Our dump finds


Power Conserver
Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
Today was sort of a tough day for picking. Didn't seem to be very much there; but as I dug, more and more stuff emerged. I managed to get a new burn barrel, a bike that needs a new deraileur and will work fine, a set of wheels for a chicken tractor, some plywood pieces and two by four studs, , a piece of diamond grate to put a mud kicker in front of our door, a whole bunch of small 18x12" steel mesh shelving, aircraft cable, both new and used, bungee cords, and I filled an entire truck bed with topper stuffed full of reclaimed fiberglass insulation.

The shelving and cable gave me nearly everything I need for a winter project: building portable tree stands. These cost anywhere from $60-$200 to buy, and will cost me about a dollar apiece; I need to buy crimp sleeves for the cable, and possibly a few nuts and bolts. If I can design them right, I should be able to easily sell them for $30-40 apiece for a nice little profit. The insulation goes into our root cellar and chicken coop, and the goats will get some if it gets too cold in there.

The trip cost about $20 in gas, and I also went grocery shopping, dropped off a resume, and looked into retraining options. I reclaimed 1700 pounds from the local landfill.. woohoo! Now if I could only get our landfill to issue trade credit :D


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
BC, Washington border
Our region pushes the "reduce, reuse, recycle " all the time and yet will not let anything be removed from the dump. I've seen quads sitting in there that still run.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Frontline
kstaven said:
Our region pushes the "reduce, reuse, recycle " all the time and yet will not let anything be removed from the dump. I've seen quads sitting in there that still run.
That's just not right. :(

Our local taxes pay for the dump so shouldn't we have the right to pick stuff off from it if there is a set up for it.?

See we can't pick household garbage. That goes in a hopper and shipped off island.
We have a burn pile, metal pile, building waste pile, concrete and brick pile, old furniture pile and a computer tv building. Then
we have the take it or leave it pile. Surrounding that is a lot of wondows and doors.

Recent finds

Old Tools hammer, drill bits, hand saw and books. I'm going to the dump today on my way to a job I need to finsh.

Todays finds

2 new brushes
1 back pack and frame
a 50 gallon drum set for holding water Frame and everything!!! WOOHOOO!!!! All set up with a spicket too.

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