City Biddy
When I was a little kid I had a fever of over 107! I was hospitalized packed in ice to bring the fever down. I came out of even that ok... Although I sure could use it as an excuse sometimes! They think I was given a "bad" measles vaccine and now call what I had "Toxic Shock syndrome".
It is so very scary when little kids have a fever spike like that. I am glad you got him in to the hospital and on the antibiotics. In all probability those antibiotics should work great on him. I think people who don't use them all of the time usually have the best results.
I'll be praying for all of you.
That stress is hard on mom and dad too. 
It is so very scary when little kids have a fever spike like that. I am glad you got him in to the hospital and on the antibiotics. In all probability those antibiotics should work great on him. I think people who don't use them all of the time usually have the best results.
I'll be praying for all of you.