Preppring for the new increase in various insurance...............


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 10, 2009
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I do want to add that small business and the gov't are the biggest employers not large corporations. The gov't alone employs nearly a quarter of the working population. While small business employ about half. Gov't jobs are also the better jobs in terms of income and benefits. Also, a lot of private businesses are actually working under contract from the gov't. Cutting taxes means that you will have to illiminate many jobs directly and indirectly. Much more than can be created in the private sector. This is a big problem we are facing rightnow in CA and nationwide.

Second, large corporations do not pay taxes at all and consume large amounts of gov't subsidies. In the Central Valley - where I live - the cities pumped quite a bit into housing developments. Paying for streets, sewers, parks and so on. The hope was that all these new residents would pay property and sales taxes. The bottom fell out of the housing market. They are still stuck with a big bill and nothing to pay for it. Big box stores also get sweet deals. They don't have to pay for construction on their buildings or business and income taxes. The belief is they will bring jobs and sales tax. They really don't bring enough to pay for what they cost the city.

Wouldn't it be better for the local, state and federal gov'ts to keep their money and put it into things that are more useful. Say rebuilding our deteriated road system. There would be tons of employment in that alone.
Jan 24, 2009
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The stimulus was supposed to do that. Unfortunately a lot of state governments are spending it elsewhere. Here in Colorado we have quite a few road projects going on with signs proclaiming your stimulus dollars at work. Of course we are a blue state for this cycle anyway.

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