Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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FEM that's exactly how itll come home shell be mostly reocverd life will start getting back to normal and suddenly everything will become real and hit me like a ton of bricks...My therapist explained it as a sort of fight or flight instinct...I am not the personality type to light so my body and mind has developed a "safety switch" so to speak to get me through stressfull stuff, but once the risk has gone it always catches up...
im going to need a vacation lol.

this mornings updae is "cautiously optimistic" its a long road, shes lack an dblue from surgery and the blood thinners nd of course worried shes going to get antoher clot (she shouldn't because of the blood thinnes but shes afraid and for good reason) because they wont let her get up bedrest until the surgeon is cerian all the "replumbing" has all connected nicely and then they'll start moving her around a bit...
Dad hasn't poken to the surgeon today yet, but shes got feeling in her toes, color in the leg is good (though still very swollen) and shes doing "ok"

she does horribly under anesthesia normally (after her spine surgery she was in recovery for almost 9 hour becau they couldn't get her o2 stats stabilize or get her to wake up enough to feel safe moving her..she did similar after bt rotator cuff surgeries....
I told the surgeon when he called yesterday when dad was on his way and he said hed make sue to highlight on the chart as theres other nesthesias they can use in those case...well sems he listend, she came out o surgery last night and within 30 mins they had her stable o2 and awake enough to move her to a bed...
the surgeon who did her back (who I think feels guilty for not catching this at her apt on Tuesday) was there the whole time and will be there to check on her every day...he even gave dad his personal cell number for any questions or concerns...the vascular urgeon (who I talked to) did everything he could despit a bad hit...they thought they may have to ampuate the leg but...*fingers crossed* there is a reduction in swelling and a reutn of feeling.

it was a long night so now im lay in bed with my critters, will probably put a movie on and mabe fal alsoeep for a bit.
its currently snowing again so...

spring is late!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thank you!!!

still cautiously optimistic today, they had her up to ultrasound this morning and thigns are looking good...they arnt sure yet if they want to let what left of the clots try to dissolve on their own or go back in after whats left, but as of right now there doesn't seem to be any necrosis of tissue in the leg so it looks like shes coming out of this with both still attatched...
but the risk still remains so nothing is in stone at this point.

I feel like a bad person becaue I backed out of a bunny buy this morning...I was supposed to go to the rabbit show 1 1/2 hours away and was supposed to pick a rabit while there...
I messaged them this morning and said ic oudlnt justify such a long trip given the situation right yeah...heres me feeling bad about that...

im 99% certain I AM selling my angora trio after the next batch of babies due in april are weaned...gonna get them tidied up and then move them on...
till trying to figure out the rabbitry...I think using the frame I have is the best bet...but I need to figure out some way to reinforce the whole thing so I don't have to move them back to the barn come winter again....primarily the roof...the snow load is the big concern.
i want it insulated with lightweight bubble insulation in the roof...

so many ideas in my not a clue if theyd work...i hate snow.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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I don't know whats up with me today...starting to crack under the pressure mabe...

ive been working on building a sand falls and background in mums was looking great, come to trim up the spray foam today that's supporting the pipe for the sand falls and the pipe is clogged...for some reason the sprayfoam didn't set properly and made a gooey sticky mess IN the pipe, clogged the whole thing.
had to rip out the entire carved panel (destroying it in the process) rip out the ipe and toss the whole rig...
ive got a piece of foam left I can use to recreate the fanfall panel, but that whole piece was my favotire piece that id carved..
in the process I also got latex based uncured spray foam all over my hands (it SHOULD have been cured by now its been 4 days) and so I am now super sticky and super itchy, (soap doesn't budge this crap) have had to wait for it to dry and peel it...(along with the top 2 layers of my kin in some spots where it strted to blister....
so now, I have to buy new pipe, and redo that whole back section, re-set re pipe re carve and re-paint...

EVERY time I try to do something nice for someone the whole thing blows up in my face.

then ad called form the hospital...still cautiously optimistic I might add....
and needs a elephone umber out of mums address book...first I couldn't find it...then it turns out that the A, B, C on the little tab pages are more "just a guideline", dad tells me "its neer the very back..."
I spend 15 mins trying to find I tel him to call me back, cant pull up the last number diaed on the phone calls me back, till cant find the damned number...
finally found it neer the FORNT of the book...*rolls eyes* but I was so flusteed and frustrated I just wanted to cry...what the hell...

everything today is just wanting me light things on fire....I mean seriously...
I got up toay thinking, ok, 1 yr toay I moved and ive done nothing to make thi place im going to clean and get that finished and realy buckle down on my diet...
its now 3pm and I downed a bowl of cerial and 2 slices of toast, am sore and itchy, had to tear apart something that took me 2 weeks to do...and am in a foul mood...

*shakes head*

id say I need a vacation...but that would get my hopes up ill ever actually get one...mums out of commission for at least 4 months after getting home...I cant rely on the ibling to do anything, and dad alternates between manic do all the cleaning that doens teven need to be done" and cant even put the damned spoon in the dishwasher....

Right now a large part of me says sell it all, buy an rv and leave.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Hey - let's go halvsies (or is it halfsies?)! I had one of those days today....

