Mountain Sage
Hey! Thanks! 

Congrats @CJ1 for bagging this week's POW!Congrats Bay.
So I'm not sure if vacation was actually a vacation. Yeah I didn't go to work. But I feel like I worked all week. Though it was work I wanted to do.
Anyway. I was over at a friend's house visiting with them and this little guy hopper across the ground and up onto the porch then into my hand. He seemed healthy. No broken wings or anything but yeah. I think he was abandoned after falling out of the tree in their yard. They're taking care of him now.
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Congrats @Beekissed for bagging this week's POW!Grand girl with her kitty...she has three at Granny's house and she plays with ALL of them, whether they want to or not.
Golden oldie this week… Congrats @frustratedearthmother for bagging this week's POW!