Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Now, time for the weekend report - it's RAINING again!

Friday morning I woke up at 5:30 am all pumped and ready to go to Mt. Hope.

I hurriedly dressed, put on coffee, tossed last minute child care instructions to my mom, and headed out the door to load coffee cans of feed into the car before loading critters.

and found the back passenger side tire flat????


No no no no no!! that just RUINS everything!! and more importantly, it jacked up my plans for that NIGHT!!

I charged back to the house and in near tears told E we couldn't go - do to a flat tire.

His response? "Are you serious?"

As a dead horse!

So he goes out to look, and says, yep, it's flat.

We're both a little disgruntled - I mean, we had spent the entire evening before potting up these:


We had 3 small buckets, and one large bucket. We also potted some of the strawberries into hanging baskets.


And we had potted up a couple old fashioned lilacs, a silver maple, and a white pine...all of which E had grown here on our property - he planted saplings and nursed them, and they were finally to where he wanted them to be for selling....

But, there was that cursed flat tire!

So I waited until about 7:30 am - and prayed BeccaOh was already awake because we don't like to wake up Non Morning people! Especially ones who are on vacation and enjoy their time to sleep in!!

Thankfully she was awake, and after a few minutes of phone conversation, it was decided we'd take both of BeccaOh's vehicles...whew!

We get that all worked out, and we were on our way. Late, but we got there! :D

But Friday wasn't that good of a sale day. We made back set up and part of our gas $, that was about it. E & I sold one strawberry basket - the big one - and 2 chicks.

We left Mt. Hope on Friday around 4 pm, because the other vendors kept telling us that it would pick up later...but it really didn't. Plus, I had an appointment to be at Rogers!

So, we left one car, tables, and a cage to save our set up space, and booked it out of there. Stopped at Becca's to unload the stuff we'd need for the next day, and then hurried E back to our house to relieve my mom.

Becca and E took a few minutes to load one of the lilac bushes into her blazer. We had not taken them to Mt. Hope that morning because there just wasn't room! Even with taking 2 cars. As it was, the other trees stayed home, too. So we were only taking 1 Lilac bush.

So we sped off for Rogers - because I was late meeting emilosevich. I was worried she'd think I wasn't coming!

If ya'll remember, she said in her journal that she might be running twin kids through the Rogers sale - well I shot her off a pm, and after a couple messages it was decided that I'd buy her little doeling - skipping the auction all together - because I really wanted a friend for Layla!

I had hoped to be at Rogers by 6 pm, but we got there by 7 instead. Thankfully, emilosevich is super nice and super patient, and my new little doeling was there in the office waiting for me!

emilosevich and I walked to the concession vendor first, who had the new baby's milk in a fridge. The lady was completely GROSSED OUT to be holding goats milk in a jar. :gig

I thought it was awesome that emilosevich provided a bit of Mama's milk for my new baby! She explained to me how to mix it with the milk replacer so as to gradually switch her over. So awesome of her!! And, my new baby already had her CDT shot! Which, I don't know if Layla did or not, so I'll have to do some looking into if I should go ahead and vaccinate Layla or not.

Now onto the mistake(s) we made!

So the original plan was to pick up my goat, and leave, right? WRONG!

Mistake Number 1: We decided to spend a few minutes to look around.

I saw 2 pens of Bantam Salmon Faverolles - reversed trios! but still, I had a lonely roo at home, and he needed a girl....I told BeccaOh I so wanted those!
Right above them, a family of Fawn and White Runners, that BeccaOh wanted!

Mistake Number 2: So we stayed, discussed what our top bids would be for each pen, and then BeccaOh went to make sure her car was locked while I sat in the auction arena - with my goat on my lap! :lol:

BeccaOh gets back, they're still selling rabbits (a flemish giant had just sold for $85!!! I was sooo in to the WRONG RABBITS!) and she says, "there's something outside I want!"

I said, "What?"

She says, "A fold up canopy that will be perfect for Mt. Hope tomorrow!"

Mistake Number 3: So I give her a copy of my number, and she's off to wait for them to get to it....and...

in the meantime they start auctioning off bantams....they get to Becca's runners, and I managed to outbid the one bidding againt me, and won them for a few dollars less than the high bid Becca was willing to pay. She was happy!

Then after a few more birds, they FINALLY get to my Favs! Yes, MY FAVS! I got them for way less than I thought they'd bring!!! I took both pens, figured I'd choose what I want for my stock, and since they NPIP test every chicken that comes in, they are Ok to be on my farm. YAY!!

Still, in quarantine for other things that NPIP doesn't cover!

So then I go out to tell Becca I got the birds we wanted, and emilosevich meets me halfway and says, "Oh, she just bought another crate!"

I thought that was great, because we had only brought ONE CRATE with us, and my goat was in it!

Well, I have to say our quick trip to Rogers wasn't quick - and nearly 2 and a half hours later we were finally leaving and on our way home - with a goat, chickens, ducks, new crate, the canopy Becca wanted, and some lumber! :gig

Now remember, I'd been up since 5:30 am, so I was closing in on 20 hours of being UP! Wowza, was I tired! But we were BOTH running on adrenaline at this point! We'd had SO MUCH FUN! and even managed to get all the things we'd had our eyes on!


Quick stop at my house to get the goat bottle and milk replacer that I had forgot, and then off to Becca's, Goat and All, for the night.

And, that's all for now...I have a lot to get done, so I'll have to finish this tale later..............


