Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Well, the RIR chicks didn't arrive this morning. I called the hatchery and they said they should be in tomorrow. I sure hope so. I'd hate it if there's 300 dead chicks arriving tomorrow.

Chase managed to develop the scours. Last night he didn't want his bottle of milk. I was pretty upset and refused to think on it. We managed to find a farm vet locally. We told him what was going on and what we were treating him with. He asked us how many scours pills were we giving him and we explained 1 and a half according to what his weight is (er what we guess he weighs). He's had watery stools for two days, and yesterday was just NOT getting up and walking/skipping like he normally does in the afternoon. And he only drank half his bottle last night.

BUT he did nibble on the grain and hay and drank a lot of water last night.

This morning, he was happy and frockling and seemingly anxious for his morning bottle. He drank the whole thing right down. I was so relieved. We drove on up to the vet's house and picked up the meds he recommended we give Chase for the next 4 days. He wants us to give the new meds plus the scours meds.

Then tonight when we took him his medicine and his night time bottle he was skipping around the pen. Oh happy day! He took his meds no problem and then sucked down the entire bottle. Then he went right on down to the grain bin and chowed down with Boss on the grain DH had put in. We take lukewarm water out frequently and he drank a good bit of that today, too. :love

I took six of the free silkie hens to the auction today. Have no idea what they sold for. I told them to mail me the check. Then as we were leaving this man was walking around with two puppies and he tried to give me one....I refused and I was strong and I ignored those adorable puppy faces and I walked away!!! :clap

My eggs from Alaska are on day 13 and I have eggs of my own on day 11 and BBS Orp eggs from Tuffoldhen on day 11. More eggs coming this week from Gatekeeper and then I'll have more Welsummer eggs from AussieSharon in March. I'll have a flock of Wellies yet!!

I sent the mutt chicks I had hatched out home to my mom. She was here today, thought they were absolutely adorable, and since they hatched from eggs from her flock, I gave them to her. She didn't want to take them at first, because she knew I had plans to sell them, but we insisted. She left here tickled. Course, I kept the two black ones that I think are Australorp crosses. I told her those two are my favorites and I would like to keep them long enough to see if they are hens or what. Roos go to the Auction.

I also let my mom choose a few of the Silkie hens for herself that were still here. She chose a buff, one splash, and a shiny black hen. I still have them here and told her I would hold on to them for her until she gets their pen done. She has about 3-4 silkie roos, and only one girl, so I felt she needed some more girls for those boys. Tomorrow I have a lady coming to trade 3 bunnies for 3 silkies, and I told my mom whichever hens are left after the lady makes her choices, I'll give to her.

Elroy tried to show Dh who was boss today. It scared me for a minute because I thought for sure Elroy was going to pin DH and hurt him. Elroy gets pretty mad when he doesn't get his way. DH, don't know how, but he got Elroy to back down. I told Elroy he should be ashamed of his behavior and if he kept it up, he'd be Easter dinner. :gig


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
My aunt had a mare that developed a very dangerous habit of reaching out of her stall and trying to savage who ever was walking past. Now this was a mare that spent over half of her day on pasture and the other half munching on hay, so she was not bored just mean. :(

Auntie came up with a lovely solution - she attached her dog's training shock collar on the mare just under her throat for a couple of days, turning it on when she led her into the stall and of course it was off when the halter was off in the pasture. A "trigger man" would hide in the hay stack and then after everything was settled down a bit someone would walk by the stall. If the mare would attack - ZAP. It only took two or three days and that dangerous mare was done. She stopped the dangerous behavior and never did it again.

If Elroy continues being dangerous you might give this solution a try ... before making that Easter dinner. :D


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I, too, am quite fond of Elroy....maybe his head is just getting too big for all this praise! I was wondering what you were going to do with 300 chicks too but now it is all clear. You are really moving along on your farm, girl. Someday maybe I'll have all that too! Right now I'm living vicariously through your posts and pics!!! :D


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I am never ordering 300 chicks again!!!!!

It's so LOUD with 300 peeps PEEPING that I can't hear myself think! LOL

Sold both pygmy goats today. :D Pretty pleased with myself on that one.

Traded 5 Silkies for Rabbits today. :D I'm happy about that one, too!

This afternoon, I'm running 100 RIR's down to the feedstore. There are people waiting for them already!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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QA, except for all the noise it sounds like you are having a great day! I hope you sell all of your chicks!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Oh my word...I can't imagine all that peeping! We had 2 chicks when I was little and it was loud then, I can't fathom 300! I sure hope you get all those little critters sold soon and you can have some peace and quiet....well, as much peace and quiet as you can have with a goat, 2 calves, rabbits, chickens, ducks, 5 children and a stubborn husband around! :lol:


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Well, I went down to the feedstore, but didn't sell any chicks today. I brought home two new heat lamps as I had to set up more brooders than I had. Oops. Not enough brooder space for 300 chicks. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately we've lost about a dozen chicks. Thankfully they had sent extras, so I think it's still OK.

I told the feedstore owners I will be down tomorrow with some of the RIR's. I am hoping I can move some out quick tomorrow. We'll see though.

Mom's on her way over. Wondering how many I can convince her to buy while she's here :gig


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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You didn't sell any?? That would be very stressful for me to have to bring them all back home! I thought the feedstore and you had several people lined up that wanted to buy them.

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