Pinky, I so hear ya on feeling alone. That's basically how I feel most of the time as well. There are many times when I just feel like quitting, but instead, I keep on keeping on. It's the only thing I know to do.
I hear you on the alone thing. Its amazing how you can be surrounded by people and still feel so isolated. And its tougher when it feels like they're all busy doing whatever they do and you're left to deal with everything else.
He's ADORABLE!!!! I hope that he settles in quick. I'm sure being hungry will motivate him to figure out how to eat!
We had rough winds here yesterday, too. I was wishing we had a windmill! The power flickered a few times, too, its was pretty crazy.
Your doing a great job pinky, keep it up! He's a cute little bugger and I'm sure he'll figure out real quick how to eat, hope the bath'll fix that odd odor about him.
bath time was fun...LOUD...and most of the stink off him but he would NOT let me wash his head so that still stinky, need to get some baby whipes I thing and just scrub him down that way lol.
the eating thing is still difficult for mabe an ounce in him so far today but im pretty much giving him free acess to dry piggy pellet and regular aces to crumbled milk soaked piggy pellet in between attempts with milk...
hes a stubbon lil piggy head lol. but hes too cute and LOVES hit tummy rubbed!
todays been fairly uneventful, im running on less than fumes but the gate to the pig pasture is hung, and 1 bale of straw has been stuffed into half the walls and laid on 1/2 the floor of the piggy house.
need to get a 2nd bale to finnish that.
gonna go out in a few mins and pick up a small fence charger (mums decided she wants the pig pen and pool on a separate harger, with makes MY life a million times easier...we can get a 2 mile form tsc for under $30 so that's the plan. also need to get 4 heavy duty t-posts to put up the electric round the pool which is supposed to be gtting closed up today (they've rescheduled twice already...) to keep gypsy off the pool cover, she tore it last winter and has fallen in a few times so we don't want her damaging the new cover or worse getting through it and getting trapped...) so theres gonna be 2 strands around the pool and 2 around the pig pen.
we have a lightning rod system on the house...wonder if I could ground to that rather than driving another grounding rod?! lol.
also gonna get the other bale of straw for the piggies and a couple of bales to bed out the goat house too.
still need to make the gate for the goat house too...
heavens im tired.
mums now also again talking about moving the rabbits to the barn for the winter...if I do it its not the winter, its for full time, im not moving them back and once the goat house and the duck house are finished im going to see about getting that figured. I can set up the stall the boys are in as the rabbitry and sis can have the rabitry as her veggie bed...its a good flat sunny spot that's now well fertilized with rabbit manure LOL!
its just another job on the list.
oh well, back to getting stuff done...days are getting too short to sit around being lazy about.
You could use the ground from the lightening rods, I'd just worry what would happen to the charger if the rods got hit by lightening!
Silly piggy in the bath! Wish you could have gotten pics of that lol
You're still making great progress! Way to go!
still trucking...
Added the fence charger to the lightning ground and put in a lightning arrestor on the far so good, the piggy girls are loving being outside and doing a fine job at making a mess...yup...they are diggers....odd for mini pb's but we wernt using that section of yard or anything other than the dogs pooping there so what does it realy matter...if we ever want to move them the spot can easily be returfed/seeded or turned into a planting spot...
I tried to poke my eye out on a corner point of welded wire ence up at the rabbitry...that was fine, missed the cornea, but I look like ive got a zombie does look better today so as long as its improving and my vision isn't going blurry im not worried. im watching closely for infection and any deterioration.
I do have a migrane that wont quit but im thinking that's just from overloading myself the past couple weeks more than the "pokey eye" thing...
got the goat house done (still need to paint the door and trim it out but structurally the boys are now living in it )
and dad helped me build the ducky/goosey house this weekend so that's done...need to roll out some lino on the floor (we have a sheet in the shed) and bed down but at least THATS done too.
next big jobs are the fence around the pool and cleaning out the stalls in the barn...
im going to try and at least get one of those stalls done today.
im pretty certain I am going to relocate the rabbits to the barn...and move them in perminently...if I can run a heater in there and keep the bottles/water system from freezing itll make my life ALOT easier overall for the winter...
and yeah...
little baby B piggy is doing great, such a little cutie and that's realy just about all I got right now.
gonna go work on the floor for the ducky house (lino) and then get 1 stall done...if I can do that ill be content with the day.
thanks, the eye is actually doing ALOT better, no longer looks like a zombie, just a little scratch on the bottom lid and a little redness left on the white of the eye, id say another day or 2 and id never have known lol.
todays been an odd one...I got up wanting to do stuff...primarily get the got stalls cleaned...and instead ive managed to do exactly VERY LITTLE lol. my get up and go got up and left...and here I am sitting exhausted hoping coffee can give me a go.
I think its diet related, so tomorrow im going to stop being slack with myself and get back on the dang more excuses...and no more letting my family be the excuse...(I make dinners they don't low carb so I make stuff for them and then I have a little cause well I made it dang it and its yummy) so...dinner I make will be low carb plain and simple...if they want something carby specially they can make that part themselves...
otherwise all is normal and fine, windy as heck here right now and a freeze warning for tonight, gonna be col and 50's-40's the next few days too...but that's ok....putting the barn on the list for tomorrow, its going to get done if it kills me. need to do the girls stall first, then Ill do the empty stall and then I can start moving the buns in.
kinda taking my time a little on that because I might have a buyer for the angora...MIGHT...ive got 2 people 1 who wants to pit them up this week (but said that a week ago) and another whose been emailing me the ame questins for 2 weeks asked about placing a deposit last night and now haven't heard from again lol.
im realy hoping this pans out.
also got some interest in the lops, ive got 2 young boys and id like to sell at least 1 of the does to fingers crossed there too.
everyone else is doing fine...
for some reason today though im seriously missing my TN family!