Plowing with pigs....and worm farming?


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Oh my goodness how did I miss the change in topic....

I am totally grossed out. But yes I know there has to be some truth to all this.

Last year I read a ton about cancer as a fungus. I bought a really good book by some Italian guy who believes you can kill the fungus with baking soda. By drinking it dissolved in water that is. Do you think I could kill worms with it? I have a great book by Maureen Salaman Kennedy, she has all kinds of natural cures and cleanses. I am going to see if she covers this topic..
You know my mom has fibromyalgia(sp). I saw Bee mentioned that earlier.

Wow, I wonder if there is something I can incorporate into a smoothie and feed my whole family. Maybe without them knowing. My husband would think I am nuts. Oh, I bet my auntie in Mo. knows. She is so up on all this stuff. Yeah, I can see it now. Hey Auntie how do yo do worm a family??? Uggg...

ok new project,


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
hey Bee,

What do you think about this? it's a site that advertises a product for children. Could you look it over and give me your opinion.

I checked both of my health books. My Maria Treben, Healing Through God's Pharmacy. Recommends the pumpkin seeds followed by Castor oil. Not something my kids would probably agree to.

The Kennedy Salaman book has a long cooked vegie diet with lots of herb and steps, don't think the kids would do that as well. I really think my 5 year old DH needs this. I thought for a while she was having a problem with yeast breads, bloating gas etc... I think now after reading this thread there may be bit more involved.

I am a bit freaked out but am willing to try something..


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Tanks, I just don't know about that one! I would like to know each individual herb and its possible side effects before I'd want to give it to the kids. It didn't list them on the site, did it?

I know that most of these dewormers and detoxics have crushed black walnut shells and hulls as an ingredient. They used to use this for pigs for deworming, from what I've read.

In the medical field, they prescribe meds that include pyrantel pamoate....the exact ingredient in my horse wormer that I use on the animals! :p

I'll ask my Mom about her info. She did a wormer/cleanse thingy and came up with a few worms....and she is the biggest clean freak in the world! Won't even let you wear you're clothing in the house if you've been touching an animal! :rolleyes:

I have seen the "rice" on my cat's fur!!! That's why I got the horse wormer... :sick

And Dixie doesn't think we can get hard-core.....he needs to read this thread!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: You can't get any more hard core than talking about "bottom rice"! :D :sick


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 23, 2008
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OK ladies, now I am going to barf.

Did you know, in Victorian times, women would intentionally infect themselves with tapeworms to lose weight?

I am never going to click on this thread again. I'm hoping in a couple of weeks I'll forget all about this. Me and my worms are returning to our blissfully ignorant life!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Sort of like early bulemia, huh? :p

Hey, you might as well come to terms with your have a symbiotic relationship...sorta... :D Imagine the worm fornication going on inside your bowels....whole worm life times being lived out in the darkness of your innards.... YUM! :lol: :lol:


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
How in the world did I miss all this? I have had to read at least 6 pages to catch up. Very interesting. I have read about using the DE for human parasite removal. When I ordered the food grade DE for my chickens I kept a jar out for myself but have not had the guts to use it. Since I have been so sick lately I had really been considering it. Now I don't know. Not sure I want to do battle with the worms. I think it was Morel who said they fought back with the treatment she used. That may be why the woman that used the DE felt so sluggish and bad. Her worms were trying to defend themselves.
For some reason I am not sure I can deal with Ninja worms. LOL
But guess I will have to. I can see now more research is needed.
I may try a half teaspoon of the DE daily to see what happens. Or it might be best to just make a trip to the health food store. Whatever I do will definately wait until after Christmas when I have had my fill of turkey and ham since I missed a decent Thanksgiving feast.

