. In reality they are mostly in a box on recipe cards. I do go through my box every few years and get rid of the recipes I haven't used, ones that call for ingredients I never have/don't buy any more, ect.
But actually I really do make up the vast majority of my recipes on the fly. So I just have to remember the general idea of a recipe, and I can make a version of it w/o having to look at a recipe.
I do have cookbooks, but rarely use them. One I do love though is 'Too Many Tomatoes' Recipes for when your garden explodes. It is organized by vegetable or fruit.