Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
bunny poop.jpg


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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LOL, thats like ALL the dogs here lOL

zipties are my buddy, but they sure make your hands hurt after you've used about 200 of them LOL!

planning out today...
need to get the meat chickens and the turkey poults out of the barn ASAP, the meaties are starting to pick on eachother and the turks just need more room...
so ive been playing with tractor ideas and thinking things through.

the plan is to put up welded wire fence along the back of the back pasture and move the girly piggies up there, then the turks would move down to the piggy pen...
so I figure the meat chickens could go in there too so why bother building a tractor...

so this weekends job...get the welded wire, and the panels to divide the stall, and get that done.
I also want to get some bird netting and cover the piggy pen and get the turkeys moved in at least.
id like to get the meaties moved too but I need to figure out a temporary shelter for them


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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because i have arthritis pretty bad in my hands i use a pair of fence pliers to pull them tight. so much easier for me. looks to me like you have things coming together. good for you!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well been a busy few days...
finished mums birthday gift in time to give it her this morning....least...the main part.
we need to get some nice photos to add but here it is so far.


its a 2ft x 4ft 1/4" board with a few layers of variously tinted joint compound as a base., once that was dry I then layers with a palet knife and a paintbrush the tree ontop with more joint compound.
the picture doesn't show the texture or depth of color very well but im happy with it and mum loves it.
itll be even better with the pictures in and once I get a real frame for it id like the frame to match the furniture color :)

her tank is going to wait for a while as dad doesn't want ti moved in until the rom is decorated, but I m supposed to go pick it up on Wednesday so :)

also got the chicken tractor done for the meaties so they are now out of the barn...
the turkey grow out pen also got done tso they too are out of the barn...
the duck/goose pen got cleaned out too, and I did a little straigtening of the vegetable area including gathering the pipes form the other covr-all, leaving out the broken pieces I had enough to build a 10x10 shelter to start our greenhouse project. 10x10 should be big enough for this year and we can expand next year if needed.

if the weather co-operates tomorrow afternoon im going to move the quail cages down towards the rabbitry which finishes out clearing out the veggie area ready for shrinkwrapping the new greenhouse moving the fence and building the raised veggie beds.

this week I also need to work on cleaning out the barn

trying to work out a deal on a Nigerian dwarf doe and her doeling....
and possibly an experienced guard alpaca (yeah I know a ltitle small for a guard animal but we only realy need hawk and fox protection (the yotes don't try the electric but the hawks fly over and the foxes squeeze under the electric line)
need to put welded fencing on the back fence of the pasture, move the girly pigs up there and build mr b the male pig a new pen/house.

soooo much to get done, but at least with the nicer weather im starting to feel some increased ability to get thigns done.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
WOW - love, love, love the picture frame! Sounds like you're keeping busy, to say the least! Nice weather has a way of making us want to get things done - for sure!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks, I canceled on the female goat and baby...ive got so much to get done I don't think a bottle baby and station training a new doe is a good plan right now, I still need to clean up the barn, get the male pig and female pigs al moved, clean the goat stall, rearrange the tack/processing room, move and ready the quail cages and get the veggie area ready...

I am still considering the alpaca though. :)

today im aching and tired, its overcast and dreary so that never helps...
but mum got a good or her back surgeon apt, despit all the setbacks it does seem to be healing just as it should be.
back in 2 weeks for another check in...itll be every 2 weeks for a little while, but he thiks another 2 months and it should be all healed up...
the rest however, the aftermass of the servious DVT will take as long as it takes, possibly months, possibly longer.

otherwise, not much else going on.
going to pick up the tank tomorrow morning...
need to o a TSC run this afternoon (need grower for the turks/chicks) and mabe a trip to town tomorrow for some stuff to modify the meaty tractor a little (I need to add some kind of peak to the tarped area to let the rain flow off rather than puddling ontop. so im thinking of getting a couple of pieces of pvc at 6-7 ft long and make a couple of hoop spines for the 1 half with the tarp over it.

I also want to get the planting bed at the side of the rabbitry some peony and some glad bulbs are aldi yesterday for next to nothing, figure they die back tot he ground for winter so...
want a clematis to clamber up and over the top too, and hen fill the bed in with some sunflowers and mabe some bunny safe anti bug herbs like lemon balm and catnip.
still need to get the good tarps for that too!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
thanks :D she loves it :D

whent and picked up her tank today too, top is a little rough form having a light sat on it directly BUT it was full when I got there so I know everything runs :D
took a little while to empty it, but we chatted, he was a relay nice guy who was realy interested in everything im doing, hes currently struggling like 99% of the population to make ends meet and is thinking about moving into his van with his dog and living in there so he can save some money and retire in a few years na dbuy a ltitle piece of land and try to do the same...
so im going to send him a link to the forum :D

got home, did a feed run, set up the brooder tub for the rhodebarrs. we have a male and a female currently hatched, another on her way out (head stripe so should be female) and another pipped, theres 5 with no pip yet but they are literally right on time so fingers crossed on the others.
my home made incubator worked too well, even with a 25wt bulb it got too hot in there and im pretty sure were a full loss on the batch...going to try with a 15 watt bulb and see what temp we maintain with that...

once I finished all hat though im feeling kinda achey and lost my get up lol.
gonna prep dinner in a min then go out and do chores while it cooks and after that im thinking hot shower, movie and an early night.
looking at another beautiful day tomorrow so think ill finnish getting the quail cages relocated and start to move the fence on the veggie garden.

I played with layout in ms paint today and think weve got it figured...looks like well be able to do a 2ft perimeter planting, 6 4x8 raised beds and 3 4x4 tiered planters.
perimeter wil probably get an asparagus bed, potato bins, the squash and mellons and some berry bushes and sunflowers....
the planting towers will be strawberries and possibly peas/climbers (they would go on the lower level with the strawberries on the uppers)
id like to intermingle some herbs or maragolds in those too for bug resistance.
the 6 other beds will then be sqft method and jam packed with things w eat a lot of.

I figure 6 beds if properly planted should give us plenty of veggies for least make a dent lol.

once the veggie path is reconfigured im going to focus on getting the piggies moved and sorted.
nice weather came in and despite my bodys protests theres so much to get done lol.

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