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Wow, sounds like you all had a busy day! Congrats on your little doeling.....and bantams!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I expected you to end your list w/and a partridge in a pear tree! :lol: Sounds like you had a good time.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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yes, there is MORE. That was all just on FRIDAY. I haven't told ya'll about Saturday yet! :lol:

Or even about today - wow! This is the first REAL chance I've had to slow down!

Before I tell you about Saturday at Mt. Hope, I have to tell you about a conversation that very nearly knocked me out on Friday at Rogers.

I don't know if ya'll know it, but last yeat at Mt. Hope I had managed to get 2 pairs of Coronation Split Sussex. Haven't really had time to build a better pen, but the one time I tried to separate them the neighbors feral cat came in and killed one of my hens! UGh

So Friday night we were talking to the resident poultry guys - they are bachelor brothers who are always at the auctions, both my local one here, Rogers, and Wednesdays at Mt. Hope.

The one brother looked at BeccaOh and said, "I saw some chickens last Wednesday you would have liked! I bet you don't even know what they are."

BeccaOh and I both asked, "What?"

and then he dropped the bomb.

"Pure Coronation Sussex! Two pairs!"

Becca pointed to me and said, "Oh that's her thing!" and I asked, "How much did they bring?"

Then he drops the BIGGER Bomb.

"$12.50 each."

:ep :th

I asked, "Did you get them?"

He said, "No, I didn't know what they were or much about them.."

To which I replied, "Those were at the very LEAST $50 chickens!! Pairs usually sell for $200!"

He kind of laughed and said, "Well, we know that now!"

He's promised to talk to the guy who bought them to see if he'll part with 1 rooster for me. To which his brother said, "As long as he hasn't eaten them..."

I literally very nearly passed out on that one! I know my eyes got as big as flying saucers as I exclaimed, "ate them?!"

And bless emilovich's heart! she said that they hadn't been able to reach her on her phone, or she could have told them I'd want them! Or at least told them to buy them!!

I told these fellas I'll be making them a list of what I "need" on the farm - because they find EVERYTHING and dirt cheap, too...but the one brother whom I know a bit better also knows I'm picky, so he'll be careful about what he chooses for me. :D

It's really awesome when you make good connections in the chicken world!

So then, back to Mt. Hope. We went back on Saturday. We left by 5:30 am, but I'd only had 4.5 hours of sleep, so I was really dragging.

No less than 6 people had asked about buying my new goatling - to which I said no.

All but 1 of my chicks sold, but I also got a couple deals, too.

I managed to get a guy to sell me 2 Bantam Salmon Faverolle pullets for $3 each! They have great color, and are young, but it helps to offset the cockerel population here, so if I get the proper pens built, I can set Bantam Salmons out in pairs. :D Keep track of breedings, too. (This is a breed I am interested in possibly showing at Nationals!)

The same guy had 2 young Blue Sumatras! They are about 2 months old, but so hard to sex at this age, so I really have to wait for them to grow out a bit more. I *think* it may be a pair, but we'll see. He wanted $3 each for them, too, but I just wasn't sure if I wanted them both...so he said, "you can have both for $5!" :ya

Then we found guinea eggs CHEAP.

And I traded 2 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte chicks for a 2 month old Splash Cochin Bantam with the most beautiful leg feathering!

The lady I had bought my Bantam Columbian Wyandottes and Bantam Mottled Cochins from stopped by our booth. We chatted for a bit, and I talked about how hard our winter had been, and that I'd lost all my Columbians and my Mottled roo. This was on Friday.

On Saturday, she brought me 3 Columbian Wyandotte eggs and GAVE THEM TO ME FREE! Later I was at her booth, and she GAVE ME the Mottled Cockerel of my choice FREE!!

Again, it's awesome when you make connections with people in the poultry world!!

We also visited with the "Goose Man" again this year, and I got 1 black Spanish turkey from him and 2 Blue slates. Young poults, but hopefully 1 boy and 2 girls!

Sales were good on Saturday, and the lilac bush was the fisrt thing to sell. I also sold my pair of white calls, all but 1 of my chicks (a spitzhauben chick who came home with me. Will hold onto her until the July swap). None of the strawberry plants sold on Saturday, but I did find homes for 2 of the puppies we had here (our dog had a litter of 7 and we rescued one). The rescued pup we called Trouble, because he was, and we were SO GLAD he found a home!

And I think that's about it! Should catch ya'll up to today....but I gotta get outside and work on some stuff, so today's events will have to wait for a later post! :D


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 11, 2010
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NE Ohio
So glad you did well on Saturday. You did awesome finding more matches for you salmons.
I didn't know you raised BLR wyandottes!! We have to talk about that later.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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emilosevich said:
So glad you did well on Saturday. You did awesome finding more matches for you salmons.
I didn't know you raised BLR wyandottes!! We have to talk about that later.
Yes, I do! I have 2 gals from Foley's lines. Then I have a pair that are a crossing of Foleys and Paul Bradshaws. Then, I have a pair from McMurray - and the only reason I kept them was because the roo had no gold in his feathering and the hen had excellent lacing.

I have a young cockerel growing out from my hatchlings who has awesome mahogany coloring and nice dark blue lacing on his breast feathers.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Quail_Antwerp said:
emilosevich said:
So glad you did well on Saturday. You did awesome finding more matches for you salmons.
I didn't know you raised BLR wyandottes!! We have to talk about that later.
Yes, I do! I have 2 gals from Foley's lines. Then I have a pair that are a crossing of Foleys and Paul Bradshaws. Then, I have a pair from McMurray - and the only reason I kept them was because the roo had no gold in his feathering and the hen had excellent lacing.

I have a young cockerel growing out from my hatchlings who has awesome mahogany coloring and nice dark blue lacing on his breast feathers.

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