Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
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Mojave Desert
Wow! A lot going on with you Pinky! I missed a bunch! I don't know if I got the order right but here, :frow :hugs :ya :somad and :hugs .

And I'm so jealous!! Everybody's gettin' their goats!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
*Pokes cherio with stick* are alive!
glad to see you around :D

im sooo excited about the goaties...i realy thought it would be net spring before i coudl even consider this...
the bad news is realy their mum and dads goats...
the good news is they wont be relocating for awhile (hopefully not too long though lol) and im hoping by the time they get sorted and such these girlls will be bred, mum kinda wants little goats (cute factor) so im planing on selling the kids and when they get all sorted ill buy her a couple of nigerian does so she can have the "tiny goat baby" experience. the goats woudl be more like pets than milkers for her anyway.

i might have found somene that will disbud these 2 girls for me too...
im told 4 weeks is pretty much right on the back end of doable for nubi does, so if i can get them home and done before the end of the weekend we shoudl be ok, they have itsy btsy nubs right now...more than a bud but not big enough to be a "horn" so ive got to talk to this guy an see if hes told it can be done up to 1" worth of growth...but need to talk to this guy first and see if hed be willing. id rather them be disbudded, but if there too big now its no great shakes, theyll be taught from day one, use the horns and ill kick your tushy.

in other news, got an interesting thunderstom come right on through and turn the place soggy again.
rabbit nails will wait untill tomorrow...
and when i checked on bluebell this afternoon, it looks like she MIGHT be starting to think about nesting...she made a little hollow in her pile of hay, no fur or anythign in it, but definatly nest shaped lol *fingers crossed*
i did email the lady ill be buying an opal buck from in April and asked her if she had any opal, blue or blue otter does also...we'll see what she comes back with. ive got 2 standard rex holes leftin my rabbitry so if i could get another young but mature doe and a young but mature buck that should have me set
gonna hold off on my hollands this year (can use the 3 small holes for raising kits for now), the mini rex wont be ready to breed untill summer so i think adding 3 more bunnes right now is a little silly. once the standards start producing a little ore reliably and i can set some cash asside, then i can start that project.

the duckies have been with me a week today, there growing like weeds (and go through water like weeds too lol) but there sooo cute, there starting to develop that funny runner duck upright stance now too...and it always makes me giggle when they panic...i mean thier first instinct is for everyone to pile into the nearest corner and close thier know cause THATS gonna save you LOL!

right now there "the puddle ducks" as they develop personalites theyll get first names too, but right now "the puddle ducks" work :)
just looked at the clock and its after 5 already...the days are kinda flying right now.

need to do some reaserch into how to make carpenter bees go away...(id realy they rather NOT eat my car port) the funny one that was folowing me aorund the other day aparently told his buddies cause there were 8 of them buzzing round my carport before the storm came through...i dont want to kill them because carpenter bees are good polinators and dumb as rocks...but id rather they not gnaw holes in my house!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well talked to the gentleman about the disbudding, says it shouldnt be any problem to disbud them, and hes more than happy to do it for me.
so ive got to give him a call saturday morning and we'll figure out a time and get it all sorted. WHEW one less ting to worry about.
he seems realy nices, says he just loves the goats and talking to new people so hes more than happy to help "new" goat people out.


im getting excited lol.
need to make sure my "new goat" kit is all set tomorrow, so itll probably mean a trip into Jackson tomorrow...which means tomorrow should go by pretty quickly lol.
hoping to go pick the girls up fairly early friday morning so i can get them home and spoil them rotten all day lol


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
If you figure out how to deal with the carpenter bees let me know! They are pesky, but I suppose they are useful... I'd rather not kill things if I don't have to, but I usually stick a twig into their hole and break it off. Course they probably go make a new hole (if I didn't trap them in that one... :hide )


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
im told for the nests (holes) stick some sevin dust up in there give it a few days then "cork" the hole (however you want) itll kill the lava in the nest (if you just cork it up the lava will develop and eventually chew their way free lol) aparently the girlies willl attempt to return to the same nest each year and will continue to make it bigger...
then its suggested to paint...they seem to avoid painted surfaces more than stained or pressure treated aparently. theres also aparently chemicals you can mi into paint of stain that supposedly repels them too.
there more a nuisance than a hazard, but after a few years a female can do some serious structural weakening with her nest building efforts.

in other news, slept with my windows open last night, it was such nice sleeping weather...was awoken at 8am by the trash guys (they come at a different time each week), got up, got everyone inside and out fed...stole a handfull of straw from the goat house and gave it to bluebell who does seem to be in the early stages of nest building, i also gave her a good big handfull of hay. (shes due the 18th) so fingers crossed there.
i had everyone fed and fettled by 8:30, now just doing some online checking of the emails and craigslist and figuring the rest of my day.
gonna be another sunshiney warm day :)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Make sure you have a neighbor w/a wooden house-then get vinyl siding. :hide


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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LOL! very true.
these guys are facinated )and trying to eat) the supports under the car port...which is realy annoying becaus ethe neighbors got an entire extra house thats competly unfinnished wood and ply to chew apart lol. (no realy, he built a House onto the back of his house to double the sqftage, and its complelty unfinnished ply, exposed pressure treated ect...but instead of eating his house...there trying my carport!)

my plan is to get some sevin, seal up the holes and paint the main supports ill be screening the whole carport in hopefuly this summer so im hoping once thats done and they just dont have acess anymore theyll decide better of it, ill paint anything that wont be on the inside of the screening to try and deter them there...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well just got home from my trip into town.

managed to walk out of tractor supply with ONLY what i whent in specifically for.
i avoided the chick pens like the plauge lol.
but i managed to pick up a small mineral feeder and collars for the girls (cheaper than the ones in walmart too lol)
off to walmart when i found $10 in the parking lot, that got promptly spent on 3 more hanging baskets some strawberries and the 1 item i needed...
then hit the gast station for go-juice
then hit the grocry store on the way home for a couple gallons of whole milk ($2.99 a gallon lol, will probably go back before the sale is over and get another couple gallon too, its for the goaty girls)

ended up driving home through a realy freeky light show and some heavy rain...not much in the ways of thunder but some stunning cloud to ground and cloud to cloud bolt lightning
(im pretty sure i was a storm chase in a past life, i LOVE t-storms)

came home, planted my strawberry baskets while the dogs ran around like crazy idiots and now im chilling out.
its almost 5 already.

gonna drop my goat breeder a message to see what time would be good for her tomorrow, im hoping if its early enough she can just grab them out of the barn in the morning and pen them up seperatly so were not chasing the black and tan...the lighter girl is veyr social now shes been started on the bottle, but the black and tan is going to take some work.
i think once shes on the bottle and doesnt have mommy around (mommy is skittish) shell settle down quickly, but i dont want to have to chase her round the feild when i go pick her up lol.
also got to make sure they have been given (or will get) their CD&T before i pick them up.

im crazy excited lol...if ya couldnt tell.

oh and i have little beet seedlings popped up :D *dance* so thats exciting! and my onions seem to be growing very happily. yay! im actulaly getting somewhere with all this!

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