You do know that "spot" is like wholesale? basically it is the price for multi bar lots of Metal. If you are selling small lots of silver you will receive LESS than the spot price and when buying small lots you will pay MORE than spot. The only way to beat the system is by not using the system...Try to find sellers (or buyers) that want to move small amounts and you both can deal closer to spot than you will be able to through the system. Coins usually have a known weight and purity which can be known by both parties which makes them handy for small trades. If you must deal in jewerly keep in mind that a lot of work went into the making of the piece and it MAY be worth more "as is" than as scrap metal.Sunny said:I have seen the price rising. We bought some when it was around $35 an ounce. I was just wondering where is a good place to buy it.. I mean a place that dont charge way over spot price and has reasonable shipping rates..
As one that got burned badly during the Hunt Brothers disaster way back then. NEVER LET THE SELLER STORE THE METAL FOR YOU, either hire an independent storage service, a safe deposit box or dig a hole somewhere. The dealer I trusted was playing the market with our money and when we wanted to cash out (right before the bubble burst) he took the paper which was all he had into his suna and died while the paper turned into carbon monoxide to kill him! burn in Hell!