Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im getting there, slowly but surely...still got lots to do though...
silly things too
in the kitchen i need to add some kind of shelving/pull outs to the lower cabinates, right now there just open cabinates with no shelving or anythign inside...not realy usefull when you dont have things that tall lol.
i also want to put up some small shelves on one side of the fridge to put my microwave on
and once i have a stud finder and some extra hands (its a daddys comming to visit project) i can get my folding table mounted and eat without having the dogs noses intruding lol.
the back door also needs some theres a 1" gap on one end which is currently stuffed with paper to keep the wasps out.

the living room is getting there...need to mount the tv (another daddy help project) and a couple of shelves, and i need a loveseat/small couch for under the window...i also need a bookcase/bench of some kind for behind the front door, something to store shoes and the dogs wardrobes...yes you read that right, im pretty sure they have more clothes than i do lol.

my bedroom is almost complete, i need a full lenght mirror in there, some more shelves in the closet, and the replacement parts to finnish building my drawers...

the back bedroom needs a set of drawers for guests clothes, and shelves for my books...a counter to go ontop of the cabinates in there so i have a craft desk and a chair/stool of some kind...that bedroom is the catchall/craft/guest room so theres alot going on in there in not alot of space. that room also still needs curtains too.

i guess the good part of having a small house is getting it all sorted and in line doesnt take much...
the biggest job wil of course be paint and i realy would like to get theliving room painted first before i set up my fishtank (because once its got about 50lbs of gravel and water in there, itll never be moved again lol.

still need the gas sorted...but yeah im getting there.

the down side is, aparently my house s a paper wasp magnet...first few days here temps in the 80's and my house front and back had a lovely collection of what i belive are paper wasps...
temps dropped and they dissapeared...
temps rose again today and guess what...there back.
i have wasp killer, and took care of the small nest being formed by the back door...but am not seeing any other nests...
going to wait for things to cool down again and then get a couple of cans of the expanding foam stuff and plug up any spaces i can find that might be wasp hiding places/potential nesting grounds for next spring...the drones and males will all die off in the winter, but i want to be sure the queens wont be returning and there is a small gap under the eaves that seems to interest them...not enough activity to say theres a nest in there...but enough to say they are scouting it out...
I hate stingy bugs, and these guys are no exception, i dont know why there quite so drawn to the house, and they seem to only realy get active between the hours of 3 and 4:30 im guessing it must have something to do with the way the sun warms the house...
either way, they are not welcome here lol.

oh and another down side...mabe im just weak but i cant seem to be able to dig down deep enough to get my mailbox post stable...gonna go out there and try again with the shovel and move a little further back from the road edge and see if that this rate im going to need a jack hammer...
got a feeling most of my veggie beds are going to be raised if the front is anythign to go by LOL.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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got some stuff done today but realized i cant put the medical side of things off any longer so tomorrow starts the arduous task of sorting out the medical side of things...need a primary care, a psych and a phycial therapist for my times, fun times...i HATE finding new drs, it just brings up all my anxiety right to the surface, but i know i cant go on without the medical aspect of things...
i also need to find the local blood lab so i can go get my blood work done that was supposed to get done to check my B12 about a week ago, going to have to ask them to send me a copy of the results so i can give them to my new primary care too.
back is not having a fun time today...

might have someone comming to haul away most of the boxes form the move tomorrow...yay for not having to deal with those (ive got nowhere to store them)

and i think i managed to get the mail box post deep enough today that once the dirt settles in around it a little it should be somewhat sturdy...

tomorrow is reserch day, thursday i have to go into Selmer to get some stuff sorted, then might be persuing some free shelving off craigslist on friday...we'll see what happens :D


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Lots of work, but it sounds like you are settling in quite well. I hope you find a GOOD doctor. The first one we went to when we moved here turned out to be.... well lets just say people wince when his name is mentioned, and other doctors get stonefaced and very diplomatic.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Be glad it's only dog noses! The other day, I had Misty trying to eat my lunch w/me! But, I don't think horses really like pork w/browned rice and green beans. :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, i dunno about that, im sure horses will eat almost anything lol!

ruby doesnt usually beg but shes hungry 24/7 right now for obvious reasons...jasper however needs a manners refresher course lol, hes a begger but not usually a put his nose in it kind of guy, this past week, i think his brain s currently in overload and hes forgotten some of the basic manners hes supposed to have lol.

unfortunatly today my back is having a serious hissy fit...which means i just cant get comfy...thinking about resorting to the sample heat patch mum sent me, hasnt acted up like this since before the move...but i did manage to get another box unpacked, whats left now requires a bookcase lol.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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There is a terrific Nurse Practitioner in Selmer. I love that she listens to me about my child, it is refreshing :lol: You may wanna try her, her name is Rhonda Hunt. PM me if ya want her number. Chropractor? Try Dale Blackwelder in Savannah. No idea about a psych around here...I have heard most of them waddle and quack :lol:

