Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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SSDreamin said:
Hmmm...seems, with that much of an issue from it, the neighbor should be called upon to fix his foolish mistake (well, not fix, but pay to have fixed) ;)
Ditto to that.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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the man barely has 2 pennies together...he just took out a loan at alost 25% interest with his house as colateral to get his car fixed and pay his electric bill...
hes also umb as a box of rocks, when i tol him hed broken it his responce was "well those things happen" this is also the guy that upon seeing the front ace cleared said "i knew it wouldnt take long, it realy wasnt that bad..i mean its not like there was THAT much trash" (keep in mind it was almost a full acre of piles of asphalt shingles 4ft-5ft across and 4-5ft ft tall!, there was THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of lbs of roofing shingles...nope not "that much" at all. (i had 3 people look at the property before the guy that did it, 1 wouldnt touch the job because of the shee scale and the othes wanted more than double what this guy charged me because of the scale of the mess.
quite honestly i think the guy that did the job took pity on me! and one day in the distant future someone will come along and decide to start digging on the property and be all WTF when they unearth what lies beneath the 8-12 inches of dirt he pushed over al the trash he moved...under almost 1/2 of that dirt under about 12" of dirt are mass shingle graves...

the man is an idiot and IM at fault for letting him anywhere near the faucet and learn i guess...
in all reality it was getting to the pointin temperatures where i realy should have taken the hose off and get it covered for the winter anyway (dont want any froze pipes even thought this faucet is designed to prevent freezeback into the main pipe...i know my luck lol)

not much else going on though.
managed to get the bunny hutches clean. but for whatever reason right now my back is kiling and im tired so it wont be long untill i call it a night, cant climb into bed untill about 10ish becuase any earlier than that the dogs wont go potty and then are squeeking at 7am becuse they need to pee lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I've already decided that if I ever get another dog, there's going to have to be some kind of doggie door that's just for animals that would lead to a little kennel! Then, I wouldn't have to worry about letting animals in and out to use the potty! Plus, if I'm home alone and were to get a vertigo attack, I wouldn't be able to let them out.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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id love a doggy door, but it would have to be a big one for the Dozer dog lol.

today ended up being a pretyt good day, the weather was beautiful so i started chopping back some privet...theres SOOO much its going to take foreve, especially in the areas that are tangled wiht vines an such too. theres also alot of wood that my pruners wont cut through so i will need some kind of chainsaw or other heavy duty cutting things...

then spent the rest of the afternoon on the deck chilling, dozer was happy to run around, eat sticks and chase leaves while ruby and jasper mostly sunbathed next to me...

now im making beef ravioli wiht home made spaghetti sauce and cheese for dinner and trying to deicde on tonights movie choice, and then i think its going to be an early night.
heading to town in the morning to pick up feed, and then probably try and cut back some more privet in the afternoon. figure if i can take care of everything the pruners can go through itll make it alot easier to hadle when i can get a chainsaw in here to finihs out the rest.
im also trying to cut it in peices small enough to go into the fire pit since i burned thorugh all the wood i had prepped for that too
ill empty out my cart in the net few days and wheel it on down bakc there and start filling it wiht any peices the goats have finnished eating the leaves off..

*ding* dinners ready :)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Just a FYI for anyone that might not know how to ID poison ivy vines:

If the vine is growing on a tree, take a good look at it. If it has a hairy look to it, avoid it! It's poison ivy.
If there's berries on it, look to see what color they are. Poison ivy berries start out green and then turn white.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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there is some poisen ivy around here, but mostly virginia creeper...the vines in the privet thorh are a combination of honeysuckle (judging by leaf shape) and that realy visious thorny vine, you Id'd it for me awhile ago Deb but i cant remember what you called it...but its MEAN with thorns on it the size and shape of a cats claw.

this timeof year it sarts to get hard ot idpoisen oak ivy and sumac becaus eof the eaves dropping...but early fall its so easy as they are the first to turncolors...shameits so poisenous cause it sure looks pretty!

not much planned for todayhave to go to the feed store this morning. then come home and probably groom the dogs there due for their flea preventative cant be done the same day as a bath and i hate putting it on a dirty dog, so baths today,fleastuff tomorrow night/monday.

