Almost Self-Reliant
So, I have to put a thread up. Our dog was a rescue, and from the get-go, she had to be taken to the vet to get her nails done. Her quicks were long and she would go nuts when someone tried to clip them. She broke a muzzle when they tried to do it that way, and ever since, they had been putting her under sedation just to clip her toenails. I found a Pedi-Paws for $4 at a thrift store. It had the batteries in it and it operated just fine, so I bought it. The BF and his brother laughed and laughed when I brought it home, saying that there's NO way I'd be able to do her toenails. I made the BF try it instead, as I did NOT want to get bitten. He didn't have any luck and told me that the Pedi-paws was junk. So, I finally said screw it, I'm doing it. I sat down for probably 45 minutes to an hour, and did every last damned toenail on that dog. Took them all right down to the quick, without ANY issues. I repeated every 2-3 days, and now, you can't even hear her coming on the wood floors! She went from being nervous, to tolerating the Pedi-Paws machine to now LOVING it. She gets extremely excited when I grab it, and I've never given her treats or anything while I had it, not even after doing her toenails. I did remove the cover on it though. With the cover, it's a bit of a PITA, because you only have one angle to work with really, and you can't get under the toenails or anything to get that junk ground off. It's not a safety issue, it doesn't hurt if you get yourself, just watch your own fingernails, because they really don't stand a chance against it. Anyways, I just had to say, that this is definately a worthwhile machine. It's even worth $10 if you have to buy it in the store brand new (which is what my parents did after I insisted that they get one, lol). The heads on it are incredibly durable. If you dust the nail dust off of it, you wouldn't really even know that it's been used. So, anyone who has issues (or even if you don't), get one! It certainly saved us a LOT of money and a lot of stress. It does take two C batteries, so make sure you pick up a pair of them.