Preparedness for SHTF or Mutant Zombie Biker Invasion .. Ready?


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 15, 2009
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Ldychef2k said:
How are you prepared in the broadest sense?
Hi, Boyd. I don't believe we have been properly introduced. My name is Kris and I am a nearly 60-yo grandmother from California. I am partially disabled, self-employed at home, and have a monthly net income of right at $1100. I am in the middle of a year-long experiment in austerity, such that after I pay my bills, I live on about $12.50 a week.

I began prepping last spring by simply buying a few extra cans of food a week. This has expanded. Since you have been here for a year, which is about as long as I have, you may have seen some of the pictures I have posted of my progress in prepping/self-sufficiency.

I live in a run down house in a low income neighborhood, on the corner of two busy streets. Thus, I have no illusions about defense. However, I am prepared to do so, simply because I must. That is as much as I will say on that.

For many reasons, I will be bugging in, so I do not have a BOB or BOV.

I have removed five trees this year (have a very substantial stack of firewood), clearing my yard for two large gardens, which are currently being planted. I have not been able to afford heriloom seeds for storage. That's an issue....

At this point, I have actually lost count of the food and water storage. When TSHTF, I will have eight people to feed, hydrate and care for. I believe I could do that for close to a year without any trouble.

I have canned, dehydrated and frozen a significant amount of food, much of which I obtained free from local sources. I have a number of 5 gallon buckets of vacuum sealed beans and rice, powdered milk, etc.

I have established multiple heat and cooking methods, including propane, charcoal, wood, solar and rocket stove. I am experimenting with making biomass briquettes. I am building a cob oven. This summer, I will also be experimenting with underground cooking. As finances allow, I will be building a solar generator. I have made and stockpiled several hundred firestarters (egg cartons, sawdust, dryer lint and wax).

I have some gaps in my preps, mainly due to finances. As that situation improves, I will obtain some form of water purification. Right now, I have a drip system, but over time I will need something more substantial. There is a city stream less than a mile away, but the water will need significant purification.

I have stockpiled untold rolls of toilet paper by removing the paper core and flattening the rolls into storage boxes (lined with trash bags). I believe I have upwards of 400 rolls now. A lesser number of paper towels.

I have a solar/hand crank multifunction radio as well as three solar/crank lanterns. I have cases of candles, cleaning supplies, bleach, alcohol, vinegar, personal hygiene products, and so on; the comfort items one might not think of stockpiling.

I have all manner of power tools, with their mates in manual tools. And just in case we can't stay in town, I also have a complete set of camping gear and could house and feed up to 16 people comfortably.

I know this is a lightweight prep inventory compared to those who can afford the good stuff, but I do feel a lot safer than I would if I weren't doing anything at all.
Hi there :) But the folks who can afford the good stuff dont prep as much as those of us who have to pinch pennies.


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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Ldychef2k said:
I have not been able to afford heriloom seeds for storage. That's an issue....
I bet there are plenty of people here who could share heirloom seeds with you. We should start a seed drive for you! :) Did you want all heirlooms or is open-pollinated ok too?


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
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Hi there :) But the folks who can afford the good stuff dont prep as much as those of us who have to pinch pennies.
You know, that's true ! Though I have been on prepper sites that kinda make me feel like I won't make it if I don't have all the bells and whistles. I don't go to those sites anymore for just that reason.


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
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Did you want all heirlooms or is open-pollinated ok too?
Anything that someone offers will be a blessing. I want to learn everything I can about everything, so I am thrilled with whatever is offered. Thank you !

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
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Puget Sound, WA
Boyd, what happened to your birds?

Well, for us the SHTF about 1 1/2 years ago and we have been living on savings since then. Luckily for us, the business picked up just in the nick of time. We are now beefing back up our savings.

We went into total lockdown mode. NO spending unless it was something we couldn't live without. Usually that meant food for us and food for the animals only.

We didn't use our lights during the day, never turned on the big heater, built fires every night if needed, ate our own home grown food, owned only one car (and rarely drove it) etc.

I bartered for sheep that now mow my lawn (the yard tractor just sits in the garage), I raised even more chickens and added a pair of ducks, I save rain water, reuse recycle everything instead of buying something new.

We weren't prepared for a mutant zombie biker (now they ride bikes?!) invasion, but we were prepared to ride out a 1 1/2 year long "economic storm". It was tough yes and very stressful. However, because we learned so much, in a way, (just a little one) I feel like it was worth it.

Would I like to do it again? Heck NO! Would I be able to? Yes.


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 15, 2009
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the story about my birds... :th

In truth, even the best coop, redesigned, rebuilt was in the end unable to protect my flock. Last year I killed 3-4 DOZEN coons, countless feral cats, abondoned and wild dogs who were aggressive etc. In the past year I have brought more death to my property than the last time I raised a whole bunch of cornish X...

So in a fit of frustration I pulled down my run, dismantled my coops and started tilling the area they were in in anticipation of the growing season coming up.

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
Sorry Boyd.

Whatever you do, do NOT let OFG talk you into getting pigs! She's crazy that one. ;)

Unless, that is, you are going to keep them inside your house slash fortress with you. They are escape artists, they tear up your property and they stink to high heaven. :sick

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