Wild Hare
Hey! So sorry to hear that! Pretty sure that's what my DH and I had a couple years ago, luckily the baby didn't get sick but we could barely look after him. We were staggered in our sickness by several hours so the "least sick" (i.e. whomever was vomiting less) person had to parent.
Anyway, the flu is tough, sorry you had to go through that.
...though interesting that it led to some purging lol
That sounds wicked to both have it at the same time! Fortunately, we had it in succession... and I had it remarkably mildly. The prospect of bleaching everything every day for a couple weeks makes me want to make "everything" smaller! I didn't notice the pun "purging" until reading your comment! LOL!

A few new gift toys are going straight to goodwill. It's a start. I also noticed a puzzle DS2 has outgrown and pulled that one out. I really need to focus on utility areas though!