City Biddy
Just talked to her... she is totally willing. If you are serious we will have to pack some in a box and figure out how much shipping will cost. If you are willing to pay the shipping they can be yours!
We will get it done. It might take a few days however. My dad had a surgery today and even though it was supposed to be out patient they ended up keeping him. For the next few days I imagine that we will be a bit nuts. :/colowyo0809 said:
if you can figure out the weight and dimensions of the box i can figure how much the shipping will be, and then give you my fedex shipping acct number that way it charges my card directly through that and everythings good!
I work for FedEx Office, but we also do the FedEx shipping stuff so I get discount I just need to make sure they get my employee discount on my acct number so that works even better for me.
Thank you thank you thank you!!