took the bandage off Poppies foot this morning to let it get some air while the grass is bled a little when i took the gauze pad off, but its looking nice and clean and blood means blood flow to the area which means itll heal.
going to see how it looks at the end of the day and might re-bandage it, im not sure,she hasnt bothered the dressingbut this morning she came over to me and starte pulling and nippling at the edge so i took her hint and took it off (knowing if she continued to bother it she could very well do more damage than good.
its such a difficult location being the actual toe nail bed (the nail on that side is none existant) its not exactly a spot easy to keep clean without a dressing.
i wonder if you can use liquid bandaid/liquid stitches on goats?

looking like its going to beanother lovely day though so once i get back from feed store an finnish the dogs ill probably go out and try to do a little more privet trimming, bit by bit, step by step.

oh andblackbery aka houdini bunny...i fixed her door which shed managed to literally push off the hinges...
well, shes now simply just CHEWED through it. theres now a hole in one corner of the door thats currently big enough for her to get her head she seems to take great pleasure playing whack a mole with the dogs...she sits with her head out untill the dogs notice come over and as soon as they try and "get" her she pops back in only to repeat...dope.
thankfully thus far neither jasper or dozer have tried to do antyhing more than lick/drool her to death. Ruby i do have to watch though, ruby haspreydrive out the yazoo with anything not cat or dog...

right now theres a borde placed ove the hole but because ot ifs position its coming to be difficult to patch epending on where money stands at the en of this month im hopefully going to start working on the colony for the rabbits.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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omg what a beautiful day!
did a feed store run this morning (still need to remove that from the car)
got home fed the babies then whent and cut back more privet...theres SOOOO much. and im tyring to cut it into managable peices for the firepit a im going so i wont have quite as much to clean up later...

poppies foot is looking great now its been exposed to the air a few hours and shes not favorint it like she was the first 1/2 hour i took the ressing glad i dressed it for the first 5 days bcause its looking good and im sure it would have got infected imediatlyafter the injury had i not.

trying to think up home made gift ideas for the family and friends for christmas.

and on tuesday im goign to look at a house...not for me obviously but for the familia...
yup looks like there moving on down here, theyve found the house they want, dads been verablly approved for the money to get it and just needs to fill out the paperwork but they cant get down here untill after thankgiving at the earliest...soooo...
im going to go this week, look at it and take as many pictures as my memory card will allow of everything...if i think its a good match and mum likes the inside pictures and dad likes the land, barn, workshop pictures dad will take his vacation time in december and come visit and sort eveyrhting out...if its not quite what there lookign for theyll be comming down in janurary to look instead.
im excite for them, even my sister is coming aroud to the idea...primarily because she now knows theres NO choice. the comapny my dad works for has been sold and 97% of the team will be laid off between january and july and the ones that are "kept on" will be reciving DRASTIC pay cuts come next dads jumping on an offered position and just waiting for the written cntract/startdate before giving notice. he wanted to wait for severance pay BUT there being sneaky about it, and not only drawing the layoffs out for as long as possible (my pinion hoping that people will find new obs and Quit before they have to pay out, but there also paying the severence over MONTHS...a little each onth unill its paid, (im informed this is so they ont have to pay additional in unemployment stuff/taxes/inusraunce)
dads not willing to miss this new opportunity in hopes of waiting for the severance pay so...yeah.

hm what else?

pricing up grass seed to seed out the front pasture...yeah fun fun...
right now trying to decide on grass, im in the funky transitional zone were you need both warm and cool grasses because neither do well year round.
right now im thinking a combination of bluegrass and perenial rye with clover. looking at $75 for 50lbs of prerenial rye and need to price up the bluegrass...i aparently dont need much clover seed if im using it in a mix so that helps because clover is expensive.
everythign im reading about pasture planting says plant at less density than you would for lawns, an pasture rates are saying 25-40lbs an acre so 50lbs of ryr would probably do it...then to figure out cost of blue and how much clover

the other problem right ow is thanks to broken hosepipe/ do i keep it watered in those first few weeks...
so ill probably wait until spring lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Pinky, do you have a TSC in your area? If so, look in there come spring for pasture seed. They sell a mix and from what I understand, they make the mixes based on the area where you live.

The vine you can't remember is called cat brier and a few other names.

One way you can tell honeysuckle from other vines is by looking at how the leaves are arranged. Many plants have alternate branching. Honeysuckle has opposite, so it looks kind of like a t. And, it gets black berries, as does Virginia creeper.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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:ya on looking at a house for your parents! Would be so great to get them over there by you!

We went with fescue, rye and white clover for our pasture mix. :fl sure hope it starts growing come Spring!

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