Over testing and assessment in public school

Lady Henevere

Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 24, 2009
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Los Angeles County
JMHO, but consider not opting her out of tests on a long-term basis. Like it or not, doing well on standardized tests is a critical skill for success in mainstream society. SAT or ACT scores greatly impact which colleges/universities will be available to a student, and beyond college/university more tests become relevant -- GRE (graduate school), MCAT (medical school), LSAT (law school), etc. Good test taking skills can be a real bonus, and poor skills can be detrimental.

"Teaching to the test" is a serious problem in education. (I always remember my daughter's third grade teacher lamenting the fact that she can barely teach because the focus is on "assess, assess, assess" to make sure the kids will end up with good scores at the end. DD has been in private school for several years now, and it's very different.) But opting out of the tests themselves won't make the curriculum any better, and it might be less practice in test-taking skills for your child. Just something to think about -- I know you will choose what's best for your family. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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my kiddo is only 6
in first grade

I have not had to deal with any of this 'yet'

but it is coming


Sustainable Newbie
Dec 2, 2011
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I work in a school as a computer/media studies technician, my wife teaches fifth and sixth grade in the same school. We have our hands tied as to the testing and having to adhere to pacing guides across the school district. I actually have four different core curriculum software packages that they have to take benchmark tests on three times a year.

Taking your child out of testing may seem like a good idea, but she will probably suffer in the long run as all decisions are made from the test results. What would be more helpful is to form a group that can lobby your district and state administrators to stop all the unnecessary testing.

It will only get worse if it is left, with the new Common Core system coming in, which no matter how you wrap it, is just another name for No Child Left Behind. And we all know how well that works.


Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 21, 2011
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Western Canada
THEFAN said:
I know this is not homeschool but thought you all would have some input in the matter. What do you all think of the testing and assessment in public schools??? Do you all think there is to much or good for data gathering??

My child does fine in the system. She is an honor student but I feel there is to much testing and not enough educating. I'm kind of tired of it. So I pulled my child out of this weeks testing. My gut says this is the right thing to do. She will use this time to help in the lower grades. MY little girl loves doing this.
Basically, I think you're right about too much testing and too little education. I was in England about four years ago and I was discussing this with English people with families - people born and raised in Britain. They said the trend over there was toward the North American philosophy and system of schooling, and they did not think it was a good trend. They felt it would make for people having less depth, less "character", less real understanding of life.

Also, I was reading a book a couple months ago: Peak Everything by the energy expert Richard Heinberg. His view is that energy (oil, coal, etc) is going to become much more expensive, overall, in the near future, He argues that this will influence nearly all aspects of life in industrial societies. One of his conclusions as that America will need to have about one person out of every six or so living on the land, growing food. Fifty million farmers for the U.S. (and I suppose, then, five million farmers for Canada). If he is right, then a shallow education of book knowledge and facts and test-passing will not be enough, or will not in itself be the appropriate kind of education.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 18, 2011
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Southern NM
All they do here is test. My daughter has serious spelling issues. She has dyslexia and no one will help her. I've talked to the school and nothing. Went to the head of the sped department and was given the runaround until I told them that my stepmother was a sped teacher and told me to get an advocate. She said there was no need for that they would test her. They did her vision test without her glasses so, of course, she failed. Said she will have to go back to the eye Dr before they do anything else. The teacher, principal and head of the sped department all said that spelling wasn't important because they use computers and they have spell check!


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 18, 2009
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Northern Frontline
We have pulled our child out of all testing now. She is a high honors student but because she doesn't take tests the school won't give her gifted and talented or any other enrichment now. They say they have to take the tests to get that. HAHAHHA!!! So we have expaned her learning outside of school. They say mandatory but this is not true. They do try and really get you to change your mind thou. :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2009
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Central Pennsyltucky
From a personal stand-point, tests are garbage. You can hand me an exam on just about anything and I can most likely pass it. Granted, that's so long as the questions aren't all "select all that apply"!!! Some people don't do well on exams, but can do a very good job in the field. There are some girls in my school who would make excellent nurses, but their grades aren't perfect (low 80%). I'd rather have some of them take care of me than some of the other girls who get 100's.


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 14, 2009
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I kind of always liked the testing .We did the IOWA at home,and it is done in the public and private schools.They are in Montessori right now and they just test-no prepping for weeks to do good on the test. Just take the test and see what you know.That is how we did it when we homeschooled too.For Ohio you either tested or meet with a teacher for evaluation.Since I pay for either I opted for the test.

I just reminded the kids that the scores could change if they took that test every week,so not to fret over low scores.We all can learn what we need to know.The public schools do the testing for state money. I am guessing our Montessori schools do it to *assure* parents the kids are learning.My kids tell me some classmates get a hard time from parents when it comes to learning,so I guess those types need to see scores since the school does not do grades.Now I think grades are far more lame than testing(and test scores). I would rather they take a test than have an individual assign them a grade based on their personal/professional opinion of their work.

I agree that some people who get high test score or good grades are not always the best when it comes to their chosen field.My friend was once military and trained in medical.In civi life she had licensed nurses asking HER for help.She was not an RN or LPN,but I would chose her over the other ones for help in medical matters.


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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curly_kate said:
Speaking as a teacher, testing is worthless. It is what happens when politicians make decisions about education. And I'm sure the companies who create and score these tests are making out like bandits.
I would expect that from a teacher. basically you brought the government into the class room trying to get more taxpayer money. you got both and now you cry about it. Attempt to beat the system by teaching only to the test rather than the whole subject and the parents know thats what you do. Why can't you get the results like other countries do and for a lot less money/student? talk about bandits indeed.