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We are making one for the meat birds. Would this setup work with turkeys?Slinkytoys said:Google "Chicken Tractor"
We are making one for the meat birds. Would this setup work with turkeys?Slinkytoys said:Google "Chicken Tractor"
What is that, "deer netting"?mrscoyote said:deer netting
It is a very light weight net [like fish net] a deer is fairly big and strong but smaller than your red deer. It works mostly because it is hard for a deer to see it and they don't like the feel of walking or running into it. The big idea is to keep the deer out of your garden. In many suburbs they act as big garden pests since they eat so much plants.Neiklot said:What is that, "deer netting"?mrscoyote said:deer netting
It does not work on Elk (similar to the Red Deer). We have the huge Roosevelt Elk here, 1000 pound + animals. My netting worked great keeping the Black Tail deer out of my garden all summer. The elk herd came through again this fall and just ran through the netting multiple times. My GSD decided to get suicidal one night and chase them off. They haven't been back since.~gd said:It is a very light weight net [like fish net] a deer is fairly big and strong but smaller than your red deer. It works mostly because it is hard for a deer to see it and they don't like the feel of walking or running into it. The big idea is to keep the deer out of your garden. In many suburbs they act as big garden pests since they eat so much plants.Neiklot said:What is that, "deer netting"?mrscoyote said:deer netting
Hatchery "americana/araucana" are not Ameraucanas. Have to get those from a private breeder. One of the big hatcheries is saying they are going to carry real ameraucana this year, but the rooster they showed for the blue ameraucana didn't even look like an EE. Green legs, no beard or muffs, and it had wattles.ninny said:Here is another question What are the thoughts on these breeds? I decided to go with something different this year.
Easter Egg Chicken (Ameraucanas) (I get two of these each year but never any blue/green eggs so am thinking about getting more at once this time)
Cuckoo Marans
Salmon Faverolle
Speckled Sussex
Golden Laced Wyandotte
Single Comb Standard Rhode Island White
I need a friendly, year round layer that will forage for a large part of their food. How is the roosters temperaments? I am going to try and order from cackle this year.