Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Seems like you're doing just about everything to make him a happy little guy! Only thing left might be a little warm water enema if he really is having trouble with poops... Most likely the pen-g will pick him right back up and he'll be good to go! Oh....and where are the pics???????


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well heres one of one of his ouchie ears, the other looks less red but the area of missing skin" is larger running down both edges


and heres a few from when he wasn't looking so sorry for himself...or green!


and this one was bringing him home yesterday, you can see how thick the ink was put on neer the edges and that was done on Saturday

my sister fell inlove with his little grey Mohawk!
hes technically a tri-color, hes got black and brown spots but there hard to see in the pics.

will def try a warm water enema later if he still sems like hes struggling...he passed some poop, (just alittle but hes also not eating a lot) so im hoping thatll help move thigns along...

hes been sat in my sisters lap since she got home from work and has been trying to nibble her hair (and has been nibbling hay) so im taking that as a good sign right now.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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But he sounds cute.

As for the reason for the 6 points of ID, that happened after 911. If I remember correctly, some of those involved had gotten fake IDs from NJ's DMV.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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he seems to be doing better today :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well hes definatly feeling friskier this morning, was bouncing around and trying to head butt the cats, and took a full 2 ounce bottle in a single sitting (ive been having to give him an ounce then 1/2 an hour later give him another ounce...
hes much brighter eyed, and acting a little more like a baby goat with each pasing day.
hes got some nose goop (congestion) and im wondering if that combined with the pain of his ears threw him off, so the antibiotics will continue for another 4 days just to be aboslutly sure hes not got or going to get pneumonia...
but otherwise....
hes SUPER spoilt of course. lol.

ive also started work on the garden...
theres a wooden wishingwell planter that covers the well head in the backyard so yesterday that got planted with mint and lemon balm (which I know if well mulched will likely survive winter even in a planter lol) interspersed with some strawberries some marigolds and a couple of perenials that mum liked...ill probably pull the perenials in the fall and over winter them in a small cold frame or something then replant in the spring...

with that done I was "in the mood" so I started work on the first flower bed I want to tackle, its the big bed that runs along the back of the house where origioanlly there weres a mass of evergreen shrubs that while not in bad shape are home to lots of spiders are big, unrooly and just not pretty...
so I started working on that bed...
yesterday I started working on the 1/4 of the bed that had nothing but compacted dirt...its next to the patio...double dug mixed in some rabbit poop and used me little twisty tilly thing to mix...
then transplanted some very overbound hosta from one end of the bed to the other, move some little dafs that were also long due for division, mums rose, a dwarf blueberry and 2 red peony also whent in there, along with a couple of mums Gnomes, her gazingball/citronella lantern and the little ceramic owl light I got her for her birthday...
and my 55 gal rubber trough (the pond) got pride of place in a spot it can be listend to and enjoyed form the patio :)

still need a lot of plants...
since were having easter and amily Christmas next weekend im thinking of getting mum the other little ceramic light that was there its a little snail, and another rose, and mabe a small sheperds hook to hang a hummingbird feeder on neer the pond.

I figure ill work on it a section at a time...once that ones done theres a huge evergreen shrub to come out...that's NOT going to be fun, but that then reveals the section under the kitchen sink window...a spot I want to put 2 climbing roses, more floribunda/hybrid tea roses, mabe a hydrangea or lilac (or both) and lots of highly scented stuffs, ill probably bring some lavender and mints (in buried pots) since that area is full sun.
then the bed continues to a spot infront of the new oil tank got to figure out a way of working around it, need ot be able to easily get TO the tank but don't want to see it. so that's my challenge spot #2 and last is a small spot infront of the AC unit, another "need to hide it but still get to it" spot.
ive got a feeling this is going to be a season long project...and that's just the first...theres a big flower bed neer my door that's going to need plenty of TLC, then one up neer the barn that's large that I want to turn into an elderberry bed, and then one infront of the barn that currently ALL autumn joy sedum and rocks that I need to fix, ill probably dig some of the sedum out to bring down to the main bed too :)

in fishy news my tank is loking awesome hoping to add my angels nextmonth, got buns due at the beginning of may...going to set my bird cages up with nst boxes...need to candle my goose eggs, so def keeping busy.
and ive been relitivly pain free for the past week! YAY!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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did more work in the garden today...
heres how it looks after day 2

from the kitchen/dining nook window.

and from the yard (the fence is the corners of the gazebo, itll be replaced by some kind of actual edging fence when we can find one we like that's affordable and still tall enough to keep gypsy the gsd form climbing in and diving at the window.


the daffodils and the hosta are the "rescues" they were crowded and not doin well out of 2 clumps of daffs and 1 big clumb of hosta I got 5 nice sized clumbs of dafs and 6 good sized clumps of hosta.
theres a rose hidden behind the pond and in the center is a dwarf blueberry (I want another rose to flank it)
theres also rock cress, phlox, columbine, salvia, tulips (easter discard/Rescues) Rubarb and chives in that section.
I want to add some daylily and iris behind the tulips/infront of the blueberry and need a couple plants for the section infront of the tupip/behind the phlox in the bottom right corner... but im quite happy with how that section is looking now :)
the rose and the little ceramic solar owl is what I got mum for her birthday :) he can be switched on/off and when on he has a color change LED inside, looks realy pretty :)
I also would love to add another couple of gazing balls in this bed (1 big 1 medium) mabe instead of the plants in that front corner?

and heres what ive got left to do (the section ive done is about 1/4 of the entire bed.)
mum and dad want that shrub gone, but im going to try and trim it back, see if I can make it presentable and not so obnoxious without having to literally tear it out...its healthy its just much too big and the spiders love it.


Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Pinky, I'm sure you probably already know this, so I'm posting this as a FYI for anyone that may not. That shrub looks to be a type of yew. Exactly which one, I don't know, but it doesn't matter. They are extremely toxic to livestock! I've heard of people feeding the clippings to their goats and the goats die. One mouthful can kill a horse.

Yew looks like a pine since it has needles. But, instead of cones, it has fleshy, red berries. I have read that the fleshy red berry itself is edible, but I'm not about to try it to find out!

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