Out with the Old, In with the New


Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
Sounds like they know you can adapt and learn new routes. đź’“ soon you will know all of them! :hugs
Well......today I come in and start casing R6 and actually doing pretty good not hunting and pecking to find where things go.
Next thing I know, my Postmaster tells me Im doing R12 instead. The girl who does R6 normally agreed to come in on her day off and do it. I had already marked the smalls and was starting on the packages, too.
I had to get a spare scanner to use because for some reason the one for 6 wouldnt let me use Load Truck feature. When you use that, you scan the UPS barecode on the package and it will tell you what section to put it and the stop number on the route. So, for example, it will say Section 2, and give you a number like 254. I write that number on the package and it helps put them in order.
You just have to keep an eye on the numbers and read the address so you know, hey, this house coming up gets this package.
For cardboard boxes or packages that wont fit in the mailbox, I use red cardstock markers. So if a box wont fit, I put the address number on the marker, say 1574, and find it in the case and put the row number on the box. Left side is A, middle case right in front is B, the right side is C...so if the number is in the 4th row in case A, I write 4A on the box.
The markers remind me that I have a package in the back and what row to look in. I was trying to find a picture to show you all what I mean, but cant find any online. I may just take a pic at work to show what Im talking about.
Anyway, tomorrow Im doing my primary route, 11. I forgot to check the schedule to see if they put me down for anything Friday. If not, Im going to another office that asked me to come help.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Postal service has deteriorated over the years. As few as possible real employees are hired, using instead contract or temporary workers. No benefits for them! It’s still a good job for many people, but it’s not right to deny benefits to hard working people. Postal jobs used to be the golden standard, now it seems to be just a job. My grandfather was an assistant postmaster and retired from the postal service. He started out, walking a town route, house to house. He loved his job.

Not knocking your job, you are doing great. There seems to be quite a bit of disorganization and that has to be frustrating for you. You take pride in your work and this change has been very good for you. I just don’t think it is as good as it used to be, but then, technology has made everything better, right?


Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
:thboy, am I tired. Did Amazon at my office today. Get a call from the clerk telling me that the supervisor called and we are to bring back whatever we have left because we are being sent to Hendersonville. :barnie
I said I only had five more packages and one place was getting three of packages. So I was told to finish as soon as possible and then head to the other office. In my mind I was thinking, really? We have to drop everything because poor ol' Hendersonville says so? I guarantee they wouldnt send us any help if we needed it.
So I got done and headed over. All of us were supposed to go but it turned out that me, this other girl, and a guy from city side went. The other two never showed up. Turns out they got to go home. :smack
Got there and they had the packages marked but just thrown in a cart. Had to sort everything in numerical order myself. Ladt time they already had it sorted. We just had to load it.
They cant even have it ready when we drop everything to bail them out?
So may have to call around for work this week. Nothing scheduled til Friday. I have something lined up for Tues at the office near me but that could change. I was supposed to go there next Friday too, but my supervisor put me down for training on R2.
I wanted to pick another route as my third, but they wont let me until Im trained on this route. :he
I will be doing a ride along with a girl who does R6 because she told me I may be doing it for a couple days when shes off. We will he doing that on Tues when she gets done with her route.
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Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
Monday I did R2 all by myself. :celebrateGot done about 2:30 pm. Had to turn around a couple times because some of the mail was out of sync, but not too bad.
I was on this main road thats pretty curvy, and some guy pulls up right next to me and wants me to roll down my window. I cant, because its manual and I cant reach it due to the position of the tray and all the mail ontop of that.
So he pulls ahead and gets out to ask me if I know where this garage is that works on cars. Ummm, no? Sorry, dude.
Today I did R6. We had alot of advo ( advertisement) fliers to deliver. It was supposed to be delivered Tues, but the person who did the route on that day didnt take it. Wasnt to happy I got stuck with it, but most of it got delivered. :hu
I do R6 again tomorrow and hopefully will be a little faster since there wont be any advo. Then I do R2 again on Friday, then R11 on Sat.
My postmaster told me I was going to be scheduled for Cedar Hill on Monday, but now probably not since alot of people are calling out. So it will be interesting to see what route I will be doing that day.
I did fill out a form asking to have at least the morning of June 7th off because I have to take my meat chickens to the processors that day. I may end up still having to come in to work later but thats ok as long as I get them there by 7:30 am. Got 25 meat chickens to raise, and a week later one dropped dead already.
Hopefully, the rest will make it, but thats why I got so many in the first place. Im hoping in about a week or two I can move them out into the backyard dog kennel to move around. That is, if it warms up some!


Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
Sounds like you are getting the hang of this and doing good at it.

Yay for chickens. That's a great way to raise a lot of meat in a short time! Pack the freezer!
Plan on packing as much as possible. May do an inventory and a little rearranging in the upright freezer to get a little more organized and know what I have. Something big is coming and the majority of the people are not and will not be prepared.
Need to fix my front door so its more secure.
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Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I’ve read several articles stating that food processing plants have been burning down. What you reckon is up with that? Like we don’t already know…,,


Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
Its not a coincidence. Its planned. Not to mention all the poultry farms that mysteriously burned down. Now we have this oh so terrible bird flu that has resulted in millions of chickens, not just meat birds, to be destroyed.
Want to bet there will be a mad cow outbreak or some sort of disease that ""requires" the culling of millions of beef and dairy cattle? Oh, and lets not leave out swine flu.
The PTB are systematically destroying our food supply.
Farmers arent being given water for thier crops.
Fertilizer is through the roof resulting in alot of farms growing soybeans and not corn. Does anyone realize how many products corn is used in? Animal feed will soon be unavailable or too expensive.
The drought out west will not be over anytime soon. Its been said it could last up to 10 years or more.
We are in for a nasty future. Stock up now while you can afford it.
The Grand Solar Minimum isnt helping either. It will last up to the year 2050. We will be experiencing wild weather patterns. Growing food may be impossible in some areas. Get stocked up.

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