Power Conserver
That would be WONDERFUL!SSDreamin said:I will see if I can pull out the 'cleaned up' version, see if I can get it scanned into my puter, then upload it - which means I make no promises!Blaundee said:Would you care to share YOUR list with us all?SSDreamin said:When I first started, I printed out a list similar to this one. DH and I went over it, line by line, crossing out things we definitely wouldn't eat, adding things we eat that weren't on itBy the time we were done, it was a scribbled over mess
DH (being the anal numbers man that I love) had me write out two sets of 'standard' menus - one for cold weather and one for warm weather. I also had to calculate how many times on average I made each listed meal (there are some things, like pizza and tacos, the guys insist on having once a week, spring, summer, fall and winter
). He then got to work figuring out how much of each ingredient was used per year (hey, he thought it was fun
). That is now our master list. I base how much of what I grow in the garden/buy in bulk based on that list. It took him 2 days ( and drove me nuts, because HE doesn't cook, so he pestered me for the amounts on EVERYTHING
) but it makes everything so much easier now! I am not a slave to the list - I buy things on sale that aren't on it and so does he. We have a small 'core' of items that aren't on the list, for back up ( powdered eggs, just in case, powdered milk in case we are snowed in or - once our cow starts producing - for her dry times, etc. ) Our way isn't for everybody (unless somebody in the family is REALLY into lists and numbers
) but has made the process effortless for me.
I have to agree that, if your family eats everything on that list, and you need the structure of a list to follow, go for it. Remember too, that lists are usually made to be nutritionally balanced. For example, if you hate soy beans(I chose those because they are on that list and I do hate them), and take them off the list, their replacement should provide the same amount of nutrition.