City Biddy
Enjoy all of that hubby time. It makes the old hags easier to handle.
I know you are not planning on animals right now because of the lack of natural grazing and that does make some good sense, but let me put an idea (or two) in your head.
Rabbits would do well in your area. The weather is often quite cool (which rabbits love) and they can live quite well indeed on a bit of alfalfa and some water. They will need sun and wind protection. We have been in the San Luis valley during a sandstorm with 85 mile and hour winds and believe me THAT was an experience! I guess it doesn't happen very often but better to be prepared.
Another thing that would do quite well and has for centuries evidently, are sheep. Especially hair sheep like the Katahdin. As I understand it sheep were the main source of money in the valley in the very early days. Sheep and goats seem to be able to do quite well on the limited natural browse of the area.
When we visited the valley in June we went to see the Colorado Gator Farm. I know it sounds kind of kooky and touristy and it is to an extent, but you have to admire the Self Sufficiency of the guy who started it. They bought seemingly desolate land, but land that had geothermal activity. Then they used the natural geo thermal to begin raising Tilapia for sale. They needed a way to dispose of the Tilapia guts and dead fish so they imported some alligators! They had some alligators, so people gave them mistreated and abandoned pet reptiles. They then decided to open the place to the PAYING public to see the reptiles. Currently they sell Tilapia for eating, alligator for eating and leather (they don't advertise that part), they use the water in the fish tanks to raise tropical flowers and house plants, AND people pay to come see their garbage disposal system!! You gotta hand it to those guys.
So even if it LOOKS sandy and desolate you are living in a gold mine of an area! By the way the college has a very nice planetarium and observatory that you should visit sometime. I wanted to go, but I had the flu when we were there and felt lousy.
I know you are not planning on animals right now because of the lack of natural grazing and that does make some good sense, but let me put an idea (or two) in your head.
Rabbits would do well in your area. The weather is often quite cool (which rabbits love) and they can live quite well indeed on a bit of alfalfa and some water. They will need sun and wind protection. We have been in the San Luis valley during a sandstorm with 85 mile and hour winds and believe me THAT was an experience! I guess it doesn't happen very often but better to be prepared.
Another thing that would do quite well and has for centuries evidently, are sheep. Especially hair sheep like the Katahdin. As I understand it sheep were the main source of money in the valley in the very early days. Sheep and goats seem to be able to do quite well on the limited natural browse of the area.
When we visited the valley in June we went to see the Colorado Gator Farm. I know it sounds kind of kooky and touristy and it is to an extent, but you have to admire the Self Sufficiency of the guy who started it. They bought seemingly desolate land, but land that had geothermal activity. Then they used the natural geo thermal to begin raising Tilapia for sale. They needed a way to dispose of the Tilapia guts and dead fish so they imported some alligators! They had some alligators, so people gave them mistreated and abandoned pet reptiles. They then decided to open the place to the PAYING public to see the reptiles. Currently they sell Tilapia for eating, alligator for eating and leather (they don't advertise that part), they use the water in the fish tanks to raise tropical flowers and house plants, AND people pay to come see their garbage disposal system!! You gotta hand it to those guys.
So even if it LOOKS sandy and desolate you are living in a gold mine of an area! By the way the college has a very nice planetarium and observatory that you should visit sometime. I wanted to go, but I had the flu when we were there and felt lousy.