Lovin' The Homestead
Now that I've got my raised beds made for my large veggie garden, I'm turning to planning my flower-and-herb garden. To be self-sufficient AND to make my own products that don't have the chemical I'm allergic to, I'm practically turning my eyes inside-out reading all of my herb books. Just as a refresher, I'm allergic to a chemical found in almost all household cleaning products, including those for the body, dishes, showers, and much more.
I have room for about 20 raised beds, each 4'x4', and about 18" high. Each box will have similar-needs plants, like in 1 box will be those needing a PH between 6-7, with sandy soil. Zone 5, eastern plains of Colorado, where highs in the summer can be above 100, and lows in the winter can be -35. Very high winds.
This herb and flower garden will not be just for our family as it is, but as it expands, and also for neighbors, family and friends.
So, take a look at my list, and help me find plants to satisfy our health and home needs.
Acne: (Echinacea, English Walnut)
Allergies: Garlic, Stinging Nettle
Anemia (low iron in blood): Chive, Dandelion, Fenugreek, Spinach
Anesthetic (deadens sensation): Bee Balm, Valerian, Whiskey (!!), Yarrow
Antibacterial (destroy or arrest the growh of micro-organisms): Alfalfa, Calendula, Honey
AntiDepressant: Borage, Fennel, Thyme, Valerian, Wormwood
Antimicrobials: Cayenne, Cinnamon, Clove, Cumin, Nutmeg, Oregano
Antiseptic (destroys bacteria): Hyssop
Appettite Suppressant: Ginseng (not sure if I can grow it)
Arthritis: Cayenne, Shavegrass/Horsetail, Wormwood
Astringents: (reduces secretions/discharges, contracts organic tissue):
Backache: Cayenne
Bad Breath/Halitosis: Camomile, Echinacea, Peppermint, Sage, Thyme Oil
Bedwetting: Shavegrass/horsetail, Willow (all)
Blood Pressure, High: Garlic, Onion, Parsley
Blood Pressure, Low: Lavender, Rosemary
Bronchitis (I get this 6 months out of every year): Borage, Celery, Dandelion, Fennel, Horehound, Mullein, Nasturtium, Sage
Bruising: Arnica, Calendula, Celery, Fenugreek, Wormwood
Burns: Calendula, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Willow (all)
Calming: valerian? anything else?
Childbirth, easing: Horehound, Pansy, Wormwood
Coagulant (induces clotting in blood):
Coffee Substitute: (with caffeine!):
Colds: Butternut, Feverfew, Horehound, Nasturtium, Peppermint, Rose, Sage, Soapwort, Wormwood
Constipation: Asparagus, Basil, Butternut, Calendula, Cucumber, Feverfew, Mugwort, Radish, Rhubarb, Soapwort, Wormwood
Corns/Callouses: Dandelion, Garlic, Onion
Cough: Almond, Borage, Horehound, Mullein, Pansy, Parsley, Radish, Rosemary
Cramps: Calendula, Camomile, Cayenne, Dill, Fennel, Garlic, Lavender, Peppermint, Radish, Rose, Rosemary, Wormwood
Dandruff: Camomile, English Walnut, Rosemary, Willow (all)
De-Wormer (to expel or destroy intestinal worms): Garlic
Deoderant / Antiperspirant: Baking Soda + Cornstarch + Coconut Oil + a few drops of antimicrobial essential oil
Diarrhea: Amaranth, Apple, Basil, Blackberry, Calendula, Carrot, Garlic, Hyssop, Pansy, Peppermint, Radish, Rhubarb, Sage
Diuretic (increase expulsion of urine): Dandelion, Stinging Nettle, Yarrow
Dizziness: Lavender, Peppermint, Rose, Sage
Emetic (causes vomiting): Warm Salt Water, Hot Mustard Water
Eyes: Calendula, Carrot, Dandelion, Fennel, Oat, Parsley
Fever: Apple Tree, Basil, Borage, Butternut, Calendula, Dandelion, Echinacea, Horehound, Sage, Willow (all), Wormwood
Gall Bladder: Artichoke, Dandelion, Garlic, Lavender, Oat, Onion, Peppermint, Radish, Rosemary, Wormwood
Gallstones: Artichoke, Dandelion, Hyssop, Parsley, Willow (all)
Gas Reliever: Ginger, Peppermint
Gastroenteritis: Basil, Borage, Carrot, English Walnut, Garlic, Hyssop, Mullein, Oat, Peppermint, Sage
Genito-Urinary Ailments (* disinfect urine/good for vd's): Celery, Echinacea*, Nasturtium*, Parsley, Shavegrass/Horsetail
