Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ok folks...i hope you realize being able to vent this here is the only thing keeping me in one peice right now.

good news:
dads been removed from step down and put onto the regular area of the floor, the good is that means hes not as serious condition right now, the bad...more people per nurse so hes not quite getting the 1 on 1 he was getting.
he was very tired this morning, probably a combination of the anestesia from last night and shere emotioanl and physcal exhaustion, but otherwise is once again feeling ok.
hes on nil by mouth at the minimum untill tomorrow, an wont be home untill at the earliest saturday, his surgeon wants to keep a close eye.
they belive that the small ulcer was agrivated in the early morning hours on tuesday morning, as he stood up and started moving some acid caused it to begin bleeding and the first bout happend...thankfully not eating anything a clot formed an essentially "plugged" the ulcer. then yesterday they took him off the iv and gave him broth...the broth seems to have been enough to "wash away' the clot that was acting as a plug causing the bleed again and this time being that hed also been sipping water all day the fluid mixed with the blood and made it look like there was alot more...there was still alot, the stomach an intestines bleed horribly aparently, but the fluid in his system didnt help the matter.

another clot managed to get itself in place an plug the ulcer again as they put him under for endoscopy and now its all cleaned out and there hopign nil by mouth for a few days, compbined with ulcer medication a strong ppi and anti nausea meds as needed will give the area a chance to heal back up again, reduce the ulcer and fix the issue. they are also hoping that the additional clips they put in round the suture sites internally will prevent more ulcers from forming.

my father has NEVER had an ulcer...infact never had stomach ssues untill he had to have whats called a prev pac for the H-pilori bacteria that was found during a breath test in the pre-req stage. h-ilori can cause ulcers so they treat to clear the bacteria but the treatment is incredibly strong antibiotics and a PPI to keep the stomach acid from agrivating the now sensitive stomach because of the extreem course of antibiotics.
after the prev pack his stomach hasnt been right, gas, upset/irritable bowl ect...never had these issues before it...

i put him on the store kefire plenty of yogurt and acidophilous pearls to try and get thigns balance back out in there...
but ill be honest, theres NO doubt in my mind that those strong antibiotics have played at least SOME part in this issue.
i HATE antibiotics!

but yeah, hes doing ok right now and were all realy hoping he continues to improve to full strenght fairly quickly.

in other GOOD news.
my agent contacted a local banker shes worked with before after i explaine the situation with wells fargo.
he called me yesterday got some info but wasnt sure if hed be able to help due to how small the mortgage is...but he was going to check into it.
this morning he called me back, he needs some documentation from me BUT...right now it looks like we MIGHT be able to swing this by going through the USDA rural housing program.
unlike the fha programs theres no max to seller contribution...
and if his numbers an things are correct i would only have to bring about $200 to the closing table. (i dont think that includes down payment but i do know usda permits 0% down loans too for my credit score, so that could definatly be an additional option to keep even more money in my pocket.)
AND my monthly payments would be LESS than what wellsfargo wanted because the interest rate on the usda loan is lower.
he can also help me find home insurance for less than progressive if i want it so im going to ask him who he suggests, if i can go local for all this rather than big companies i might find myself even better off overal.

so sonya has let the seller know whats going on.
if we go USDA the closing date would be closer to the end of aug middle of september (its mid sept for the peperwork because its a govt loan, but says they usually can close within 30 days rather than the 45 they require on the forms...
this gives me an extra paycheck between now and then too.

nothings set in stone yet, i need to gether some stuff for him and fax it over, but the banks only open untll 4 and i have some stuff i need to do here first so ill get that tomorrow, and we should have a solid idea of if this is going to work by monday.

mabe this whole thing was fates way of putting that closing date back a few weeks to give me a little extra leway?
mabe it wont work out anyway...

but right now it seems a little trivial considering everything else lol.

just wanted to inject a little good news into this thus far not very happy section of my journal.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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May be a way to make sure you're home w/your dad while he's recovering. Hope everything turns out OK.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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whent to see him tonight, hes now trying to stay positive, says he feels better and so far so good.
his gastroentrologist things hell be there till monday just to be absolutly certain theres gonna be no relaps so i belive hell be in for the weekend
he managed to sleep today from 11:30 am untill about 4pm in a deep out to the world kind of sleep...
his body needs that.

beyond that not much to report.