Ya'll keep typing. I will keep reading and researching.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
This thread grosses me out, and I am an avid dewormer...LOL...makes me want to order another kit...I think come January.
Anyway, did you know that when we have a 'gut' it is often a sign of worms...a dewormer really does help get rid of that gut. I get the most amazingly flat stomach after dewormng...seriously.
Anyway...this has been interesting LOL!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Bee, if I ever get to meet you, first thing I'm giving you a good thumping for that last comment! :gig

I'm with poppycat, not clicking this thread again...that's twice now ya'll got me while I was eating. :sick

enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
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Really Northern California
I copied off Wickpedia-
There are six types of tapeworm infections, classified by their source:

Beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata)
This tapeworm comes from cows, and can be found wherever there is cattle farming. Humans who eat undercooked beef that has worm cysts can get infected. Beef tapeworm can grow up to 25 feet in length inside the human intestine.

Taenia saginata or beef tapeworm

Pork tapeworm (Taenia solium)
Although rare in the North America, this type of adult tapeworm infection is common in South America (including Mexico), Eastern Europe, India, China, and Southeast Asia.

In addition to eating undercooked pork, a person can also get infected by eating or drinking contaminated food and water, as well as by hand-to-mouth contact after touching something that contains the tapeworm cysts.

Pork tapeworm can grow up to 21 feet inside the intestine.

In a disease called cysticerci, pork tapeworm larvae or cysts penetrate the intestine and travel through the bloodstream and infect various organs, such as the brain, spinal cord, muscles, and even eyes. In this disease, symptoms can occur months or even years after the initial infection and can be difficult to diagnose.

Fish tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum)
This type of tapeworm infection can be found in Europe, Japan, North and South America, as well as in certain parts of Africa.

Fish tapeworm infection occurs by eating raw or undercooked freshwater fish, including salmon. Inside the intestine, it can grow up to 25 feet in length.

Rodent tapeworm (Hymenolepis nana)
This type of tapeworm infects humans through an intermediate carrier, such as fleas, beetles, and cockroach that carry the cysts. Rodent tapeworm can grow up to 20 inch long in the intestine.

Dog tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum)
Similar to rodent tapeworm, dog tapeworm can infect humans, usually children, who accidentally ingest infected flea or louse. It can grow up to 24 inch.

Dwarf tapeworm (Hymenolepis nana)
Unlike other tapeworms, the native host of dwarf tapeworm is man. It infects another human through ingestion of food contaminated with feces. Dwarf tapeworm is the smallest of all other worms, and can grow up to 12 inch in the intestine.
Symptoms of Tapeworm Infection
The symptoms of tapeworm infection are:

Abnominal pain or discomfort
How Is Tapeworm Infection Diagnosed?
Your doctor would perform the following tests:

Blood test
Signs of tapeworm infections include elevated levels of eosinophil (a type of white blood cell), presence of large and pale red blood cells, vitamin B12 deficiency.

Stool test
Tapeworm segments in the stool can be detected by a microscope.
Prevention of Tapeworm Infection
Tapeworm infection can be prevented by:

Washing your hands when preparing food

Not eating undercooked or raw food
Avoid sushi, fruit, salad, and even ice when traveling to areas known to have tapeworm outbreaks.
Treatment For Tapeworm Infection?
Your doctor may prescribe the following medications:

Prescribed to eliminate the tapeworm infection, antihelminthics such as niclosamide and praziquantel, have a very high success rate of over 95%. Usually, segments of tapeworm start to be shed in the feces within 48 hours of taking these medications.

After a round of antihelminthics, your doctor may prescribe a gentle laxative to help purge segments of killed tapeworm from the intestine.
Treated properly, the prognosis for tapeworm infection is very good. If no tapeworm segment is found in the stool 4 months after the initial treatment, the person is cured.

I know tape worm infestations used to be pretty rare in the US but when people immigrate, they bring along hitchhikers too so I think it is more common these days but everything I read said tapes are still pretty unusual.

That is one of the things I question about free ranging hogs- they can pick up lots of things. And most free range people are also organic, which means no chemical wormers. One of the reasons I don't like the idea of organic meat although organic vegies are great.

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