Gums (mostly as a mouthwash): Blackberry, Echinacea, English Walnut, Shavegrass, Willow (all)
Hair Loss (halt, not re-grow): Calendula, Lavender, Nasturtium, Rosemary, Sage, Soapwort
Halitosis (bad breath): Apple, Dill, Echinacea, Rosemary
Headache (* for migraine): Basil*, Camomile, Fennel*, Feverfew, Lavender*, Peppermint*, Radish, Rose, Rosemary*, Sage, Willow(all), Wormwood*
Heart: Borage, Calendula, Cayenne, Cucumber, Garlic, Oat, Onion, Rosemary
Hemostatic (stops bleeding, internal): Amaranth, Shavegrass/Horsetail, Willow (all)
Hemmorhoids: Amaranth, Goldenseal
Hoarseness: Blackberry, Mullein, Okra, Onion, Sage
Hot Flash (menopause) controller: Black Cohosh
Indigestion: Carrot, Cayenne, Dandelion, Dill, Fennel, Feverfew, Garlic, Hyssop, Lavender, Oat, Parsley, Peppermint, Rhubarb, Rosemary, Sage, Wormwood
Inflammation: Borage, Cucumber, Echinacea, Fenugreek, Mullein, Nasturtium, Willow (all)
Influenza: Borage, Butternut, Calendula, Lavender, Pansy, Rosemary, Sage
Insect Bites: Basil, Borage, Calendula, Echinacea, Fennel, Mint (all), Parsley
Insomnia (help me sleep!!): Dandelion, Dill, Rosemary, Sweet Marjoram
Kidneys: Alfalfa, Celery, Cucumber, Oat, Parsley, Shavegrass/Horsetail
Lactation (Increase flow of milk): Basil, Borage, Dill, Fennel, Lavender, Parsley
Lactation (Stop flow of milk): English Walnut, Sage
Laxative: Add more fresh fruits/veggies/whole grains (esp prunes, figs, dates) and eliminate refined flours and junk food.
Liver: Artichoke, Butternut, Dandelion, Garlic, Lavender, Oat, Onion, Peppermint, Radish, Rosemary, Wormwood
Lungs: Celery, Fenugreek, Pansy, Sage, Shavegrass/Horsetail
Menopause: Rosemary, Wormwood
Menstruation, Difficult: Calendula, Parsley, Sage, Wormwood
Mood Stabilizer: Sage, Valerian
Nausea Reliever (do not use while pregnant): Pennyroyal
Nausea Reliever (safe any time, including while pregnant): Asparagus, Basil, Calendula, Goldenseal, Lavender, Peach Tree, Peppermint, Sage
Nervous Conditions: Almond, Borage, Celery, Lavender, Pansy, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage
Night Sweats: English Walnut, Hyssop, Sage
Nosebleed: Goldenseal
Obesity: Apple, Celery, Fennel, Shavegrass/Horsetail, Willow (all)
Oxytocic (speeds up or facilitates childbirth):
Pain Reliever: Cayenne (topically applied), Fennel, Feverfew, Oregano, Peppermint, White Willow Bark (aspirin!)
Prostate: Garlic, Goldenseal, Parsley, Rosemary
Seizure controller (like with grandmal seizures): Lemon Balm + Hyssop + Sage + Valerian
Sinus: Mullein, Fennel, Garlic, Goldenseal
Skin: Calendula, Celery, Mullein, Cucumber, Echinacea, English Walnut, Goldenseal, Horehound, Oat, Pansy, Peppermint, Rose, Shavegrass/Horsetail, Soapwort, Willow (all), Wormwood
Soap/shampoo: soapwort (roots - one entire box filled with only these)
Soap, Laundry: apple cider vinegar (homemade soon!) with concentrated homemade rose or lavender water
Sore Throat (*good to gargle): Amaranth*, English Walnut, Fenugreek*, Ginger, Goldenseal*, Horehound, Rose, Sage*, Shavegrass/Horsetail
Stomach (*good for ulcers): Alfalfa*, Amaranth*, Basil, Calendula*, Cayenne, Fennel, Fenugreek*, Garlic*, Horehound, Okra*, Onion*, Sage*, Shavegrass/Horsetail*, Willow (all), Wormwood
To avoid ever spending time and money in a vitamin and supplement aisle, what else would we need? (Assuming we eat lots of fruits and veggies, nuts, seeds, eggs, chicken, beans, and have our goat milk to drink and make cheese.)
Running out of time. Gotta put the chickens up, get the goat babies back inside, and get ready for dinner (made a big crockpot of pork-n-beans... yum!). I'll come back tomorrow. Meanwhile, anybody have anything to contribute? I'll edit this list here on the first posting as you contribute what you plant for your own apothecary! Oh, and once I have the list, I'll organize it and add a list of what I need to grow, alphabetically.
