Lovin' The Homestead
Good to know...it makes me feel less weak 

Thanks FC, I might give that a try. The freezer doesn't seem to have ice in it...I read somewhere about a drain plug in the freezer might be clogged?? Darned if I can find it!FarmerChick said:Just ----one of my fridges in the garage does that every now and then. I found out it was icing in the freezer dept. So what I did was take everything out, leave off the whole day (putting stuff in a cooler when my food level was low) and defrosed it big time. Somehow ice built up in there and it gives that leaky into the fridge part. I had water also. So after I took a towel and wiped every nook, inch, crack, cranny of the freezer and started it all up again. And it stayed leak free for a long time, til one day, there it was again....so I did the same. Now it is a ritual with that stupid fridge.justusnak said:Wow, so excited for you to get that Fridge. I am sooo jealous!! Not really, but I DO wish one day to have a nice fridge...mine is OK, but it leaks inside..and I am constantly haveing to wipe up the shelves. Oh well, it cools, all I really need I guess, LOL
I am so excited for you all to have been blessed. You deserve it!!
maybe that will help??