That looks nice! And, I have a 'tea pot' just like that, lol! Unfortunately, my Keurig died....and I'm back to a Mr. Coffee, lol. I love the backsplash - wanna come to Texas and put one up for me???
thanks, its definatly getting there...a mass cabinate clean-out will help.
todays been a good but tiring day so far lol.
got up, did morning chores, the chickens are now in the coop outside the barn and no lnger IN the barn *YAY!*
then filtered milk and tattooed 4 angora rabbits and wrote up their pedigrees...took them, BEW whent to her new home...other 3 talked to the lady for about 45 mins and she ended up deciding to take all 3 as oppose to the "1...mabe 2" she was origionally that was a big weight, 4 angora babies left to sell, fingers crossed, they've got 1 more week ebfore freezer camp...
then came home grabbed 2 other buns (English lops) tattooed them and wrote up their peds, 1 going home but she wasn't sure which so I took both ) met with her and got her sent off, got home, paniced because I thoguth I had another meeting but that's wednesday lol) srted out my script pickup for tomorrow, an had some lunch...
im tired.
in about 5 mins im gonna start working on cleaning my room up some...bird cages and litterboxes need doing, and the place needs a serious vacuuming...
need to look into larger cabinates for the entertainment/kitchen/crafty area so I can finnish unpacking boxes...yup yup....STILL living in boxes..
in bad news my angel fish pair died fiters are dying and it looks like a fungal infestation set in...gonna be cleaning my tank, gravel vaccing resetting and investing in a new filter, then ill decide what direction I want to take my tank...I may just pull the water heater and go with some pretty goldfish, I do like goldfish and its one less appliance to "plug in" lol. the other option im considering is cichlids...mabe parrots, who knows..
otherwise that's about al I time to get this place looking more like a living space and less like a dorm room after a frat party!
so cleaning did NOT get done, got a request form a rabbit breeder in the area to help sex...weve been talking about me going to see her rex anyway (she has standards) so I whent over and as a thanks she gave me a beautiful 8 week old broken lilac doe, no ped but I can start one on her since I know her moma and daddys details...
and shes got a full sister whos only 4 weeks (she had 2 does in a pen....turned out one of those does was visisted by the sex change fairy) whos a lynx that im realy hoping she'll decide to part with...I don't think shell part with her, she seems kinda attached lol.
got home got her settled intoa quarrentein cage then realized it was time to take the dog to the vet for her spay appointment in the morning...
got back put dinner on
milked/put critters to bed, ate dinner, and by that point I was exhausted lol.
got a drs appointment tomorrow but going to try and work on room in the afternoon...and then definalty on weds...inbetween the bunny pickups.