Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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We had to auction all of my great-grandmother's and great grandfather's stuff off because no one could agree on who would get what.

I don't know what to tell you....sneak over there and get what you want!!! ;)


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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lorihadams said:
We had to auction all of my great-grandmother's and great grandfather's stuff off because no one could agree on who would get what.

I don't know what to tell you....sneak over there and get what you want!!! ;)
Which is exactly what Ernie just said. He doesn't want me running over to the cabin, because it will take too much gas.

Tonight we plan to go over to the house and leave with that woodburning cookstove.

No, I'm not taking it. I will tell my mother I took it out of there, and if she wants it, I'll sneak it over to her. She's been saying she wants it, won't let it go for anything, and I'm not about to let some selfish pig get rid or auction off something that will break my mom's heart. My cousin has been harping for that stove for months, and my mom had said before she lets my cousin have it or my step dad sell it, I'd get it.

Before he left, Step dad said we better go over and get whatever we want out of the house or yard, because it's all being auctioned. He said the only thing off limits to us is the rug in the garage that he wants to put in the cabin. Other than that, he said anything we want in the garage, we better figure out how we are going to go get it.

Becca, wanna go to my mom's house and rifle through the garage with me?

I'm mostly upset over my entire album of senior pictures is now missing. :(


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Woke up this morning to TWO Welsummer babies under my broody BLRW! :celebrate

I read somewhere that Welsummers can be sexed at hatch by the markings on their heads. Pullets have a prominent "V" shape with the point of the "V" being on the top of their heads, cockerels do not have the "V" or if they do, it's not well marked like a pullets.

IF that's true (haven't really asked around to find out or tried with my own chicklets!) then I have a pullet and a cockerel hatched out there! :celebrate WITH THREE MORE PIPS!!!!!!!!!

Also have a 4th pip under my BLRW from one of the BLRW eggs!! :celebrate :fl please be a dark BLRW please be a dark BLRW! The BLRW eggs I have under her are from a black BLRW over blue and splash hens. I'm hoping the babies all hatch out black or blue so I'll be able to put more blue into my small flock of BLRW.

My Silkie hen also hatched another baby, and Monroe is definitely the daddy! While I don't believe the egg the silkie was on was Elizabeth's, the baby definitely has Cuckoo look all over it, and a small patch of gold on it's head next to his white spot, which is normally on Golden Cuckoo Cockerel's at hatch! It's a very cute chickie!

Both hens have more eggs under them, which are due to hatch today, so I'm hoping that by tomorrow I have a lot of new chickies.

Tried to wade through the garage at my parent's house last night. My step dad was there, so I asked him if he was OK with my sorting through the garage. He said he didn't care. Now I know why.

That garage is soooooo filled up with just stuff, stuff I'm not even sure they know they had, and stacked in such a haphazardly way, it's like a suicide mission! There's box after box after box filled with just stuff just tossed in, and if you move the WRONG box, you'll be buried in an avalance of other boxes. :hide

I found old papers and stuff from 1993!!!!!!! I've a hard time believing they need those papers. I found old ID cards of my mom's from the Department of Human Services.....she's not been on the system in about 16 years, and they don't even use ID cards anymore.

I also found Simon, from Alvin and the Chipmunks. His arm has been chewed off, his shirt is ripped in half, and he stinks to high heaven. Amazingly, his glasses are still on his face. My brothers and I had all three chipmunks. I had Alvin, since I was the oldest, my brother J had Simon, because he was the middle child, and my youngest brother had Theodore, because he was the youngest. I've no idea where Alvin or Theodore are, but given the condition Simon is, I bet they're pretty much junk. Sadly, if I tell my mom I found Simon, she's going to want to send him to my brother in Germany, "because he might want him." I highly doubt my brother will still want him, but my mom can't throw away anything, no matter how junked up it is, because of the "memories" or "sentiment" attached to it.

I hold some things as special because of the sentiment behind them, but honestly, if it gets messed up or ruined, I toss it.

I found publisher's clearing house mailings from 1993. Now where's the reasoning of holding onto THAT?! :hu

I would be happy to just clear out the garage for them, because I'd be able to get a lot further along than they would. But, my step dad said my mom wants to go through each and every box herself, to make sure there's nothing she wants or needs in there. :/ She hasn't been in that garage for 16 years!!!! I think if she's survived this long without that stuff, she doesn't need it! Problem with my mom sorting through it is it will take 6 weeks....because she will want to read each and every piece of paper, book, and keep things that shouldn't be kept.

The whole garage smells nasty and musty, and there were HUGE rat turds on the part of the floor we could actually see.

The woodburning cookstove is buried in a corner. I've no idea if we'll be able to get to it in the next couple days. My step dad said he's calling an auctioneer this morning. He thinks the auctioneer is going to sort through all that stuff for them.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Congratulations on the new chicks! :weee

The last estate auction I was at, only the large furniture, tools, and appliances brought any real money. I know there were boxes and boxes and boxes marked in the brochure as "miscellaneous papers" that sold for $2 and $4 a box. I didn't look at any of them (I got my own crap, thanks :D ), so not sure what they contained.

If the id cards have social security numbers on them, it would be best to shred them - no matter how old they are. I'm sure your step-dad could understand the serious problem of identity theft - all is needed is the soc sec number.

Again, Congratulations on the new chicks! Monroe is quite a handsome boy :D Are these your Welsummer eggs that hatched?


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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No, the Welsummer eggs came from AussieSharon on BYC. I'd had eggs from her earlier this year that I had tried to hatch in my 'bator...that was a total bust. I told her I had a broody and she worked out sending me 7 more eggs. Two have hatched, 1 had started to hatch and died, and there's 4 more left, with 3 of those pipped. :fl c'mon chickies!!

The BLRW eggs under her came from vicki2x2 on BYC, too.

Monroe's baby is a DOLL! I'll try to get pics for you.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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One cockerel, two pullets!!! :weee


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Yay! Sharon lives 5 minutes down the road from me and she is really a nice woman. We pulled up in her driveway one afternoon and my husband asked her if he could see her chicken coop!!! Then one of her goats and her new lamb practically attacked him for some attention! She just put up some new fencing for the goats and sheep and to give her chickens a break from the goats. We just bought some quail from her in August and they have finally started laying. She was very friendly to us that day and very accomodating considering we just randomly drove up and knocked on the door! :frow


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I really should quit peeking at my broody, but I'm so excited I can't help myself!

I have another Wellie trying to zip, another pipped, and the BLRW is still pipped, although it's made it's pip hole a bit bigger!

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