ETA: Rhonda Hunt is at Trinity Medical Clinic, Selmer. I believe Dale Blackwelder is in the book too.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thank you, will definatly check them out :)
my back right now seems to be muscular, my doc in ct gave me a script for PT so im hoping theyll honor it, but the $30 co-pay is gonna kick my butt so im hoping i can get away with mabe once a month and then do any excersizes at home. gonna have to get back into the yoga too, its been too long and im sure that would help stretch ease and strengthen the muscles there too.

lol kinda sad when you feel old at 26, but im hoping once i get moving again i wont have time to feel it :D


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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UGH I have the muscle issues to from time to time. Walnuts actually seem to help :hu The oil in walnuts displaces the lactic acid in sore muscles and makes them not so sore. Stretching is grrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat for me too. I should start back...if I ever find time, and remember :lol:

Tell Dale I sent ya. He's a Sunday School teacher at my church. I'm sure if you explain your situation to him, he will do everything he can to help. He's really a great guy. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well tonight i learnt eating steak with a plastic knife just doesnt work...thankfully im about as "ladylike" as a beast, and just used my fingers and teeth and enjoyed every moment of it...along with some rice in a beef gravy...yumm!

then finnished dinner with a lovely bout of drama...jack jack managed to get himself in a pickle...something that he does on occasiona and usually figures out how to get out of...
this one though somehow...i dont know how, but ended up with his head stuck and him just making matters worse...

you want to know something about parrots?!
they are ridiculously dramatic and have no clue what "im trying to help you" means...
his responce to me trying to free him from his pickle was to repeatedly try and bite in a few good nips too, though no real broken skin...despit his efforts.
he was just scared, but seriously bird...when you manged to try and choke yourself to death and im there trying to free you before you finnih the job, its not so you can bite me.
managed to get it loosend enough to get the knife in far enough away from his head that i wouldnt cut/stab him and cut him loose...
hes now sulking in the corner of his cage.

He'll be fine, i checked him over and no serious damage, but he;ll be in a bad mood all night which means hes not comming out until tomorrow morning now. i usually let him out from about now untill 10pm bedtime, but hes in a mood which will result in bitey bird and im not in bitey bird type of mood lol.
but hes making popping sounds...(i dont know where he picked this one up) which means hes not completly traumatized.

i swear, people keep telling me i "need kids" so that i can "experience what its like" tellling you...i do NOT need kids, my animals manage to give me enough grey hairs, minor heart attacks, anxiety and stress thanks!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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1. What state/province/country are you in and what is your climate like? Just added myself to the beautiful state of TN...western TN to be exact. from what im being told spring and fall are kind f haywire, winters can get chilly but nothing like im used to in ct...a few inches of snow melted by the afternoon is a "normal" snowfall, summers hot and humid! but its zone 7 so its one of those zones where almost anything will grow :D

2. How many people are in your family? Marital status?Well im single...i dont see that changing any time soon...would be nice to have a partner but i dont "need one" in terms of people in the family...its just me, but my none human family is quite vast, 2 chinese cresteds, soon to be a litter of crestie pups (possibly keeping one if what im looking for in my next pup is born), 2 cats, and 3 exotic birds (one of which might as well be a 2 yr old child lol) with im sure many more non human family members to come!

3. How would you define self sufficiency? ooo tough one, im not very good at this kind of me "self sufficiency" is simply being able to provide more for yourself...but i think its also amost a spiritual know yourslef and what your capable of and get better intouch with the earth and her gifts.

4. What would you do with your spare time if you had any resources you needed? if money and time was no object, id run a large exotics sanctuary, particularly for hyena and orangutan,i think id also get back involved with dog shows...

5. Have you ever built a house , or other types of building? Do you want to? i helped my dad build a couple of sheds and the chicken coup, id love more building skills, one day id love to build a cob house!

6. Can you weld? Steel, aluminum, MiG, TiG, stick, Oxy-Acet? no...and this is one skill ill probbaly never be able to master, the light even behind very dark goggles, and the sparking actually triggers my seizures...

7. Who or what inspired you to become more self sufficient? its just an inner feeling for me...i dont know, its just something ive always wanted to do ever since i was little...i figure sometimes you dont need more of a reason than "it called to me!"

8 Cloth or paper? in the bathroom, #1 im ok with cloth...#2 paper...i can handle animal poop like a champ but human poop makes me gag!

9. In what ways are you self sufficient now and in what ways would you like to learn more? im nohere neer self sufficient yet, and dont expect to be truly for a long time...but im working on it. right now im working on the meat spect of love to learn more about self sufficient energy sources! its one of those feilds that i need a "for dummies" book...

10. In what way(s) will you never choose to become self sufficient?i dont think i could willingly be without internet, and since i cant make my own world wide web lol...

11. Are you interested in stocking up for future needs?this is actually one of my wants in this whole thing, i want to be able to fill my freezer with healthymeats, and stock a pantry, and a root cellar...i dont think i need 100 years worth of stock pile and never want to cross that fine line between stocking and hoarding...but stocking with healthy foods and goods that i use regularly...absolutly.

