Ignorant question, but when you say mix in. Do you actually scramble the egg when you add the salt or just kinda swoosh it around. I've never done it before.
Does it make them rubbery or something when you freeze them? Is it something that you can tell if you add them to breads or just if you eat them by themselves?
If you don't add the salt or sugar they get ... sort of thick and a bit weird.
I use my frozen eggs basically to cook in the winter when egg supply is usually low. That way I don't have to take away from my precious fresh egg frying supply.
I just get the egg cubes out in a bowl when I first start the recipe to allow them to thaw a bit, smoosh up any frozen slushy bits and use like normal eggs in the recipe.
I have also allowed them to thaw in the fridge and used them for scrambles or french toast the next morning if I am completely out of fresh eggs.
No question is ignorant. How will you learn if you don't ask?