I hope i am doing this right. These are pics of Joe and Amos, and me taken on that perfect day. Thanks for the votes, ya'll can vote every day until Jan 17.
What a great story! I literally brought tears to my eyes.... reminding me of my grandpa..and his "John Deer Tractor" It was a big lawn mower..but he had on his cap, overalls, and a smile that would outshine the sun!
The American Quarter Horse Association called, asking permission to run Joe's story in their magazine. I am thrilled. Voting ends on January 17. Thanks for voting.
Thanks everyone!!! Joe and Amos came in 3rd. I am so excited. I have posted a link to BYC the update is on page 5. Thanks to my SS family for supporting Joe and me. The big thrill for me is getting published and giving a copy of the magazine to my dear friend and fantastic neighbor. Thank all of you so very much.