Only advice I have right now is to take a deep breath, center yourself and start all over tomorrow... (let me know if that works and I'll try it myself)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, working on it, might need more than 1 day to "recenter" but itll be ok lol.
I got the replacement parts to rebuild the mechanical part of the structure, so ill work on getting that cut to size the area recleaned out and the pipe reset tomorrow and then recarve the face plate... fingers crossed this time around...

since she doent ee this

is what im making...well at least the sand fall part, mine wont look wuite the same...mine will be a little more cutesy, she was looking at little water wheel cottages and the bubble falls for the aquariums last time at the fish I figured hey why not combine the 2...
im doing a sand falls and ive carved out a cottage on the mountain side...the cottage has a bubbler in the chimney and will have a small yellow/orange (candle light) tone led waterproof lightstrip inside, he windows are cut out...and the led will be set on a timer, when the daytime lights go out the blue LED's will kick in and the light in the cottage will cme on...and the bubbles will come out of the chimney (I couldn't figure out how to effectively do a waterwheel lol)
the whole thing is up on a Cliffside and the pieces of thecliff will be filled with grow media and planted with live aquarium plants...ive got some silk plants in there as filler pieces and to add large structure that would be impossible to achieve quickly with live...

I realy want to have it up and running in time for her birthday o April 13th...we need to get the livingroom painted and get a stand for it before it can be placed...
still need a filter and a top and the led strip lighting ill be using to make a light for ontop...
the rest will be décor...

but now I have to recarve the whole waterfall cliff face...which is carved out of the solid foam core insulation o its time consuming and messy...then it gets painted...and has to fully cure before water is added....its a process lol.

but yeah...for tonight,


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Omg that is so awesome! It's sand?! That's wild! That spray foam stuff is a pain in the butt! Maybe the can was too old and that's why it didn't cure?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yup, sand, usually play or pool filter sand grain cant be too small cause it would fly all over the tank, but too big and its too heavy...
the mechanism itself is super simple, its essentially a modified under gravel filter. tube with an intake at the bottom and 2 outlets at the top, 1 facing out for the sand, one facing up for air...feed airline with a good sized aristone down the tube to the bottom of the pipe, set in sand and the air bubbles draw the water and sand up the tube and out the top...
the tricky part is creating the wall to hide it behind and a catch basin so the sand collects in the bottom and falls back towards the tube opening to be sucked up and fall again
Some folks use real rocks silaconed together for stability...some use just the spray foam and then carve the rock face out of that...
some use various foams and then coat in concrete (though that method takes forever as the concrete screws with your waer ph for MONTHS...
personally ive found carving out of the foam board insulation then doing lots of layers of acrylic paint (which is plastic based) then coated in a thin coat of clear epoxy gives you he best lightweight replica...the idea being you make the rock face, set the mechanism for the fallsbehind it then spray foam the empty gap behind..

I think your right on mine, I pulled the bottle from the trash and it was kinda dinged and had some rust on the bottom....

todays supposed to be nice so im hoping to get the chest freezer in the garage sorted (Need to make a list of whats actually IN there...) but tomorrow they are saying storms so think im going to work on the tank then.
want to order the LED light for in the cottage today too so I can get that fitted.

as of right now there talking about discharging mum as soon as Friday however theres talk about going to a medical rehab facility for a couple of weeks while she regains strength and where they can keep a close eye on what going on.
her spine surgeon wants to know WHY she formed such a mssive clot so quickly...the clot literally whent from her pelvis all the way to her ankle, he saw her on Tuesday and she was fine and by thrusday she was in life threatening condition.
had she not been airvaced she would have likely died...and amputation of the leg was a very definite option (they were regionally going to do that but the surgeon thought here was enough to warrant trying...
shes doing relitvly well, an emotional basket case from the combination of fear and medications and I suggested to dad last night that we talk to her about going to therapy for a while...he agreed (and hes very anti therapist,..)

with the chance for her coming home soon though I realy want to get this done. her birthday is april 13th and I want it finished by then set up and running.
my tank remains unstable and all the fish have died (im certain now my cat is to blame) so im going to pull the heater and put it in mums tank and use the live plants in her tank too my tank will get a clean up and become the goldfish tank ive been talking about for a while. (ill keep the house plants that are rooted above the water line though) and itll give me a bit of a starting point on the lives for thi one...I want this one pretty heavily planted so it looks like a forest in the back and grassy fields in the front.

weve still got to find a stand, light fixture and filter for it, but least the heater and air are taken care of.

not much else going on...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well tried to fix the spot I had to tear out...
not only cant I get it to fit right I moved my arm funny and the center brace snapped...
im not sure I want to risk putting water in that now so...
gonna pull out all the stuff I did, see what I can salvage if anything, clean up any residual silicone I can and offer it for what I bought it for as a reptile/herb tank...

found another one with all the equiptment inc stand for $100, going to see if I can get some contributions, dad was origionally going to buy the stand so ill see if hell throw in some, and brother might toss in a ltitle too...
stands not pretty and the tank needs a clean, but with the filter and such it works out a good deal...I could probably add some trim and pretty hardware to the stand to make it match the other furniture in the room.
gonna try and go a little simpler this time, just build the sand fall to start out and I think I may even build it out of the tank as a single piece build it carve it put the mechanism in then just drop it in the tank and silicone in place as a whole piece.
then ill try the cottage...

so frustrated.

today is wet and gross and I wanted to do something productive...and instead other thn getting feed and getting frustrated...nothing got done.

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