Overdosing our babies


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 6, 2011
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Vaccines are way better than polio etal.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 11, 2010
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Texas Hill Country
You know, polio, Diptheria, mumps, measles, smallpox (when they gave that one) are reasonable. Those diseases had very high death or damage rates.

But starting with the introduction of the HIB vaccine, they started giving ones that had lower and lower contraction rates, and miniscule death or damage rates. The risks from the ones from then on are really low in most cases. And chickenpox? Forget it! Yet most schools are requiring it now. Silly!

The vast majority of kids simply do not need anything other than the basics.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 18, 2009
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Northern Frontline
My child has never been vaccinated. 12 yrs later no problems and only been to the doctors once in here life. :)

I agree some are probably good but hmmm.. :barnie


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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We lean anti Vax.

If you watched the video, you would have noted that all of the ingredients are known toxins and are known to cause fertility issues, amongst other things.

Why is this acceptable, and why is pushed as if its a legal requirement?


Power Conserver
Jan 15, 2011
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I have seven children. The first 3 were vaccinated per the pediatrician's schedule (back then there were far fewer vaccines given). Then I read a book titled "What your doctor may not tell you about children's vaccinations" (I really think that was the title, it's been a long while now). It was written by a pediatrician and offers an alternate vaccination schedule - stressing the vaccines that were more important than others (and why) and her suggested delay schedule that never gives more than 2 shots during the same visit. I took the info from the book, sat down with our pediatrician and went over a plan with him for our children.

We have since decided that vaccines are not the best choice for our family. None of my children have been vaccinated beyond age 4, the last 2 not at all. My pediatrician is fully aware of our views and respects them. We are truely blessed to have a doctor that allows us to make decisions for our family and does not guilt us in to what the normal protocol may be. Likewise, I respect him as a doctor and defer to him when we mutually feel that intervention may be necessary.

Children today are way over poked and over medicated. Not only are many of the ingredients toxic (that could be a huge thread all by itself) but many of them are not even for normal "catchable" diseases. Do we really need to vaccinate our children against sexually transmitted diseases? Hep B is given in the hospital before babies even go home - why? And they recommend all girls be vaccinated for genital warts by age 12. So instead of teaching our children not to shoot up drugs or to practice abstinance we just vaccinate them. That'll fix it. Between that and handing out condoms in grade schools we have protected all of society.

Anyway, the book mentioned above is a good read. As a pediatrician she isn't opposed to vaccines, in fact, if I remember right, she is an advocate. But she is more of an advocate for healthy children. She is opposed to "blanket" vaccines. Instead, she suggests testing for immunity before giving boosters - no need to boost if immunity is already there. She also suggests natural things to help boost a child's immune system prior to certain vaccines - to minimize any negative effects. Well worth reading if you have children who are with in the ages of needing vaccinations.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im not anti vax, but i am anti over vax (this goes for my animals too...)

i understand the big ones...the ones known to cause some serious issues...but come on...the likes of chicken pox? i mean for goodness sake...i understand some people have a serious dose, and for some of those serious cases theres issues but the numbers are miniscule...

im NOT immune to german measles or chickenpox...
i had chickenpox 5 times in my childhood and have had shingles twice since entering adult hood (both thanks to the chickenpox vaccine)
german measles (rubella) theyve given me more times in my life than i care to remember, youd think after not being immune after the first few tried theyd have given up...i now cant be around any one after the MMR shots because i can catch Measles form them...
were fairly certain, due to the connection with rubella and serious infertility issues that the high frequency of the mmr vaccine i recived caused my severe pcos, early mentration and in turn, partial hysterectomy.

unfortunatly though when i was in school there was no anti vax thing going on and you needed it for getting into school and such...so we just did it...plain and simple.

im not immune to menningitis either, ive had viral AND bacterial a total of 8 times since turning 13.

and heck ive been shot with more tb shots since moving to the us than i can count...needed it before i came here, then they didnt like the paperwork so needed it to get into highschool here...then needed it again to get the greencard process started, then the dr lost my form and i had to have it again...then i needed it again beofre getting into college...insanity i tell you...

now i refuse unnessicary vaccines for myself...
ive never had a flu shot...
the only onces ive had in the past 8 years are my deppo shots (not vaccines) tetnus and rabies (im a vector species wildlife rehabber...yay rabies...btw, it stings!)

even with my pets...
pups get parvo, distember and hep no earlier than 8 weeks, then again at 12 weeks...
kittens get Panleukopenia, Rhinotracheitis and Calicivirus ar 8 weeks...and again at 12...

i dont give rabies untill 6 months, never give lepto or bordetella or any of those yickies...

and then they get their boosters at 14months old (again just the 3 core) 2nd rabies at 1 1/2 yrs old (the 3 yr strain)
and from then on in i titer test every 3 years for everything and rabies every 3 years (only because its required by law, otheriwse id titer for that too)

thus far our oldest dog is almost 9 and beyond his puppy shots and rabies every 3 years hes never had another vaccination...infact none of them beyond rabies have had to be revacinated...

if i had kids id probbaly follow the same kind of schedual, start them late only do the VERY basics i mean diptheria, polio and pertussis ok (i had whooping cough as a kid and would definatly suggest that one..lol)
do they need them every 2 months for the 6 months of thier lives...i highly doubt it...
and the MMR...
but beyond that, i dont thik HiB or HepB are enough fo a risk in a normal environment a child would be exposed to to even think about it...

id start them later, (unless your super social and spend alot of time with you and baby in places where people might have been exposed to this other stuff) only give the aboslute basics and have a pox party to take care of that nasty little bug.

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