Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
warm hugs to you at the turn of Yule. The wheel keeps turning, doesn't it? :hugs
Hang in there, you are loved.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
thanks guys, sometimes turns too fast and leaves us running to catch up.
Took dodgers body to the vet thi morning, they have a special deal with the local crematorium, itll be a little while before we get his urn back.
kinda numb today, I want to do stuff, anything to keep busy...but no one else whats to do stuff...and the stuff I want to do requires other peoples cooperation...(like getting the humungo fridge moved so I can start doing SOMEHING about crating a work/craft/storage space..)
but they are dealing in their way and unfortunately the 2 worlds don't seem to be working well together...
*shrugs* temporary and yet, so frustrating.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Oh Pink, I'm so sorry you're going through all this. I do understand about things stacking up and you feel like the whole universe is against you. But, you are right - you will get up tomorrow and do what you have to do, because that's who you are. You will keep moving while you mourn the losses. It only hurts so much because you love so much and because you give so much of yourself. :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
thanks, im finaly breathing again I think, im still in an odd place, but lie keeps going and on jan 1st my tri rex doe gave me 4 little babbits in the box...I was worried lat night with lows of 13 but they were fine this morning and fine at bedtime check over too...
I took a quick look and right now I think ive got 2 broken torts a torte tri and a tri...
im REALY hoping the 2 tris are females, im hoping to keep 1 and ive got someone waiting for at least 1 tri doe...
so any "think pink" vibes would be great, ideally id have 2 tri does and red/torted doe and a red/torted any vibes on that...appreciated! lol
my 2 angora does and my meaty mix doe haven't started nesting yet, got my chestnut on day 32 today, my frosty is only day 31 and my meaty is on day weve got time.
ive started my search for another rex doe...the standards are hard to find so I may end up running round in circiles...but its worth a look
im also on the look out for a French lop doe to replace my broken blue English lop with for my giant plushies...
my broken bluie elop is a pretty girl but shes hard to get bred and a grumpy bun, not aggressive...but not friendly either. she has beautiful babies but that's not enough to keep her since its a bred that's sometimes hit or miss and I have her daughter kept back (and a black buck)
im going to try to breed bluebell 1 more time and keep back a couple of does form her for the initial project but then she can find a new place.
figure I can continue to use them in my velveteen project and for the occasional pure e-lop litter...but replacing bluebell with a French lop would give me uch larger comerical type rabbit to work with on such a project...I can always increae ear length later if I wanted to and create something completely unique lol
ive definatly set myself that if the 3 commercial mix does don't produce viable healthy litters by easter all 3 will go (one way or another) they eat a lot and I got them to make me some meat...ive been feding them for about 8 motnhs now and so far nothing...they ALL missed the first breeding and 2 refused to lift for this time around...gonna try again this weekend/next wek and if no go by the 10th they are gone.
that's prime realestate and espensive feed they are taking up lol

theres a farm show in PA on the 10th/11th that I might go to, and if not theres a rabbit convention in early feb...there a little bit of a distance but hey its something to do lol.

today was long and hard and I had a temper tantrum...yes I feel like im 5, BUT it worked.
ive been trying to get the fridge in my room MOVED OUT since I moved in...weve been talking about and planning to do it for days ut it just kept getting pushed back...and put off...and ignored...
finally today after melting down to mum, its gone, it is now in the kitchen where it belongs the old one is safe in the garage where it belongs...and ive got a big open space in my room where a craft space belongs!
going to start realy working on getting that set up tomorrow, need to move some things around, then measure up for the table top :)
I think this weekend ill get the painting raft space wall done, dad wont be happy if I do it myself but ill wait for years if I ask him so ill do the wall I need done so I can work on things....then ill do the next wall and then the next.
the ceiling can stay as it is and ill just paint around my fishtank...when we move out this is a grage anyway, the wall has to come back down and it has to be NOT a room again so..what does it matter if the paints not finished, ill have to paint it all white again later anyway lol.

projects are good, projects keep me busy!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Sometimes throwing that temper tantrum is the right thing to do.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Sending "Think Pink - Think Pink - Think Pink" vibes!

Good for you on the temper tantrum. Asking nicely wasn't working!

And, what is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing in the same way and expecting a different outcome.... so you changed things up a little...and it WORKED!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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keep em coming, took a good look at the kits today theres 1 I realy realy realy want to keep back, a pretty little tri!
all 4 are tris but this one is perfectly marked right now...PLEASE let it be a little girl! lol.

in other news, I got the supplies neded for my craft desk...
I looked at the kitchen counters, would have cost $100 (plus another $20 for brakets and $10 for legs for the front...)
then I looked at plywood...$30 for a sheet, would have made twice what I needed but unrooly and would need cutting...
then I looked at shelving, precut ply, mdf ect...
I found 4ft x 2ft pieces of 3/4 particle board stuff (the rock solid stuff that a dremmel cant even get through! lol) $7 a piece...
I needed 8 ft...PERFECT!
the bill came to almost $80 BUT, that included a $20 tub of poly-crylic I needed for the table top finnish and PLENTY left over to last me for ever and a bottle of water and a pretty plant for my room and taxes...all together about $55 for the supplies for the dek themselves.
I picked up a roll of green "masking paper" from the paint aisle, as id decided if going this route id try the "paper bag flooring" method ive seen (it looks like a cross between stained concrete and old leather when innished)

2 days, a lot of gluey decoupagey mess and 5 coats of poly I now have 2 pieces of desk top that look like

up close you can see the "crackle/leather" look

im realy pleased with how its turned out and 1/2 the cost of prefabed countertops...and with 5 coats of poly...its pretty well protected lol.

next job is to clear off the wall this is going on and get it painted, then in go the brackets and legs and the desktop can go in. once that's in that area can get completely rearranged and hopefully look a lot nicer than it does now...
yay progress!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
thanks, I realy love the look, thinking about doing it to the top of the chest I got to use as a coffee table too :D

in other news, nothing can go right without thigns going haywire...
the good:
clover had 6 little babbits at some point las night, all fat all warm, all lightly colored...
the bad news, one of my rex does is NOT a rex doe...been feeding that little bun for 4 months to check her to see if shes ready to breed today to notice something not quite right that I hadn't noticed before...
SHE is a HE with a split penis
a split penis is essentially just that...the benis shaft is split, in some cases not much in this case though split so much that if it hadn't been for the fact that I actually found testicular sacks I still would be thinking it wa a she...the split goes tip to base :/
the testicular sacks are still so small that its not realy a wonder I didn't notice them before...
this is NOT good, split penis is genetic (and most cant breed successfully anyway) hes cute so ive offered him for short term sale as a pet, but if he doesn't find a home in the next few days well be having bunny stew this weekend.
so frustrating, rex are hard enough to find without haing to deal with this.
so now im REALY hoping I can find some at the farm show in PA this commign weekend...
not that I want to be spending the money right now, but I cant keep supporting the buns if I don't have buns to breed.
I have waitinglists out the wazoo for rex...but I was hoping to change direction and focus on color anyway so...I guess this opens up a little more cage space.

anywho, not much going on today, mums got a drs apt later and I want to get some


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Bummer on the rabbit - but dang - what a weird thing. At least, it sounds weird to me, but guess it happens. Maybe the farm show will have what you're looking for.

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