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Hi thereLdychef2k said:Hi, Boyd. I don't believe we have been properly introduced. My name is Kris and I am a nearly 60-yo grandmother from California. I am partially disabled, self-employed at home, and have a monthly net income of right at $1100. I am in the middle of a year-long experiment in austerity, such that after I pay my bills, I live on about $12.50 a week.How are you prepared in the broadest sense?
I began prepping last spring by simply buying a few extra cans of food a week. This has expanded. Since you have been here for a year, which is about as long as I have, you may have seen some of the pictures I have posted of my progress in prepping/self-sufficiency.
I live in a run down house in a low income neighborhood, on the corner of two busy streets. Thus, I have no illusions about defense. However, I am prepared to do so, simply because I must. That is as much as I will say on that.
For many reasons, I will be bugging in, so I do not have a BOB or BOV.
I have removed five trees this year (have a very substantial stack of firewood), clearing my yard for two large gardens, which are currently being planted. I have not been able to afford heriloom seeds for storage. That's an issue....
At this point, I have actually lost count of the food and water storage. When TSHTF, I will have eight people to feed, hydrate and care for. I believe I could do that for close to a year without any trouble.
I have canned, dehydrated and frozen a significant amount of food, much of which I obtained free from local sources. I have a number of 5 gallon buckets of vacuum sealed beans and rice, powdered milk, etc.
I have established multiple heat and cooking methods, including propane, charcoal, wood, solar and rocket stove. I am experimenting with making biomass briquettes. I am building a cob oven. This summer, I will also be experimenting with underground cooking. As finances allow, I will be building a solar generator. I have made and stockpiled several hundred firestarters (egg cartons, sawdust, dryer lint and wax).
I have some gaps in my preps, mainly due to finances. As that situation improves, I will obtain some form of water purification. Right now, I have a drip system, but over time I will need something more substantial. There is a city stream less than a mile away, but the water will need significant purification.
I have stockpiled untold rolls of toilet paper by removing the paper core and flattening the rolls into storage boxes (lined with trash bags). I believe I have upwards of 400 rolls now. A lesser number of paper towels.
I have a solar/hand crank multifunction radio as well as three solar/crank lanterns. I have cases of candles, cleaning supplies, bleach, alcohol, vinegar, personal hygiene products, and so on; the comfort items one might not think of stockpiling.
I have all manner of power tools, with their mates in manual tools. And just in case we can't stay in town, I also have a complete set of camping gear and could house and feed up to 16 people comfortably.
I know this is a lightweight prep inventory compared to those who can afford the good stuff, but I do feel a lot safer than I would if I weren't doing anything at all.