Punkins' world....SUNSHINE, seeds and no more drought!


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
I did some baking for Christmas gift giving - pecan cookie cups and mini banana nut bread loaves. I need to remember to lay out the pumpkin, zucchini and sweet potatoes from the freezer to make more breads.

I have got to start cooking more out of the freezer and pantry. Some times I go on food binges and stock up when I really don't need to.

My DH told me that he was going to leave me because I no longer supported him in his efforts and I am no good for him anymore. Since I have started all this baking and trying to make new stuff from scratch, he has gained 5 pounds. :gig

I started making my Christmas cards today. Since I have all those scrapbooking supples already, it saves me a ton of money. Plus, it gives me something to do when it's cold outside. I can only bake so much (see above)

DS is off to Georgia with his buddie and one buddie's parents. He won't be home until late tomorrow. He thinks he is going to make a living racing 4 wheelers. Yeah, right, get your head in school son.

And, I had a 13 egg day today :ya


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
You sound like me with all that baking. Except my DH said he is glad as he is pretty sure in the last 3 days he sweated off 8 pounds dragging 12 foot Christmas trees out of the fields :lol:


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
Yesterday was really not a good day. Ya know how sometimes it seems as if the world is on your shoulders? It was mine & DH's turn yesterday.


We found out from our accountant that we have to pay twice as much in taxes as we estimated. We own our own small business. DH sold some equipment that had been depreciated out. So, this year we were hit with capital gains taxes. Everytime we take 2 steps forward we get shoved back a step.


My neice and her husband are headed for divorce. Alot of "He said, did, didn't do" and "She said, did, didn't dos." Pure hatefulness and selfishness on both their parts. Now is the end of a marraige isn't bad enough, they have 3 kids, 13, 8 & 4. Dad has moved out, they are in bankruptcy, she blows whatever money is left. She is putting way to much pressure on the 13 yr old to clean house, do laundry, etc. That's mom's responsibility. My sister, her mother, found out that the kids have been wearing their underwear for a few days in a row. Their shoes were so tight that the 8 yr olds toenails were cracking. She bought new undies, socks and shoes for all and they don't have that kind of money. I'm going to help out all I can, FOR THE KIDS. Thrift stores, Goodwill, yardsales etc.


Cocoa, one of our dogs apparently was hit by a car. She was not using one of her hind legs at all. Took her to the vet and she needs surgery, actually 2 surgeries. Her hip needs to be put back in place and her "knee" is fractured. She walks around really good on the other 3 legs and doesn't seem to be in pain. She didn't even flinch while he was examining her. Anywho, the surgery, meds, boarding will be about $1,400. Can't really afford that and even if we could, I can't justify that much money in a dog. DH & I are going to talk to the vet again this morning and make up our minds. If we don't do the surgeries, she will eventually be in chronic pain. We are both so tenderhearted that it hurts us badly to think of putting an otherwise perfect dog down. We want to do what's best for her - not what will make us feel better.

So, anyway today will be a better day. Yesterday was such a downer that I'm trying to find joy in the smallest things to cheer me up. :)


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Oh punkin, I am so sorry you had a bad day. I am sorry your pup was hurt. I hope you are able to make a decision, and know that whatever the decision, we are here for you, too. :)

:hugs Hoping today is better.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
hey punkin

When it rains it pours doesn't it. Never just an easy drizzle. I hear ya! :)

poor pup....I couldn't do that money for the vet either. I would pick the best option and let the dog just live with the injuries. When the time is over, then it is over ya know. That is what I would do....of course ya'll must follow your own decisions. but I surely understand! always hard cause it boils down to money, I just hate that but it is the way :(

the divorce...ugh....grown adults revert back into idiot-hood. the kids suffer, but if you do help them, with some items and such...you are doing the best you can for them! sweet of you to look after them as the parents do the stupid idiot dance with each other.

YIKES on the tax money. Surprise, aren't taxes just wonderful. UGH--I know, one time that happened with my barn stuff. Sold a tractor etc. and it changed my numbers. I know how rotten that can be.

hang in there punkin....it will look better for you. It has too right? LOL...some days are just downers. Most are happy smiling days for us so that is a good thing! :)


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
:frow Thanks for the hugs and well wishes.

It was a better day today. This is the decision we made on Cocoa. Instead of 2 surgeries, 8-10 weeks of recouperation, painful therapy everyday and about $1,400, we decided to have the leg amputated. Still, alot of money (less than half), a whole lot less pain and about 5 days of recovery. To have let her live with that kind of injury would have been extremely painful and inhumane. And, since 3/4 of her is still in great condition, we couldn't just waste her. So we made the best decision for her as well as for us. We get to go see her tomorrow. She's going to stay there probably until Wednesday.

The taxes are still there and will be there so can't do anything about that. :mad:

My neice and her husband talked to lawyers today. Still a big ugly, hateful mess. After the visit with the vet, I cheered myself up by buying the kids some clothes.

Oh, I did have a Buff Orp. hen go broody today. Don't know what I'm gonna do about that yet...:hu


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
This morning I went to check on Cocoa at the vet. I was really surprised she was up and about. It really hurt my feeling to see her with her leg gone. I set with her in the kennel and cried for a little while. She was really whining but the Dr. said that was because of the meds she is on. Other than the whining she was OK. I know she wants to come home, though, but she's in the best place to keep the sutures from becomming infected. I left a couple of treats with her and made sure with the vet that her pain was controlled.

My neice's husband called this evening and said he was moving back in. The talk with the lawyer really made my neice realize what she was doing. I hope they continue their efforts to work it out.

After we cleaned the coops today, we moved my broody hen into a broody box. We will keep her in the coop at night and put her in the run during the day. I hope it doesn't take long to break her.

DS is mad at me because he can't race his 4 wheeler for a while. He is going to have to put more effort in his schoolwork first. It's tough putting your foot down, but education comes first. I just hope he will thank me some day. :rolleyes:


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
I am so sorry your little Cocoa had to be amputated, but I am so glad she is still with you.

Never had to break a broody before, so good luck with that!


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
So sorry about Cocoa, but she will be fine and dandy. It won't take her long at all and she will be running around.

Glad the neice and her husband are giving it a try. Hopefully they will lay all the idiot blame stuff aside and do so.

I have several comments I could make on the tax situation but its probably not appropiate for this forum. LOL I just love the IRS.
And even though that part won't go away sounds like things are starting to look a little better for you.


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