hopign tomorrow continues on this "light at the end of the tunnel" kind of track.

right now though im tired, gonna play some solitair untill 10pm, (the dogs last potty time otherwise ill be awoken at 4am to squeking dogs lol) then off to bed.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ok folks, so far so good, hes finnishing up the 72 hour course of realy strong PPI meds today, and will continue on iv untill tomorrow.
tomorrow then he goes to water only...if that goes well theyll put him on stage 3 again (broth and protein shakes) on saturday evening/sunday morning, and assuming that goes well hell be comming home probably monday. hes hopign for sunday but i think itll be monday.
i dont want them sending him home untill they are absolutly CERTAIN this isnt going to happen again, and neither does his surgeon.

but otherwise.

ontop of that today, backwashed the pool filter then dumped shock in there and am topping up.
the pool is VERY green right now probbaly due to all the heat and bright sun weve had, so im shocking today and will put in some algecide tomorrow. i hate chemicals but we simply cant use the pool right now because its GREEN.
gave a quick check over the garden, got a zucini which im fairly certain is about ready to come off the vine, and a couple of crooknecks are comming up. my watermellon vines have flowers now and theres lots of flowers all over the squash vines too...weve got zucinni, yellow crookneck and butternut realy hoping we get a nice little crop off the butternut, i LOVE butternut squash.

were having an issue with our maters though, im fairly certain its blight, between the night time rains and the very hot sun were having fruits that are going mushy before ripenning, have black yicky spots at the stem (and occasionally all over) and some of the leaves are yellowing :(
might have to fungicide them if noones got any other ideas?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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so a semi good news update...

dads off the iv again today, they have put him on his stage 3 again (broth, sugar free jello, decaf tea/coffee, water ect.) if today and tonight goes well theyll probbaly send him home tomorrow.
hes a little more chipper today.
i think il be able to relax a little more tonight, after hes been on the liquids and off the iv for a while with no ill effect (he was fine on tuesday while on the iv but when they took him off it on weds and started him on stage 3, it was a few hours later that the issue re-occured) so im still antsy...
but the drs ar epelased with his recovery thus far so *fingers crossed*

in other news, the local mortgage guy is 99.9% certain we can get this house done with a usda rural loan...
got my bank statments together yesterday, got to get together my past 2 years W2's and a statment of earning. and get those faxed over first thing monday morning for him so that can hopefully move forward.

and yeah...
not much else going on.
got to clean the bird cages, get dressed then going to see dad for a couple hours. this afternoon i have ot vac the pool and add algecide to see if we can get it back to tip top shape, it was crystal clear up untill that heat wave...

in other news, theres a corn stalk outside my door...
jack jack gets popping corn in his nut mix occasionally and i droped a peice when dusting out his bottom tray. it sprouted and i figured hey ill see what happens...
well it grew and grew and tassled and this morning i look out my window and theres a little ear of corn (its about 3 inches long) with lots of silk :)
just one ear...but im realy glad my curiosity got the best of my desire to remove the "weed"
now im wondering if itll actually fruit properly inside that little ear lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
That will be interesting to see, especially since every thing I've ever read says you need x number of plants for proper pollination, etc.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i know right, thats what i thought, i was expecting it to grow a little and even tassle but i wasnt expecting it to do anything else...but aparently this one has other plans.
being im sure its some kind of popping corn i have no idea how it would taste to eat it if it id form properly..but im more interested to see if it actually can being just 1 lone stalk. its actually kind of pretty, ive never seen corn tassles up close and theyve pollend out and look almost like they are dripping little tiny golden raindrops.
its only about 4 ft tall. and in partial shade.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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wow its hot out.

whent out and set the filter to bypass to waste and vacced all the loose algea off the floor of the pool...
then turned it to bypass to pool and added algeacide.

right now its topping up and circulating...

will have to bypass to waste and revac in about 24 hours to remove any more settled 'dead' algea...

thats the nice thing with our pool filter...
our pool is just a cheapy one from walmart but we invested in a real good sand filter which has all these settings so you can actually bypass the bio and carbon filters when you treat the pool and such.
makes it alot easier :p

but yeah...kinda toasty right now lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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woot, dad is home, feeling good looking good, now we jsut need to watch him over the next few days.

thankd for all the thoughts, well wishes and prayers! only hope you know how much i apreciate them all!

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