Lazy Gardener
Super Self-Sufficient
I allow trap plants to grow here and there around my yard. I know that Japanese beetles are inevitable. I'm not about to resort to poisons in a folly attempt to eradicate them from my property. And the nematodes that could be used are very expensive and not winter hardy enough to make that an economical treatment. So... knowing that JB love primrose, as well as some of the other weeds that I allow to stay... I become the eccentric bug lady. This time of year, I make multiple trips around my yard, garbed with my little old lady disguise hat (covers my dark hair to make the deer flies less likely to attack me) toting my JB trap made from a sawed off ammonia bottle with a qt sized zip lock bag attached to the bottom. (I cut the lid, so that only the screw ring is left.) That holds the bag in place. The jug is cut down into a funnel shape. It doesn't take long to collect a cup or more of JB. These are given a HOT bath from the hose, then dumped into the chicken run.