12. Where do you end up when you sink into yourself, away from the outside world? this is actually something that happens alot for me, being agoraphobic and bipolar sometimes i slip into a dark place...for the most part though, i end up in a place surrounded by love and warm fuzzyness of my animals

13. Can you drive a farm tractor or a semi? ive never tried, so not likely...stick shift would be an issue for me i think lol

14. Do you make crafts or useful items? Would you want to teach others how to do these? i like to consider myself a "basic crafter" i can do alot of things...nothing to a profesional level though. right now i do make all my dogs clothing (the need it being nekkid and all) and loom knit hats, scarves ect. i know how to make candles and soaps too :) as to teaching, id love to, but im a terrible teacher!

15. Can you have legally livestock where you are at? Do you have any? What kinds? Yes, infact its one of the frequirments i gave my realtor looking for this restrictions. right now i dont have any livestock beyond the pets, but ive got a hold on 2 nubian doelings in the spring :D my first of many animals im sure.

16. Can you operate a lathe? Metal, wood? small one for wood i have and could do again, though nothing super fancy...never tried metal

17. Do you like to garden? If so, what do you enjoy growing? oh yes, very much so, and im seriously looking forward to a longer growing season. i like to grow veggies but quite honestly flowers are where my heart lies, particularly peonies, i LOVE peonies!

18. Do you fish? Bait or explosives?i used to, havent in a very very long time!, bait only

19. How much space/land do you have or rent? City? Country? just bought a little house on 4 1/2 pretty sure you could call the area "the country" lol. otherwise known as the back wods, back end of beyond, middle of nowhere ect lol

20. Are you a Novice, Technician, General, Advanced? ARRL? im 100% well and truly a beginner lol

21. What is your self sufficient specialty? Or what one would you like to learn? i think my specialty would be the animal side of things, its the one area i never doubt myself, i always feel comfortable and secure and its the one feild that never fails to excite me! in terms of what id like to learn though...oh theres lots but i think canning/preserving is the realy big one!

22. If you could create a degree and curriculum, what would you major in and what classes would you take? i actually have my degree in the field i wanted, i have my ba in zoology and animal love to get my doctorate in animal behaviour though but i could never afford it. im a BIG bio nut, love all also love to take a number of art and music classes.
i have thought about going back and getting a degree in animal husbandry

23. Do you do wood work? framing, finish, cabinet? nawh, i can handle a drill and a jigsaw but its not nessicarily pretty lol

24. Are you interested in herbal medicine? yes and do practice quite a bit, being pagan this does come up both ritually and medicinally and i use herbs alot for aromatherapy too!

25. If you could live any place you chose, where would it be? well i am living where i choose lol...but in all honest truth if i won the lottery and never had to worry, theres something about the carribbean that just calls to me!

26. Do you use a wood stove for heating or cooking? Nope, im on natty gas at the new house

27. What would your ideal super hero/villain be? ooo the ideal super hero, thats tough, im a HUGE fan of wolverine and nightcrawler from the xmen, especially with hugh jackman wearing the outfit...theres something about a troubled past, someone with demons overcomming them when times are darkest, someone who doesnt shine as the golden boy but is more of an unwillign hero., characteds like wolverine or jack sparrow
in terms of villains...thats tough, its a fine line between good and bad...

28. Are your family or friends also interested in self sufficiency? my dad is...mum is more interested in the budget aspect of things, stocking up, couponing, stuff like that but mostly to save money than to be self however...hed move to the middle of the woods and hunt and fish and farm constantly if things would play out that way for him.

29. Do you like to cook? Are you interested in whole foods and natural foods? raw milk? farm fresh eggs? i love to cook but im definatly still "learning" i can cook and know the basics but im still developing the art of making meals from scratch. i do prefer to use whole ingredients and raw milk, fresh eggs ect are big goals for me :D

30. What was your MOS? MOS?

31. Do you forage or hunt for part of your food needs? I would like to learn to hunt...but i do like to forage parituclaly for wild berries of various kinds and herbs/medicinal flowers

32. What skills do you have that help you be more self sufficient? im very skilled with animals, its not realy skill as much as natural affinity though and i think thats a huge step toward sthe rightdirection if for no other reason than im primarily a carnivore lol.

33. In which fictional universe would you most like to live? id be an x-man!

34. Do you have solar panels? Plans to use solar energy? i dont yet, but id love to add solar to the house, its such a little house that i think i could run much of my electrical needs on a small number of pannels...but id need to clear out the 2 pine trees in the back yard first lol

35 What is the mass/weight ratio of a European swallow carrying a coconut from the tropics to England? :D

36. Have you ever lived completely off grid? Would you like to? i havent...i think i could..but im not sure id like to...i do enjoy internet acess

37. In what do you trust? love, the real kind, like between family, the lyalty of my pets, and the power of earth as a whole

38. Do you make things yourself to save money? whenever possible and hoping to expnd on this too!

39. Has trying to be more self-sufficient changed your attitude or habits about money/spending? well ive always been a little bit tight on the pirse strings...but ive realized reacently sometimes you HAVE to send it to see a reward...