I can't wait to see pictures of the ant costumes! I would love for my kids to dress up as something like that, something that isn't related to a movie or tv show . Guess my boys just feel they are too old to be cute, lol.
It turns out to be real hard to get decent (both representative and cute ) photos of the ant boys. Here's the best I could do.
The kids actually do look reasonably antlike in person! Honest. And heaven knows they eat like ants, i.e. in quantity.
So far today they have played construction ants, demolition ants, fire ants (like with engines, not the bitey kind), "jet ants", "motor ants", and shrieking ants. At least they're getting their money's worth (about $2, including the cost of thread) out of the outfits
Cassandra, I don't watch Scrubs but that is really funny how much Harry looks like that kid. I'll stick with the one I got Both of my boys actually look virtually indistinguishable from their father's baby/childhood pictures. I think the only thing they inherited from me is a fondness for animals and the ability to stick their tongues waaaaay far out. Oh well, at least it's something <g>
Pat, who just had a lot of fun making the costumes and really doesn't care how dumb they look <g>