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- #5,371
Super Self-Sufficient
Demi did good with her milking this morning, though my technique could use some work LOL! I can milk out with my left hand no issues but for some reason the right (far side/reaching under) LOL...I cant seem to get my aim right. but she was good and didn't laugh at me.
shes having a good old yell at the fenceline right now, but no one spicking on her and all said hi this morning before wandering off ot go decimate the bushes in the back pasture so I think shell be fine once shes settled.
we had a funny moment when milking and she lifts her head up and mutters something and I look over and theres my sisters (though in reality Ive done most of the care so far) 3 dutch kits bopping around the barn...
I was sure id closed the latch ont heir cage but apparently not.
thankfully they and truffle are super friendly and came running over when I called them...silly bunnies.
speaking of bunnies my tri-rex doe had 2 kits last night....tiny litter for a rex but it was hot when she bred and I only saw 1 fall off, so was pretty certain we wouldn't be getting anything (buck sterility/heat) so im happy with 2, a little tri and a harli...1 might end up staying, im trying to grow the rex herd and thin down the angoras a little.
this is my last litter for a while...will not be breeding anyone now until neer the end of august.
got a bit of a migrane today, tylanol to help and a coffee...gonna have some breakfast soon but first gotta run up to the barn with my thermometer and some pen-g...Bilbo has a snotty nose and hes so small and got such a rough start I want to be sure he doesn't get pneumonia, weve had a lot of hot and wet which in goats is prime for respitory issues...
I don't like medicating unless I have to, so I wont give him anitbiotics unless his temp is off...but id rather be safe than sorry.
and we apparently have to make a trip to town too, mum needs to make a stop and dad needs a new tile saw, the kitchen is looking stuning though
the slate tile looks great!
shes having a good old yell at the fenceline right now, but no one spicking on her and all said hi this morning before wandering off ot go decimate the bushes in the back pasture so I think shell be fine once shes settled.
we had a funny moment when milking and she lifts her head up and mutters something and I look over and theres my sisters (though in reality Ive done most of the care so far) 3 dutch kits bopping around the barn...
I was sure id closed the latch ont heir cage but apparently not.
thankfully they and truffle are super friendly and came running over when I called them...silly bunnies.
speaking of bunnies my tri-rex doe had 2 kits last night....tiny litter for a rex but it was hot when she bred and I only saw 1 fall off, so was pretty certain we wouldn't be getting anything (buck sterility/heat) so im happy with 2, a little tri and a harli...1 might end up staying, im trying to grow the rex herd and thin down the angoras a little.
this is my last litter for a while...will not be breeding anyone now until neer the end of august.
got a bit of a migrane today, tylanol to help and a coffee...gonna have some breakfast soon but first gotta run up to the barn with my thermometer and some pen-g...Bilbo has a snotty nose and hes so small and got such a rough start I want to be sure he doesn't get pneumonia, weve had a lot of hot and wet which in goats is prime for respitory issues...
I don't like medicating unless I have to, so I wont give him anitbiotics unless his temp is off...but id rather be safe than sorry.
and we apparently have to make a trip to town too, mum needs to make a stop and dad needs a new tile saw, the kitchen is looking stuning though