Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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today the couch came in and the cat tree went up, the cats will be much happier.

tomorrow im hoping to get the tank in, but right now were having some issues with a circuit, ive got 2 sockets that arnt working and the one in the bathroom isn't working...and were nt entirely sure why, they were working yesterday so its a tad odd and realy arkward because ive not got enough sockets when there ALL working...
but its getting there, now the sofa is in ive got to keep my eyes peeled for a coffee table and a couple of nice little side tables, theres a little all sorts/antique store in town that have the cutest little painted end table with a drawer in pink that id love but no price on it...gonna ask next time we go down that way.
theres also an adorable little dropleaf table...
and id like a little coffee table too.

this section of the sectional has the recliner so that makes me happy
its slowly coming together, ill be very happy when I get these last few boxes unpacked and outa here and then get the walls painted, and theres a few more small closetmaid storage pieces id like to get my hands on...and I want to fashion some kind of countertop for the craft area space, I think a standard kitchen counter would be too wide id like it just about 24" deep (and its about 96" long) so im thinking plywood with some kind of covering topped with some kind of self leveling epoxy or something....gonna pintrest for ideas lol.
whatever I do ill mimic it on the wal behind to make a sort of backsplash.

im starting to feel a little less displaced, but its still a work in progress.

in good news hwoever im proving their gsd pup isn't as dumb as they want to make her sound...shes a high energy high drive 7mth old pup with no idea what shes supposed to do...
having keira to run riot with helps immensely, and keira has good doggy manners...
leash walking is an issue, especially for mum whos had double rotator cuff surgeryes and never fully recovered...they insisted shed "ONLY" walk nice or dad and only because he was firm with her...
I put dozers old prong collar on her, keira has a fine, the HD is too big for her, but for a long haired dog like theirs...within 2 seconds, perfect manners...I didn't tug her, I didn't correct her, just stood there and let her teach herself...
so last night we tackled another issue, so far she "CANT" be in the livingroom with the Chihuahuas because she gets all crazy and the chihuahaus freek out and and and...
so last night we wanted to sit and watch a movie...I putt he prong on her, hooked up my hands free leash and took her in the livingroom...mums face droppedand they were kinda avoiding coming to sit...but, I told everyone to ignore her and she pulled mabe 3 times total during a 2 hour movie...all 3 times all I did was keep the leash taught, and immediately she stopped and sat., the Chihuahuas let out some barks at first but once they realized she was not coming into their space they settled down...they've had this pup since Christmas time and never once been able to sit quietly together...and last night...peace.

now if only mum could belive me that the majority of the gsd/little guys issues are the little guys and not the pup wed be all set, pup gets a little excited with my guys, but for the most part shes great, ruby stands still and growls/nips and she backs off and jasper flat out bites her and she backs off obviously she can learn.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well turns out the dogs (likely primarily gypsy the GSD) have managed to tear the "indestructible" pool cover, gypsy has been digging at it all season and encourages keira to run across it regularly, and dad checked it tonight to find some pretty nasty gashes in it...big enough that should the dogs not keep an eye theyd get swallowed by the pool and drown long before we could get the cover off to save them.
theres plans of putting up a nice fence around the pool anyway this spring...though dad didn't want to rush...but now...were on emergency mode.
so...tomorrow...I get to get up in the morning and start working on that electric fence I wouldn't have needed to put up yet LOL!.
ive got 1 of 2 options in reality, option 1, put the box by the pool equiptment ground out on the lightning rod and just run a temporary fence round the pool...but my worry there goes with the whole all it takes is 1 lingthnign strike and the box could fry, and theres no guarantee the physical none electric fence would be up before the next t-storm, but that option would be quicker.
option #2 is to just start working on the fence, box is going up at the barn (power up there) the plan is to eventually do the entire perimeter of the property in electric so id put a strand along the existing paddock fence inside (to eventually be the goat field) then along the top of the current perimeter fence, I can find a good junction point to end it there, then jump off that fence with a temporary insulated line to the pool area, I just don't know if I have enough insulated wire to pull it off...
that method also requires sinking the 2 8ft ground rods up neer the barn somewhere and that's gonna suck balls even with the post pounder...(however nows the time while the ground is wet but not frozen lol)

