Plastic coffee cans and bleach bottles


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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moxies_chickennuggets said:
dacjohns said:
so lucky said:
An "expert" on Emergency Preparedness told me that bleach bottles are one of the few plastic bottles that you can save water in, for your SHTF supplies. He said the plastic is different, stronger. And if it is plain chlorine bleach, the residue would be considered "safe." I do know that gallon water jugs from the store will develop leaks after a year or two, just sitting. I am in the New Madrid Fault area, and our power goes out everytime the wind blows, so I should be more prepared that I am.
I agree. Just make sure the bleach is the plain Jane unscented chlorine bleach.
Good point. Makes perfect sense. I guess it didn't occur to me to use them because they are bleach jugs.....not what one normally thinks for a jug of potable water. We have been saving the milk jugs for a months now, anyway, as we have a 55 gal drum of hydraulic fluid in the back that the previous owner did not dispose of. So we were saving them to empty it, and take to the recycle center. I will collect the bleach jugs back out, and transfer the potable water to them.
I would think that hydraulic fluid would have value to someone. It is pricy to buy, ever in the old days of cheap oil my father would catch every drop when repairing a hydraulic systen, run it through a milk filter and reuse it again. You might want to check around. Even if you got no cash for it you would save having to mess with it and hauling.

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