Disclaimer: Just so someone doesn't see this and decide to use it in place of professional medical advice and prescription drugs ... ... I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE. SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP. ETC ETC ETC.
Edited to add more herbs
I have room for about 20 raised beds, each 4'x4', and about 18" high. Each box will have similar-needs plants, like in 1 box will be those needing a PH between 6-7, with sandy soil. Zone 5, eastern plains of Colorado, where highs in the summer can be above 100, and lows in the winter can be -35. Very high winds.
This herb and flower garden will not be just for our family as it is, but as it expands, and also for neighbors, family and friends.
So, take a look at my list, and help me find plants to satisfy our health and home needs.
Acne: (Echinacea, English Walnut)
Allergies: Garlic, Stinging Nettle
Anemia (low iron in blood): Chive, Dandelion, Fenugreek, Spinach
Anesthetic (deadens sensation): Bee Balm, Valerian, Whiskey (!!), Yarrow
Antibacterial (destroy or arrest the growh of micro-organisms): Alfalfa, Calendula, Honey
AntiDepressant: Borage, Fennel, Thyme, Valerian, Wormwood
Antimicrobials: Cayenne, Cinnamon, Clove, Cumin, Nutmeg, Oregano
Antiseptic (destroys bacteria): Hyssop
Appettite Suppressant: Ginseng (not sure if I can grow it)
Arthritis: Cayenne, Shavegrass/Horsetail, Wormwood
Astringents: (reduces secretions/discharges, contracts organic tissue):
Backache: Cayenne
Bad Breath/Halitosis: Camomile, Echinacea, Peppermint, Sage, Thyme Oil
Bedwetting: Shavegrass/horsetail, Willow (all)
Blood Pressure, High: Garlic, Onion, Parsley
Blood Pressure, Low: Lavender, Rosemary
Bronchitis (I get this 6 months out of every year): Borage, Celery, Dandelion, Fennel, Horehound, Mullein, Nasturtium, Sage
Bruising: Arnica, Calendula, Celery, Fenugreek, Wormwood
Burns: Calendula, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Willow (all)
Calming: valerian? anything else?
Childbirth, easing: Horehound, Pansy, Wormwood
Coagulant (induces clotting in blood):
Coffee Substitute: (with caffeine!):
Colds: Butternut, Feverfew, Horehound, Nasturtium, Peppermint, Rose, Sage, Soapwort, Wormwood
Constipation: Asparagus, Basil, Butternut, Calendula, Cucumber, Feverfew, Mugwort, Radish, Rhubarb, Soapwort, Wormwood
Corns/Callouses: Dandelion, Garlic, Onion
Cough: Almond, Borage, Horehound, Mullein, Pansy, Parsley, Radish, Rosemary
Cramps: Calendula, Camomile, Cayenne, Dill, Fennel, Garlic, Lavender, Peppermint, Radish, Rose, Rosemary, Wormwood
Dandruff: Camomile, English Walnut, Rosemary, Willow (all)
De-Wormer (to expel or destroy intestinal worms): Garlic
Deoderant / Antiperspirant: Baking Soda + Cornstarch + Coconut Oil + a few drops of antimicrobial essential oil
Diarrhea: Amaranth, Apple, Basil, Blackberry, Calendula, Carrot, Garlic, Hyssop, Pansy, Peppermint, Radish, Rhubarb, Sage
Diuretic (increase expulsion of urine): Dandelion, Stinging Nettle, Yarrow
Dizziness: Lavender, Peppermint, Rose, Sage
Emetic (causes vomiting): Warm Salt Water, Hot Mustard Water
Eyes: Calendula, Carrot, Dandelion, Fennel, Oat, Parsley
Fever: Apple Tree, Basil, Borage, Butternut, Calendula, Dandelion, Echinacea, Horehound, Sage, Willow (all), Wormwood
Gall Bladder: Artichoke, Dandelion, Garlic, Lavender, Oat, Onion, Peppermint, Radish, Rosemary, Wormwood
Gallstones: Artichoke, Dandelion, Hyssop, Parsley, Willow (all)
Gas Reliever: Ginger, Peppermint
Gastroenteritis: Basil, Borage, Carrot, English Walnut, Garlic, Hyssop, Mullein, Oat, Peppermint, Sage
Genito-Urinary Ailments (* disinfect urine/good for vd's): Celery, Echinacea*, Nasturtium*, Parsley, Shavegrass/Horsetail
Gums (mostly as a mouthwash): Blackberry, Echinacea, English Walnut, Shavegrass, Willow (all)
Hair Loss (halt, not re-grow): Calendula, Lavender, Nasturtium, Rosemary, Sage, Soapwort
Halitosis (bad breath): Apple, Dill, Echinacea, Rosemary
