Abinormal Butterfly
Part of being a food is loving food. Loving food and all the ways it is put together, and the various ways people interact around food... Even saveur has regular peasant recipes because they're just so good to eat.patandchickens said:You know, to me that isn't "foodie", it's just "neatnik"
To me what distinguishes foodie-style cooking is that it is very precise and/or pretentious about the ingredients specified in the recipes; that it expects you to go search out the ingredients for that special recipe, rather than doing what you can with what you got; that it tends to obsess on some exact technique or other being aesthetically-superior, in an allegedly absolute and universal way, over all others; and that it has a bit of a tendency to burst into spasms of joy over things like larks' tongues and obscure cheeses made only in one particular valley in Greece and only in the month of April.
As opposed to "gee, we mostly have potatoes now and a bit of cabbage and pork, now what is something tasty we could do with them?"
Like a wine connaseur (butchered that spelling) doesn't ONLY drink really aged wines. They drink the best wines. Sometimes the best food is simple.