Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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still a basket case but what else is new lol.
looks like ive got the 2 embden goslings going home tonight so that's good
someone mentioned coming to see the adults tomorrow *fingers crossed*
and need to arrange the trade on this little red rex male...
might have someone interested in the red female rex too *fingers crossed* now if only I could get the satin boy sold id be all set.
got the troughs scrubbed today and took mum to her apt, and then gonna pick up rabbit food when I go to take these babies in about 1/2 hour
but nothing else got done that I wanted to...

however have been thinking about the pens.

right now I'm thinking...
take the current 10x10 duck pen...take it down to the new duck house and use that as the night time pen.
the current duck pen is going to be the baby pen for bottle baby goats and the piglets when there old enough to wean, but is bigger than the space currently in use so I'm thinking move the current house enough to use the whole space efectivly and put a fence up across the front giving us more room in there for babies...saves us money in the long run as we wont need to buy a pen for down by the pond...(mum wants an actual pen...)

tlked to dad last night about stuff and he doesn't want to thin down the goat herd...if anything hed like more does...but the back pasture is just not going to support I proposed to him we run 4 strand electric around the 2 front pastures (only do 1 for now since we cant get round to fence the other until we can get in with a chainsaw around the pond) itll be easy enough to train the goats to come down to the new pastures if they know theres food involded and I can easily rotate them between the 2 front pastures and the back pen.

I'm planning on modifying the current piggy pen, MR.B will have his own area and the male goats will have he rest...the male goats will stay separated until I want the does bred and then, once everyones bred to who I want them bred to, the boys can run with the girls until kidding time again (giving their small pasture brows chance to recover during that time) I wa origionally planning on having some girls bred for spring and some for fall for year round milk...but right now to be perectly honest I'm thinking all spring babies, not sure I want to be milking through the winter.
each of those front currently unusuaed feidls is about 1/2 an acre, so that increases the feed potential quite a bit.

and I think I can fence both in in 4 strand electric for under $200...
so yeah...busy brain...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lordy I ache but I'm making progress.
duck pen has now been moved down to the pond area.
put up a backup fence along the back fenceline and got that weedwacked again...
the stall the alpaca were got cleaned out new mats, bedded down and the goats moved in there...
and today the stall the goat were in got completely stripped out. will lay new mats and rebed that stall down.
the plan is to move the female pigs into that stall for farowing and then they'll live with the female goats.
once the female pigs are relocaed ill be working on the current piggy pasture, plan is to separate out a smaller pasture for our male piggy Mr.B, and then build the male goats a new house in the other part and move them in thre, they've been running with the girls since the piggies moved up and I don't like having them in there all the time, makes it impossible to know if/whos bred...and I DONT want winter babies so anyone that's not bred by this point needs to be waited on to time it for spring babies, so thats the next big job...and building a chicken coop too...
it never ends.

we also need to start stocking up on hay for the winter, why does the almanac hate me, another very cold, very snowy winter forcasted *pouts*


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
We are facing a major hay shortage here with the weird summer weather, so I'm stocking up now, too. I've got all the small bales that I think I'll need, and have paid a hefty deposit on my bigger bales. I'm just waiting to hear from the farmer that he can deliver them. And if it turns out I don't need all these small bales the way I thought I would, I should be able to sell them come February and make a nice neat profit.
Hope you can get it all done!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks, I'm worried about the same thing, weve had such a weird year for weather.
thankfully with just the goats we wont be going through as much as I initially worried about but still, id rather have a lot more than needed than not enough.

got the mats down in the 2nd stall, need to install 1 more board across the external door to keep the shavings IN and then just rake out the shaving piles, hopefully will have the girls in tonight.
still need to decide if I'm going to put up some kind of partition or if I'm going to jut tss a cuple of bales of straw in and let them decide where they are nesting as the time comes.
I'm expecting about a week between them...that's where my worry comes form...I think if they were set to givebirth the same day id be less concerned as they'll both be so pre-occupied witht heir own stuff they wont thing about eachother too much...but with a week in between ill probably try and set up some kind of simple divider system before the end of the weekend that I can take out once the babies are big enough.

not much else going on.
dr today for lady issue checkup.
bone density came back beyond good so that means I can stick to the thing that's been working for me for at least another 2 years and means I'm not currently looking at a hysterectomy :) this is geat news because I don't have time for yay Deppo shot for another 2 years! (no seriously this is GREAT news!, I do VERY well on deppo for my pcos/endo issues)

was supposed to be getting the tote for my rabbit water system yesterday...or today...but dad wont be home intime and ill need the truck so going to call to see if anyone will be available tomorrow and if not try and plan for next week...
ive got to move the quail into the rabbitry and get in there sorted.

next week is promising to be nutz, USCIS appointment for brothers greencard renewal Monday, mums USCIS apt and picking up grandparents form the airport Tuesday and My uscis apt on Friday...
yup 3 trips to Elizabeth nj for greencard reneal cause heavens orbid they put us all from the same address in for biometcis apt ont he same freeking day...*grumbles* I have to take bro since dad has to work Monday, and then go myself on Friday...I am TERRIFIED, I hate driving in general, I hate driving to places I'm unsure of/never been to even more and I hate driving through cities even more than that...gps will hopefully help me get there but still, that's going to be a serious trial for me. and to do it twice...yeah, exhausting.

oh well, stuff to get done and I realy need to get up and get it done.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
At least after you've done it once, it won't be as unfamiliar. I am RIGHT there with you on driving through cities in unfamiliar territory! Heck, I don't even like to do cities in familiar territory... Country bumpkin I am!
Glad you had a good report from the Dr.
Good luck with your week. It sounds about as hellacious as mine was last week.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well...we got the piggies in JUST in time.

bubbles decided this morning was a good day for babies.
6 adorable little bacon bits! (these wont be bacon, hese are mini minis mommas about 35lbs lol)
now just gotta wait on squeak.

the early morning was made beter by that nice little surprise. :D

drive to Elizabeth wasn't to bad, metered parking sucked but generaly not bad at all.
way out we near missed 2 HORRIBLE accients so someone was looking afer home and pretty much wanted to passs out...sat for a bit then did criter chores then spent some time with the babies taing pics and loving on hem and then even got some cages move around in the rabbitry that id een planning on doing.

tomorrow is mommas trn and picking up the g-parents from the airport...
which means itll be a day of clean my room and hopefully clean the barn....mabe.
SOOOO tired!

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