Headache (* for migraine): Basil*, Camomile, Fennel*, Feverfew, Lavender*, Peppermint*, Radish, Rose, Rosemary*, Sage, Willow(all), Wormwood*
Heart: Borage, Calendula, Cayenne, Cucumber, Garlic, Oat, Onion, Rosemary
Hemostatic (stops bleeding, internal): Amaranth, Shavegrass/Horsetail, Willow (all)
Hemmorhoids: Amaranth, Goldenseal
Hoarseness: Blackberry, Mullein, Okra, Onion, Sage
Hot Flash (menopause) controller: Black Cohosh
Indigestion: Carrot, Cayenne, Dandelion, Dill, Fennel, Feverfew, Garlic, Hyssop, Lavender, Oat, Parsley, Peppermint, Rhubarb, Rosemary, Sage, Wormwood
Inflammation: Borage, Cucumber, Echinacea, Fenugreek, Mullein, Nasturtium, Willow (all)
Influenza: Borage, Butternut, Calendula, Lavender, Pansy, Rosemary, Sage
Insect Bites: Basil, Borage, Calendula, Echinacea, Fennel, Mint (all), Parsley
Insomnia (help me sleep!!): Dandelion, Dill, Rosemary, Sweet Marjoram
Kidneys: Alfalfa, Celery, Cucumber, Oat, Parsley, Shavegrass/Horsetail
Lactation (Increase flow of milk): Basil, Borage, Dill, Fennel, Lavender, Parsley
Lactation (Stop flow of milk): English Walnut, Sage
Laxative: Add more fresh fruits/veggies/whole grains (esp prunes, figs, dates) and eliminate refined flours and junk food.
Liver: Artichoke, Butternut, Dandelion, Garlic, Lavender, Oat, Onion, Peppermint, Radish, Rosemary, Wormwood
Lungs: Celery, Fenugreek, Pansy, Sage, Shavegrass/Horsetail
Menopause: Rosemary, Wormwood
Menstruation, Difficult: Calendula, Parsley, Sage, Wormwood
Mood Stabilizer: Sage, Valerian
Nausea Reliever (do not use while pregnant): Pennyroyal
Nausea Reliever (safe any time, including while pregnant): Asparagus, Basil, Calendula, Goldenseal, Lavender, Peach Tree, Peppermint, Sage
Nervous Conditions: Almond, Borage, Celery, Lavender, Pansy, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage
Night Sweats: English Walnut, Hyssop, Sage
Nosebleed: Goldenseal
Obesity: Apple, Celery, Fennel, Shavegrass/Horsetail, Willow (all)
Oxytocic (speeds up or facilitates childbirth):
Pain Reliever: Cayenne (topically applied), Fennel, Feverfew, Oregano, Peppermint, White Willow Bark (aspirin!)
Prostate: Garlic, Goldenseal, Parsley, Rosemary
Seizure controller (like with grandmal seizures): Lemon Balm + Hyssop + Sage + Valerian
Sinus: Mullein, Fennel, Garlic, Goldenseal
Skin: Calendula, Celery, Mullein, Cucumber, Echinacea, English Walnut, Goldenseal, Horehound, Oat, Pansy, Peppermint, Rose, Shavegrass/Horsetail, Soapwort, Willow (all), Wormwood
Soap/shampoo: soapwort (roots - one entire box filled with only these)
Soap, Laundry: apple cider vinegar (homemade soon!) with concentrated homemade rose or lavender water
Sore Throat (*good to gargle): Amaranth*, English Walnut, Fenugreek*, Ginger, Goldenseal*, Horehound, Rose, Sage*, Shavegrass/Horsetail
Stomach (*good for ulcers): Alfalfa*, Amaranth*, Basil, Calendula*, Cayenne, Fennel, Fenugreek*, Garlic*, Horehound, Okra*, Onion*, Sage*, Shavegrass/Horsetail*, Willow (all), Wormwood
To avoid ever spending time and money in a vitamin and supplement aisle, what else would we need? (Assuming we eat lots of fruits and veggies, nuts, seeds, eggs, chicken, beans, and have our goat milk to drink and make cheese.)
Running out of time. Gotta put the chickens up, get the goat babies back inside, and get ready for dinner (made a big crockpot of pork-n-beans... yum!). I'll come back tomorrow. Meanwhile, anybody have anything to contribute? I'll edit this list here on the first posting as you contribute what you plant for your own apothecary! Oh, and once I have the list, I'll organize it and add a list of what I need to grow, alphabetically.
Disclaimer: Just so someone doesn't see this and decide to use it in place of professional medical advice and prescription drugs ... ... I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE. SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP. ETC ETC ETC.
Edited to add more herbs