Question about Black Beans


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
"240" :lol: :lol: "crazy as a pet coon" ?? Now waite one minute...we had a pet coon when I was growin up...and he was not crazy...well...waite a minute, yes he was! I will never forget one weekend, we went to grandma's and left "shorty" the coon in the house over the weekend.He had plenty food and water...and my step dad, who was NOT a country boy, ( he was from NYC) was so worried about " poor shorty" We left grandma's early just so we could get back to "poor shorty" Well, imagine...coming in the house, after being gone ALL weekend, with a "pet coon" locked inside...alone. :/ "Poor shorty" found the flour container...and yes, there were little footie prints from one end of the house to the other..I thought my dad was going to have a coniption fit!! :gig All I can say is..."poor shorty" turned into " that DANGED COON" ( not what he said, but you get the gist of it) :gig Then my brother went to his room, to feed his pet turtle. :barnie "poor shorty" found the turtle while we were gone....and mr turtle ended up with no head!!:th Yup, crazy coon!! :lol:


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
"Crazy as a pet coon" was just one of her sayings.

"If I told you once I've told you forty-eleven times" was another biggie as was calling the person that had just wronged her in some way - "You on-rey old heifer!!!" Which has ended up as my husband's pet name for ME!! :ep

She was a truly interesting old gal. She could cook WONDERFULLY and made great meals out of seemingly nothing at all. :drool She was my first lessons and inspiration when it came to soap making and food preservation. She grew the most beautiful roses. She was a short wide little woman that would bend over at the hips and walk around scrubbing the floor with her widest part at top! For years I told people my grandma was around 3 feet tall! :lol: She would rock me and sing if I was feeling bad ... and she had the most OFF key voice I have ever heard. It was so bad I used to BEG her to sing to me! :gig If there was a storm outside - she had to be out in the middle of it! I went on more car rides in a blizzard, spent all thunderstorms on the front porch in a blanket and even saw my first tornado when she drug me out of the basement to "get a good look at the funnel cloud!" I miss her lots!!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
By the way I had a pet coon as well! Her name was Randi and she was pretty weird as well. She used to feed the dog her dog kibble - by hand - and then scratch him behind the ears. Also when we tried to give her some minnows to eat, she was terrified of the live fish!!:D