if doing that itll give me a starting point for the pack pasture fence...and since im already looking for baby goats (I realy miss my girls and found someone about an hour away with mini Nubian doelings) I realy do need to think about wiring that back pasture either we'll see how im feeling tomorrow...I think in all honesty it would be easier to pound those posts and do it right now than put it off and potentially rush later and have to re-wire things ect.
the thing that's got me umming though is today im flaring body hurts ive not been able to get warm and every ounce of energy has been drained form my body...those grounding rods with no energy, SUCKY! everything else is fairly easy...

anywho...since WBF hasn't been on, Poppy apparently gave birth 2 twin bucklings on sunday, im still waiting on pics but she says they are beautiful and poppy is a wonderful mother :)
im REALY glad now WBF got to pick them up from E as quickly as she did, poppy had a chance to get comfy and settled in before popping lol.

and realy for now that's about all ive got...were gonna spend this week figuring out where the banties are going to be moved to, they are quite content in their stall in the barn but its not very bright in there and I worry about them wandering the back pasture without extra protection when they jump the stall it stands right now they'll have their coop and a 10x10 run which should be plenty for 4 little banties. eventually we'll be putting together a larger flock of laying chickens for the egg production, but for now...I love my lil clucks.

oh and we seem to have figured out where the short on the circuit for my room dad wil likely get that socket replaced this weekend coming. :) that means the fish tank can come inside and I can start putting it back together :D


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Gemma - here is a picture of one of your babies


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Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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The other baby


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Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh my goodness, such cutiepies!
nice ear sets for F1 minis too!
good job there not girls, id have to find a way to fly them up LOL!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Yay babies!
I'm not surprised it's the Chihuahuas being instigators. Most are lol
Glad things are still coming along. Hope you feel better soon.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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My camera is dead...I need to get some more pics up for you soon sister! They are precious little bouncing boys, I just love em!!! They ladies are doing fine as well. Sorry I haven't updated, have been a bit busy :D About to be busiER now that all company has left me all home alone...I miss you, and now I miss Jamie and the kids, bah....wanna sit and sulk lol, but I got stuff to do. I love ya sis!! Wish you could have joined us, a good time was had by all!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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wish I coulda too, miss you guys like crazy!
hope poppy will give you LOTS of milk to use :D

today im aching like crazy (and thanks to a carb overloaded supper, mum treated us to food out and I couldn't resist bbq chicken, im sleepy too) but after spending yesterday trimming fencelines and today running wire, I now have a double strand electric on 1/2 the front of the paddock fence, and 1 strand (will be 2 soon as a bear deterant) on 1/2 the side fence...and 2 strands of electric round the pool.
my hands are scratched up and my back hurts, but its progress!
gypsy met the fence...squealed, and hasn't been back to check it out again lol.
keira seems to remember the fence lol, shes gotten very good at the sudden avoidant turns lol.

got 1 of my English lop and 1 of the angora does bred yesterday, ran out of time today, but will expose at least the other 2 adult angora and other e-lop to the buck tomorrow...
waiting on TSC to get a 24" cage in stock so I can move acorn into his own space so I can better control the rex breeding too.
tomorrow morning ive got to take stock of the back pasture, gonna start working on fencing that in complelty, itll get 2 strands along the front and both sides and then 4 strands along the back, the front and sides have a coated chainlink covering so I igure just a top line to keep bears out and a lower line to prevent nosey kids from trying to nudge under or rub should work...
the back hwoever is just rail fence so im going to put 4 strand on there, 1 lower, 2 mid and one top bear line.
eventually ithe goal is to perimeter fence in electric.

ive also got to take stock of potential spots to put one of the chicken coops for the banties (and where the future home for our laying flock will be, im hoping to do a flock of legbars or rhodebars...
and figure out a spot for the future duck pen too, I want khakis and I want them yesterday. lol.

busy busy, but realy right now all I want is a nap lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm w/you on the nap! I went kaynoeing today, and have gotten nothing done since I got home. It took more out of me than I was expecting.