Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
FarmerChick said:
justusnak said:
Wow, so excited for you to get that Fridge. I am sooo jealous!! Not really, but I DO wish one day to have a nice fridge...mine is OK, but it leaks inside..and I am constantly haveing to wipe up the shelves. Oh well, it cools, all I really need I guess, LOL
I am so excited for you all to have been blessed. You deserve it!!
Just ----one of my fridges in the garage does that every now and then. I found out it was icing in the freezer dept. So what I did was take everything out, leave off the whole day (putting stuff in a cooler when my food level was low) and defrosed it big time. Somehow ice built up in there and it gives that leaky into the fridge part. I had water also. So after I took a towel and wiped every nook, inch, crack, cranny of the freezer and started it all up again. And it stayed leak free for a long time, til one day, there it was again....so I did the same. Now it is a ritual with that stupid fridge.

maybe that will help??
Thanks FC, I might give that a try. The freezer doesn't seem to have ice in it...I read somewhere about a drain plug in the freezer might be clogged?? Darned if I can find it!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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~gd, we actually went out internet in the home for almost an entire year last year - almost my entire pregnancy even. I would pop in from the library about 1 time a month, and I was OK with that.

Not too long ago my laptop battery died. Needed a new one. I didn't want to pay the price to get a new battery, so I was OK with not getting online. E actually had arm to twist my arm (figuratively) to get me to agree to buy a new laptop. I do pop on through out the day, but I never sign out so just because my username may show I'm online, I may not actually be here.

The issue wasn't his playing the DS as much as it was he snuck it without permission, and stayed up all night to play - and hid it under his pillow when he got caught.

Aly may be a mush, but not that big of a mush. And I have his dad backing me up - that kid really is just getting clothes for Christmas.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
I agree with the sneaking and lying issue. We are big on telling the truth. Kids nowadays get away with too much and Aly is doing them a favor by punishing them and making them see that their actions have consequences. They won't appreciate it now but they'll be better for it later.

My kids only get to play games on the computer cause it is in the living room and they are under supervision at all times and I only let them on approved sites. I don't want them carrying a DS around 24-7 and ignoring everything around them. I want my kids to use their imaginations and be creative and video games don't allow for that. I like to let them do educational games, there are some really good ones out there and I am fine if it is kept to a minimum.

We have tried to scale back on xmas gifts now the last couple of years. It is just too much. We don't do a lot for them cause we know grandma is gonna go overboard and we have been lucky enough to get enough hand me downs that we really only need to buy a few essential clothing items here or there and we pass along our clothing to others if it is in good condition. Our kids know that we donate items to others and every year after christmas we go through all their stuff and decide what to keep and what to pass on. We buy them a few things we know they will enjoy or really want and otherwise they don't get much else.

I can't imagine having 6 kids to shop for....2 is plenty for me. :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Get your make and model Just and go online and find the 'owner manual' to it and locate that drain plug.

There is a reason, ya just gotta find it.

and sometimes that 'ice' isn't visible. it is more 'iced' in the cracks and somehow it affects it all.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Internet junkie. I raise my hand. I use it over TV and anything else indoors. Doesn't hold me from going outside and doing good outdoor fun.

but the internet is a world. (to be taken with a grain of salt obviously).

I like this world.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
we told DS last night that he can earn back the "fun" Christmas gifts if he proves over the next 2 weeks that he can be the good boy we know he is.

Today I'm trying to get caught up on housework and it just ain't happening. I got Squeakers to take a nap, and thought I'd haul in wood for the day plus tomorrow morning's kindling. Get that done, figure I'll start dishes. Baby boy was being whiney and fussy, so I stuffed an early lunch into him and managed (how I don't know) to get him to take a nap! Dash outside and quickly feed the chickens - back in to do dishes and just as the water is ready and dishes are in the water, Squeakers wakes up.

I fed her, changed her, burped her, and got her back to sleep (for like 2 minutes). Laid her down in her bassinet and trucked back out to the kitchen. Halfway through my sinkful of dishes she's awake and screaming.

So now, I've once again changed her, fed her, burped her, and played with her and she was acting sleepy but not giving in to it.

I was hoping to knock out all my cleaning this morning so I could wrap gifts this afternoon - and it ain't happening. :(


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Mojave Desert
Your details of trying to get the right people to sleep at the right time bring back such good (and not so long ago) memories for me. My youngest son has now been sleeping through the night for a full year now and I am LOVING it.

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